Generates models, unit tests and migrations for a domain by parsing an XML file. Designed to be used at the beginning of a new project where you have a piece of your domain defined (maybe derived from a set of mockups), it saves you the trouble of re-defining tables. The XML file is generated using visual database modeling software or ERP software. Right now only SQL Editor [] is supported. By default it will generate models, unit tests and migrations for all tables, but you can pass in specific table name(s) to override this. When generating models, it will also create the method calls to generate the model joins. Currently, only 'has_many' and 'belongs_to' are supported. It will also create presence validators for any fields that are marked as required and uniqueness validators for any fields that are marked as unique. If comments are given for the table, they will be inserted as RDOC comments before the model class definition. The generated unit tests rely on Shoulda and assume that it has been installed. They will also create tests for any presence or uniqueness validations. The generated migrations are the same as the standard migration generator, but also support default values and string limits defined for the fields. Indexes are also generated.