- Pro
is-iterm Public
Helper to check if the current terminal is iTerm
is-ico Public
Check if a Buffer/Uint8Array is an icon file
is-hex-digit Public
Check if something is a hexidecimal digit
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 9, 2015 -
is-flv Public
Check if a Buffer/Uint8Array is an FLV video
is-client-error Public
Check if a number is a HTTP Client Error code
is-avi Public
Check if a buffer/Uint8Array is an AVI file
is-alphanumeric Public
Check if a string only contains alphanumeric characters
gulp-strip-shebang Public
Gulp plugin to strip shebangs
gulp-newline-br Public
Gulp plugin to replace newlines with html `<br>` tags
grunt-newline-br Public
Prepend a <br> tag before newlines
get-unit Public
Easy way to check what the unit of a passed quantity is
fahrenheit-to-celsius Public
Convert fahrenheit to celsius
booleanify Public
Convert a value to a boolean - recognizes 'true' and 'false' strings
associate-arrays Public
Use an array of keys and an array of values to create an object
assert-has-keys Public
Assert that an object has specified properties
add-ellipsis Public
Cut off a string to a specified length and add an ellipsis
repo-exists-cli Public
CLI to check if a GitHub repo exists
travis-status-element Public
Custom element for Travis CI status badges
grunt-strip-shebang Public
Grunt plugin to remove the shebang from your files
obj-type Public
Forked from gillstrom/obj-typeReturns any kind of object's type.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 3, 2015 -
is-reachable Public
Forked from sindresorhus/is-reachableCheck if servers are reachable
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2015 -
paper-dropdown-menu Public
Forked from PolymerElements/paper-dropdown-menuA Material Design browser select element
HTML UpdatedAug 22, 2015 -