- Copenhagen
- andreas.github.io
- @cuvius
MailDev Public
Forked from maildev/maildev📫 SMTP Server + Web Interface for viewing and testing emails during development.
JavaScript Other UpdatedJun 17, 2019 -
irmin-tutorial Public
Forked from tcoopman/irmin-tutorialTutorials for getting started with Irmin
JavaScript UpdatedJun 9, 2019 -
reason-apollo Public
Forked from apollographql/reason-apolloReason binding for Apollo Client and React Apollo
OCaml MIT License UpdatedApr 18, 2019 -
dbdot Public
Forked from akarki15/dbdotGenerate DOT description for postgres db schema
Go MIT License UpdatedApr 12, 2019 -
ppx_deriving_crowbar Public
Forked from yomimono/ppx_deriving_crowbara ppx_deriving plugin for crowbar generators
OCaml MIT License UpdatedMar 17, 2019 -
ppx_import Public
Forked from ocaml-ppx/ppx_importLess redundancy in type declarations and signatures
OCaml MIT License UpdatedMar 13, 2019 -
crowbar Public
Forked from stedolan/crowbarProperty fuzzing for OCaml
OCaml MIT License UpdatedMar 9, 2019 -
ocaml-cohttp Public
Forked from mirage/ocaml-cohttpAn OCaml library for HTTP clients and servers using Lwt or Async
OCaml Other UpdatedNov 21, 2018 -
lwt Public
Forked from ocsigen/lwtOCaml promises and concurrent I/O.
OCaml MIT License UpdatedNov 19, 2018 -
go-nsq Public
Forked from nsqio/go-nsqthe official Go package for NSQ
Go MIT License UpdatedNov 3, 2018 -
diplomat Public
Forked from WeAreFarmGeek/diplomatA HTTP Ruby API for Consul
Ruby BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedSep 6, 2018 -
ppx_blob Public
Forked from johnwhitington/ppx_blobOCaml ppx to include binary data from a file as a string
OCaml Other UpdatedJan 24, 2018 -
ocaml-git Public
Forked from mirage/ocaml-gitPure OCaml Git format and protocol
OCaml ISC License UpdatedDec 3, 2017 -
graphql Public
Forked from graphql-go/graphqlAn implementation of GraphQL for Go / Golang
Go MIT License UpdatedNov 25, 2017 -
testify Public
Forked from stretchr/testifyA sacred extension to the standard go testing package
Go Other UpdatedAug 26, 2017 -
circuitbreaker Public
Forked from rubyist/circuitbreakerCircuit Breakers in Go
angstrom Public
Forked from inhabitedtype/angstromParser combinators built for speed and memory efficiency
OCaml Other UpdatedJan 25, 2017 -
ocaml-mariadb Public
Forked from ocaml-community/ocaml-mariadbOCaml bindings to MariaDB's libmysqlclient supporting the nonblocking API
OCaml UpdatedDec 20, 2016 -
mirage-swim Public
Membership protocol for Mirage unikernel clusters based on SWIM
gocassa Public
Forked from gocassa/gocassaA high level Cassandra library in Go, on top of gocql
Go MIT License UpdatedNov 24, 2015 -
async_unix Public
Forked from janestreet/async_unixJane Street Capital's asynchronous execution library (unix)
OCaml Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 20, 2015 -
mirage-vnetif Public
Forked from mirage/mirage-vnetifVirtual network interface and software bridge for Mirage
OCaml ISC License UpdatedJul 9, 2015 -