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File metadata and controls

2364 lines (1982 loc) · 90.7 KB
;; Access to and use of these products is governed by the GNU General Public
;; License <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>.
;; By using these products, you agree to be bound by the terms
;; of the GPL.
;; We ask that people using or referencing this work cite our primary paper:
;; Niles, I., and Pease, A. 2001. Towards a Standard Upper Ontology. In
;; Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Formal Ontology in
;; Information Systems (FOIS-2001), Chris Welty and Barry Smith, eds,
;; Ogunquit, Maine, October 17-19, 2001. See also http://www.ontologyportal.org
(instance productModel AsymmetricRelation)
(subrelation productModel represents)
(domain productModel 1 SymbolicString)
(domainSubclass productModel 2 Product)
(documentation productModel EnglishLanguage "(productModel ?Model ?Product) means that
?Model represents the type of the Product ?Product")
(subclass ComputationalSystem Product)
(documentation ComputationalSystem EnglishLanguage "Instances of &%ComputationalSystems
include instances of &%SoftwareSystems, &%HardwareSystems, and
(subclass Computer ElectricDevice)
(documentation Computer EnglishLanguage "A general_purpose machine that processes
data according to a set of instructions that are stored internally
either temporarily or permanently.")
(subclass ComputerNetwork ComputationalSystem)
(documentation ComputerNetwork EnglishLanguage "The network includes the network
operating system in the client and server machines, the cables
connecting them and all supporting hardware in between such as
bridges, routers and switches.")
(subclass LAN ComputerNetwork)
(disjointDecomposition LAN BusNetwork StarNetwork RingNetwork)
(documentation LAN EnglishLanguage "A computer network that spans a relatively small
area. Most LANs are confined to a single building or group of buildings.
However, one LAN can be connected to other LANs over any distance via
telephone lines and radio waves.")
(subclass BusNetwork LAN)
(documentation BusNetwork EnglishLanguage "A network in which all nodes are connected
to a single wire (the bus) that has two endpoints. Ethernet 10Base-2
and 10Base-5 networks, for example, are bus networks. Other common
network types include &%StarNetworks and &%RingNetworks.")
(subclass StarNetwork LAN)
(documentation StarNetwork EnglishLanguage "A local_area network (LAN) that uses a star
topology in which all nodes are connected to a central computer.")
(subclass RingNetwork LAN)
(documentation RingNetwork EnglishLanguage "A local_area network (LAN) whose topology is a ring.
That is, all of the nodes are connected in a closed loop. Messages
travel around the ring, with each node reading those messages addressed
to it.")
(subclass ComputerHardware Product)
(documentation ComputerHardware EnglishLanguage "The hardware is the physical part of
a computer system.")
(instance ?Hardware ComputerHardware)
(exists (?Computer)
(instance ?Computer Computer)
(component ?Hardware ?Computer))))
(subclass ComputerMemory ComputerComponent)
(documentation ComputerMemory EnglishLanguage "The computer's workspace
(physically, a collection of RAM chips). It is an important resource,
since it determines the size and number of programs that can be run at
the same time, as well as the amount of data that can be processed instantly.")
(subclass HardDiskDrive ComputerComponent)
(subclass HardDiskDrive DigitalDataStorageDevice)
(documentation HardDiskDrive EnglishLanguage "The primary computer storage medium, which
is made of one or more aluminum or glass platters, coated with a
ferromagnetic material. Most hard disks are fixed disks, which are
permanently sealed in the drive.")
(subclass CPU ComputerComponent)
(documentation CPU EnglishLanguage "CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the computing part
of the computer.")
(instance ?CPU CPU)
(unitMeasuringPerformance ?CPU InstructionsPerSecond))
(subclass DataTransfer ComputerProcess)
(documentation DataTransfer EnglishLanguage "A subclass of &%ComputerProcesses which
send data over a computer channel or bus.")
(instance ?Transfer DataTransfer)
(exists (?Origin ?Destination ?System ?Data)
(origin ?Transfer ?Origin)
(destination ?Transfer ?Destination)
(instrument ?Transfer ?System)
(patient ?Transfer ?Data)
(instance ?Data DigitalData)
(instance ?System HardwareSystem)
(instance ?Origin HardwareSystem)
(instance ?Destination ComputationalSystem))))
(subclass DeletingData ComputerProcess)
(documentation DeletingData EnglishLanguage "A &%ComputerProcess that makes some &%DigitalData unusable for any other &%ComputerProcess.")
(instance ?X DeletingData)
(exists (?DATA)
(instance ?DATA DigitalData)
(patient ?X ?DATA)))
(exists (?PROC ?CLASS)
(instance ?PROC ComputerProcess)
(instance ?PROC ?CLASS)
(instance ?PROC RestoringData))
(WhenFn ?X))
(capability ?CLASS patient ?DATA)))))))
(subclass RestoringData ComputerProcess)
(documentation RestoringData EnglishLanguage "A &%ComputerProcess that makes &%DigitalData that has been deleted, again accessible for other &%ComputerProcess")
(instance ?X RestoringData)
(exists (?DEL ?PROC ?DATA ?CLASS)
(instance ?DEL DeletingData)
(instance ?DATA DigitalData)
(patient ?X ?DATA)
(patient ?DEL ?DATA)
(WhenFn ?DEL)
(WhenFn ?X))
(instance ?PROC ComputerProcess)
(instance ?PROC ?CLASS)
(WhenFn ?X))
(capability ?CLASS patient ?DATA)))))
(subclass ComputerProcess InternalChange)
(documentation ComputerProcess EnglishLanguage "An instance of &%ComputerProcess is a
process which manipulates data in the computer.")
(instance ?Process ComputerProcess)
(exists (?Computer ?Program)
(instance ?Computer Computer)
(computerRunning ?Process ?Computer)
(instance ?Program ComputerProgram)
(programRunning ?Process ?Program))))
(programRunning ?Process ?Program)
(exists (?Computer)
(runningOn ?Program ?Computer)))
(subclass ComputerFile DigitalData)
(documentation ComputerFile EnglishLanguage "A collection of bytes stored as an
individual entity. All data on disk is stored as a file with an
assigned file name that is unique within the folder (directory)
it resides in.")
(subclass ComputerDirectory ComputerFile)
(documentation ComputerDirectory EnglishLanguage "This is the class of catalogs that
identify and locate instances of &%ComputerFiles. The catalog's entries
consist of at least &%ComputerFile names and a physical address on a memory
device of the &%ComputerFile or an index (e.g., file descriptor) into a
table of &%ComputerFile physical addresses. &%ComputerDirectories are thus
collections of data elements and must be named and stored on memory devices,
hence, &%ComputerDirectory is a subset of &%ComputerFile.")
(instance runningOn BinaryPredicate)
(domain runningOn 1 ComputerProgram)
(domain runningOn 2 Computer)
(documentation runningOn EnglishLanguage "(runningOn ?Program ?Computer) holds if the
&%ComputerProgram ?Program is being executed on ?Computer.")
(runningOn ?Program ?Computer)
(exists (?Process)
(programRunning ?Process ?Program)
(computerRunning ?Process ?Computer))))
(subrelation computerRunning instrument)
(instance computerRunning BinaryPredicate)
(instance computerRunning CaseRole)
(domain computerRunning 1 ComputerProcess)
(domain computerRunning 2 Computer)
(documentation computerRunning EnglishLanguage "(&%computerRunning ?Process ?Computer)
means that the ComputerProcess ?Process is running on ?Computer.")
(instance programRunning BinaryPredicate)
(domain programRunning 1 ComputerProcess)
(domain programRunning 2 ComputerProgram)
(documentation programRunning EnglishLanguage "(&%programRunning ?Process ?Program)
means that the &%ComputerProcess ?Process is executing the
&%ComputerProgram ?Program.")
(instance directoryOf BinaryPredicate)
(domain directoryOf 1 ComputerFile)
(domain directoryOf 2 ComputerDirectory)
(subclass PhysicalAddress SymbolicString)
(documentation PhysicalAddress EnglishLanguage "The collection of all addresses which
identify a location of a &%ComputerFile.")
(instance AddressFn UnaryFunction)
(domain AddressFn 1 ComputerFile)
(range AddressFn PhysicalAddress)
(documentation AddressFn EnglishLanguage "(&%AddressFn ?FILE) returns as its value the
physical address of the &%ComputerFile ?FILE.")
;; "ComputerDirectories contain information about the physical addresses
;; of ComputerFiles which are listed in these directories" .
(instance ?Directory ComputerDirectory)
(instance ?File ComputerFile)
(directoryOf ?File ?Directory))
(refers (AddressFn ?File) ?Directory))
(instance BitsPerSecond CompositeUnitOfMeasure)
(documentation BitsPerSecond EnglishLanguage "The measurement of the speed of data
transfer in a communications system.")
(equal ?MEASURE (MeasureFn ?NUMBER BitsPerSecond))
(instance ?MEASURE TimeDependentQuantity))
(instance PacketsPerSecond CompositeUnitOfMeasure)
(documentation PacketsPerSecond EnglishLanguage "The rate or speed of &%Packet_Networks
transferred in a second.")
(equal ?MEASURE (MeasureFn ?NUMBER PacketsPerSecond))
(instance ?MEASURE TimeDependentQuantity))
(instance InstructionsPerSecond CompositeUnitOfMeasure)
(documentation InstructionsPerSecond EnglishLanguage "The measure of the processing
speed of a &%Computer's &%CPU.")
(equal ?MEASURE (MeasureFn ?NUMBER InstructionsPerSecond))
(instance ?MEASURE TimeDependentQuantity))
(subclass Packet DigitalData)
(documentation Packet EnglishLanguage "A block of &%DigitalData used for transmission in packet
switched systems.")
;; The following constants are specific to the Quite project
(subclass SoftwareSystem ComputerProgram)
(documentation SoftwareSystem EnglishLanguage "This is the class of mutually supportive
groups of instances of &%ComputerProgram for a single general purpose.
For example, a database management system is a collection of many instances
of &%ComputerProgram that work together to store, retrieve, modify, and
delete data.")
;; "A software system is a group of computer programs for a single
;; general purpose" .
(instance ?System SoftwareSystem)
(forall (?Program ?Process)
(part ?Program ?System)
(programRunning ?Process ?Program))
(exists (?Purpose)
(hasPurpose ?Process ?Purpose)))))
(subclass HardwareSystem ComputerHardware)
(subclass HardwareSystem ComputationalSystem)
(documentation HardwareSystem EnglishLanguage "The class of hardware systems is the
connection of three types of physical modules: instances of
&%ComputerProcessor(s), &%ComputerMemory, and &%ComputerNetwork.
&%ComputerProcessors execute instructions from &%ComputerPrograms,
which usually include instructions to read and write data from
memory, and send data via instances of &%ComputerNetworks.")
;; "A software system requires a hardware system to execute" .
(instance ?Software SoftwareSystem)
(instance ?Process ComputerProcess)
(programRunning ?Process ?Software))
(exists (?Hardware)
(instance ?Hardware HardwareSystem)
(computerRunning ?Process ?Hardware))))
;; "A hardware system consists of three physical modules: processors,
;; memory, and networks" .
(instance ?System HardwareSystem)
(exists (?Processor ?Memory ?Network)
(instance ?Processor CPU)
(component ?System ?Processor)
(instance ?Memory ComputerMemory)
(component ?System ?Memory)
(instance ?Network ComputerNetwork)
(component ?System ?Network))))
;; "When the data is sent from HardwareSystems, it is send via
;; ComputerNetworks" .
(instance ?System HardwareSystem)
(component ?Network ?System)
(instance ?Event DataTransfer)
(origin ?Event ?System))
(instance ?Network ComputerNetwork)
(instrument ?Event ?Network)))
(instance runsOn BinaryPredicate)
(instance runsOn AsymmetricRelation)
(domain runsOn 1 ComputerProgram)
(domain runsOn 2 Computer)
(documentation runsOn EnglishLanguage "(runsOn ?Program ?Computer) means that ?Program
is capable of running on ?Computer with its current configuration of installed software.")
(programRunning ?Process ?Program)
(computerRunning ?Process ?Computer))
(runsOn ?Program ?Computer))
(instance canRunOn BinaryPredicate)
(instance canRunOn AsymmetricRelation)
(domainSubclass canRunOn 1 ComputerProgram)
(domainSubclass canRunOn 2 Computer)
(documentation canRunOn EnglishLanguage "A weaker relation than &%runOn that
says merely that a properly configured computer should be able to run the
given software.")
(programRunning ?Process ?Program)
(instance ?Program ?PC)
(instance ?Computer ?CC)
(computerRunning ?Process ?Computer))
(canRunOn ?PC ?CC))
(subclass StartupBlock ComputerProgram)
(documentation StartupBlock EnglishLanguage "A typically small instance of &%ComputerProgram
(a sequence of instructions that will run on a computer) whose function is
to load and initialize a typically larger instance of &%ComputerProgram
and start it running.")
(instance startupOf BinaryPredicate)
(domain startupOf 1 StartupBlock)
(domain startupOf 2 ComputerProgram)
(documentation startupOf EnglishLanguage "(&%startupOf ?STARTUP ?PROGRAM) holds just in
case an instance of &%StartupBlock ?STARTUP specifies a set of instructions
to start the ?PROGRAM.")
;; "Each StartupBlock is a startup of some program" .
(instance ?Startup StartupBlock)
(exists (?Application)
(startupOf ?Startup ?Application)))
;; "The startupBlock of an application starts the application" .
(startupOf ?Startup ?Application)
(instance ?Process1 ComputerProcess)
(programRunning ?Process1 ?Startup)
(equal (WhenFn ?Process1) ?Time1))
(exists (?Process2 ?Time2)
(instance ?Process2 ComputerProcess)
(programRunning ?Process2 ?Application)
(equal (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
(meetsTemporally ?Time1 ?Time2))))
(instance StartupFn UnaryFunction)
(domain StartupFn 1 ComputerProgram)
(range StartupFn StartupBlock)
(documentation StartupFn EnglishLanguage "(&%StartupFn ?Program) returns an instance of
&%StartupBlock which contains the instructions to start the ?Program.")
(subclass ShutdownBlock ComputerProgram)
(documentation ShutdownBlock EnglishLanguage "A typically small instance of
&%ComputerProgram whose function is to end a typically larger
instance of &%ComputerProgram.")
(instance shutdownOf BinaryPredicate)
(domain shutdownOf 1 ShutdownBlock)
(domain shutdownOf 2 ComputerProgram)
(documentation shutdownOf EnglishLanguage "(&%shutdownOf ?SHUTDOWN ?PROGRAM) holds just
in case an instance of &%ShutdownBlock ?SHUTDOWN specifies a set of
instructions to end ?PROGRAM.")
;; "ShutdownBlock is a shutdown of an application"
(instance ?Shutdown ShutdownBlock)
(exists (?Application)
(shutdownOf ?Shutdown ?Application)))
;; "ShutdownBlock of an application ends the running version of the application"
(shutdownOf ?Shutdown ?Application)
(instance ?Process1 ComputerProcess)
(programRunning ?Process1 ?Shutdown)
(equal (WhenFn ?Process1) ?Time1))
(exists (?Process2 ?Time2)
(instance ?Process2 ComputerProcess)
(programRunning ?Process2 ?Application)
(equal (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
(meetsTemporally ?Time2 ?Time1))))
(instance ShutdownFn UnaryFunction)
(domain ShutdownFn 1 ComputerProgram)
(range ShutdownFn ShutdownBlock)
(documentation ShutdownFn EnglishLanguage "(&%ShutdownFn ?Program) returns an instance of
&%ShutdownBlock which contains the instructions to end ?PROGRAM.")
(subclass EnvironmentSoftwareAttribute RelationalAttribute)
(documentation EnvironmentSoftwareAttribute EnglishLanguage "The class of attributes which
correspond to environment variables. Environment variables are defined
outside of a &%ComputerProgram, unlike ordinary variables that are
defined in the source code of the &%ComputerProgram. Typically, the
environment variable stores some value that many if not all
&%ComputerProgams will need when they execute. An example is the
environment variable PATH under Unix_like operating systems that stores
the &%ComputerDirectories where executable &%ComputerPrograms can be found.
Another example is the environment variable CLASSPATH for Java programs,
which stores the directory where Java class files can be found that will be
needed by any &%ComputerProgram written in Java.")
(subrelation environmentAttributes property)
(instance environmentAttributes BinaryPredicate)
(domain environmentAttributes 1 ComputerProgram)
(domain environmentAttributes 2 EnvironmentSoftwareAttribute)
(documentation environmentAttributes EnglishLanguage "(&%environmentAttributes ?Program
?Attribute) holds if ?Attribute is an &%EnvironmentSoftwareAttribute
which describes the &%ComputerProgram ?Program.")
(subclass ComputerInputDevice ComputerHardware)
(documentation ComputerInputDevice EnglishLanguage "A peripheral device that generates
input for the computer such as a keyboard, scanner, or mouse.")
(subclass ComputerKeyboard ComputerInputDevice)
(documentation ComputerKeyboard EnglishLan 10000 guage "A &%ComputerInputDevice containing a set of
keys and used to input different characters.")
(lexicon ComputerKeyboard LexNoun "keyboard")
(subclass ComputerOutputDevice ComputerHardware)
(documentation ComputerOutputDevice EnglishLanguage "Any peripheral that presents
output from the computer, such as a screen or printer.")
(subclass ThreeDPrinter ComputerOutputDevice)
(documentation ThreeDPrinter EnglishLanguage "A &%ThreeDPrinter is a &%ComputerOutputDevice
for the construction of a three_dimensional &%Object from a Computer_Aided Design (CAD)
model or a digital 3D model. Three_dimensional models represent a physical body using
a collection of points in 3D space, connected by various geometric entities such as
triangles, lines, curved surface etc. In a 3D printing process, material is deposited,
joined or solidified under computer control, with the material being added together
(such as plastics, liquids or powder grains being fused), typically layer by layer. [Wikipedia]")
(instance ?X ThreeDPrinter)
(hasPurpose ?X
(exists (?P)
(instance ?P ThreeDPrinting)
(instrument ?P ?X)))))
(subclass ThreeDPrinting Making)
(documentation ThreeDPrinting EnglishLanguage "&%ThreeDPrinting is the &%Making
of a three_dimensional &%Object from a Computer_Aided Design (CAD) 3D
model or a digital 3D model.[Wikipedia]")
(instance ?P ThreeDPrinting)
(exists (?X ?A)
(instance ?X DigitalData)
(represents ?X ?A)
(instance ?A Artifact)
(result ?P ?A))))
(instance ?P ThreeDPrinting)
(instance ?X Substance)
(resource ?P ?X))
(exists (?R)
(instance ?R Reservoir)
(part ?R ?P)
(origin ?P ?R)
(located ?X ?R))))
(instance ?P ThreeDPrinting)
(instance ?X CompoundSubstance)
(patient ?P ?X))
(exists (?SC)
(instance ?SC ShapeChange)
(subProcess ?SC ?P)
(patient ?SC ?X))))
(instance ?P ThreeDPrinting)
(instance ?O Artifact)
(result ?P ?O))
(exists (?A ?X ?B ?Y)
(instance ?A Making)
(subProcess ?A ?P)
(instance ?X SelfConnectedObject)
(part ?X ?O)
(result ?A ?X)
(instance ?B Making)
(subProcess ?B ?P)
(instance ?Y SelfConnectedObject)
(part ?Y ?O)
(overlapsSpatially ?X ?Y)
(orientation ?X ?Y Below)
(WhenFn ?A)
(WhenFn ?P))
(WhenFn ?B)
(WhenFn ?P))
(WhenFn ?A)
(WhenFn ?B)))))
(subclass Metallic3DPrinter ThreeDPrinter)
(documentation Metallic3DPrinter EnglishLanguage "A &%Metallic3DPrinter is
&%3DPrinter using &%Metals as printing material.")
(instance ?P ThreeDPrinting)
(instance ?X Metal)
(resource ?P ?X)
(instrument ?P ?I))
(instance ?I Metallic3DPrinter))
(subclass PlasticPrinter ThreeDPrinter)
(documentation Plastic3DPrinter EnglishLanguage "A &%Plastic3DPrinter is
&%3DPrinter using &%Plastic as printing material.")
(instance ?P ThreeDPrinting)
(instance ?X Plastic)
(resource ?P ?X)
(instrument ?P ?I))
(instance ?I PlasticPrinter))
(subclass TouchScreen ComputerInputDevice)
(subclass TouchScreen ComputerOutputDevice)
(subclass TouchScreen VideoDisplay)
(documentation TouchScreen EnglishLanguage "A display screen that also functions
as a pointing device by letting users touch on it")
(instance ?TOUCHSCREEN TouchScreen)
(attribute ?TOUCHSCREEN Flat))
(subclass ComputerTerminal ComputerOutputDevice)
(subclass ComputerTerminal DataDisplayDevice)
(documentation ComputerTerminal EnglishLanguage "A &%ComputerOutputDevice for displaying
information on some sort of screen or other reusable output surface. This
is contrasted with a &%Printer, which places a substance on a surface
that is for practical purposes, permanent.")
(subrelation standardInputDevice instrument)
(instance standardInputDevice CaseRole)
(instance standardInputDevice BinaryPredicate)
(domain standardInputDevice 1 ComputerProcess)
(domain standardInputDevice 2 ComputerInputDevice)
(documentation standardInputDevice EnglishLanguage "(&%standardInputDevice ?PROCESS
?DEVICE) holds just in case the DEVICE is the predefined input channel
with which the running version of the program PROCESS is initialised.")
(programRunning ?Process ?Program)
(exists (?Device)
(standardInputDevice ?Process ?Device)))
(subrelation standardOutputDevice instrument)
(instance standardOutputDevice CaseRole)
(instance standardOutputDevice BinaryPredicate)
(domain standardOutputDevice 1 ComputerProcess)
(domain standardOutputDevice 2 ComputerOutputDevice)
(documentation standardOutputDevice EnglishLanguage "(&%standardOutputDevice ?PROGRAM
?DEVICE) holds just in case the DEVICE is the predefined output channel
with which the running version of this program is initialised.")
;; "The program of the process contains information about the standard
;; output device of the process"
(programRunning ?Process ?Program)
(exists (?Device)
(standardOutputDevice ?Process ?Device)))
(subrelation standardErrorDevice instrument)
(instance standardErrorDevice CaseRole)
(instance standardErrorDevice BinaryPredicate)
(domain standardErrorDevice 1 ComputerProcess)
(domain standardErrorDevice 2 ComputerOutputDevice)
(documentation standardErrorDevice EnglishLanguage "(&%standardErrorDevice ?PROGRAM
?DEVICE) holds just in case the DEVICE is the predefined error channel
with which the running version of this program is initialised.")
;; "The program of the process contains information about the standard
;; error device of the process"
(programRunning ?Process ?Program)
(exists (?Device)
(standardErrorDevice ?Process ?Device)))
(instance hostOf BinaryPredicate)
(domain hostOf 1 ComputationalSystem)
(domain hostOf 2 Computer)
(documentation hostOf EnglishLanguage "(hostOf ?SYSTEM ?COMPUTER) means that ?COMPUTER
is the host of the computational system ?SYSTEM.")
(subclass ProcessState ContentBearingObject)
(documentation ProcessState EnglishLanguage "The class of all the information required
for a &%ComputerProgram to run on a processor. It is a vector that
contains a pointer to the next program instruction to be executed as well
as the values of all intermediate and defined variables, the state of the
processor executing the program, and the allocated address space among
other data.")
(instance ?State ProcessState)
(exists (?Program)
(instance ?Program ComputerProgram)
(forall (?Process)
(programRunning ?Process ?Program)
(represents ?State ?Process))))))
(instance stateOfProcess BinaryPredicate)
(domain stateOfProcess 1 ComputerProcess)
(domain stateOfProcess 2 ProcessState)
(documentation stateOfProcess EnglishLanguage "(&%stateOfProcess ?PROCESS ?STATE) says
that ?STATE is a state of the &%ComputerProcess ?PROCESS.")
(subclass AutomaticApplication ComputerProgram)
(documentation AutomaticApplication EnglishLanguage "A program which is started
automatically, as opposed to an application started in response to
some condition becoming true.")
;; "If an application is an automatic application, it is started when
;; the software system is started".
(instance ?Application AutomaticApplication)
(instance ?System SoftwareSystem)
(part ?Application ?System))
(part (StartupFn ?Application) (StartupFn ?System)))
(subclass RMStartApplication ComputerProgram)
(documentation RMStartApplication EnglishLanguage "A program started by a Resource
Management program, which determines if and where to start the
(instance ?RM RMStartApplication)
(exists (?Application ?Process ?RMCopy)
(instance ?Application ComputerProgram)
(programCopy ?RMCopy ?RM)
(programRunning ?Process (StartupFn ?Application))
(agent ?Process ?RMCopy))))
(subclass ConsoleApplication ComputerProgram)
(documentation ConsoleApplication EnglishLanguage "A Program which is started inside
an Xterm or other console.")
(subclass ResourceManagementProgram ComputerProgram)
(documentation ResourceManagementProgram EnglishLanguage "The class of resource
management programs.")
(instance rMProgramOf BinaryPredicate)
(domain rMProgramOf 1 ResourceManagementProgram)
(domain rMProgramOf 2 SoftwareSystem)
(documentation rMProgramOf EnglishLanguage "(&%rMProgramOf ?RM ?SYSTEM) means that
?RM is the resource management program of the &%SoftwareSystem ?SYSTEM.")
;; "The resource management program of a software system controls
;; applications in this system" .
(rMProgramOf ?RM ?System)
(exists (?Application ?Process ?RMCopy)
(part ?Application ?System)
(programCopy ?RMCopy ?RM)
(programRunning ?Process ?Application)
(agent ?Process ?RMCopy))))
(instance programCopy AsymmetricRelation)
(subrelation programCopy containsInformation)
(domain programCopy 1 ComputerFile)
(domain programCopy 2 ComputerProgram)
(documentation programCopy EnglishLanguage "(&%programCopy ?File ?Program) means that
the &%ComputerFile ?File is one of the copies of the &%ComputerProgram
(instance criticalityLevel BinaryPredicate)
(domain criticalityLevel 1 ComputerProgram)
(domain criticalityLevel 2 Integer)
(documentation criticalityLevel EnglishLanguage "(&%criticalityLevel ?PROGRAM ?INTEGER)
holds just in case ?INTEGER indicates the relative priority of ?PROGRAM
with respect to other applications within the &%SoftwareSystem.")
(instance startupTimeDelay BinaryPredicate)
(domain startupTimeDelay 1 ComputerProgram)
(domain startupTimeDelay 2 TimeDuration)
(documentation startupTimeDelay EnglishLanguage "(&%startupTimeDelay ?PROGRAM ?TIME)
says that ?TIME is the time to delay after the previous application
was started before starting the application ?PROGRAM.")
;; "If an application has a startupTimeDelay of n seconds, then
;; any process which runs after this application has a starting point
;; n seconds later than the startup of this application."
(startupTimeDelay ?Application ?Delay)
(instance ?Process1 ComputerProcess)
(programRunning ?Process1 ?Application)
(equal (WhenFn ?Process1) ?Time1)
(instance ?Process2 ComputerProcess)
(equal (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
(meetsTemporally ?Time1 ?Time)
(meetsTemporally ?Time ?Time2))
(duration ?Time ?Delay))
(subclass Feedback ContentBearingObject)
(documentation Feedback EnglishLanguage "The class of all messages to a resource
management program from one of its processes.")
(instance ?Feedback Feedback)
(exists (?RM ?Process ?Program ?Send)
(rMProgramOf ?RM ?Program)
(programRunning ?Process ?Program)
(instance ?Send DataTransfer)
(patient ?Send ?Feedback)
(destination ?Send ?RM))))
(instance processList Predicate)
(instance processList VariableArityRelation)
(documentation processList EnglishLanguage "The arguments of this relation are data
structures, each of which contains the information necessary for the
process already loaded by the operating system to execute on a processor.")
;; "The processes in the list are ordered by the start time" .
(processList @ROW)
(inList ?Process1
(ListFn @ROW))
(inList ?Process2
(ListFn @ROW))
(ListFn @ROW) ?Number1) ?Process1)
(ListFn @ROW) ?Number2) ?Process2)
(lessThan ?Number1 ?Number2))
(WhenFn ?Process1)
(WhenFn ?Process2)))
(instance settlingTime BinaryPredicate)
(domain settlingTime 1 ComputerProgram)
(domain settlingTime 2 TimeDuration)
(documentation settlingTime EnglishLanguage "(&%settlingTime ?PROGRAM ?TIME) says that
?TIME represents seconds to delay after an action was taken with respect
to QoS.")
(instance minimumReplications BinaryPredicate)
(domain minimumReplications 1 ComputerProgram)
(domain minimumReplications 2 PositiveInteger)
(documentation minimumReplications EnglishLanguage "(&%minimumReplications ?PROGRAM
?INTEGER) means that ?INTEGER represents the minimum copies of the
application ?PROGRAM required to be survivable, where a program is
survivable if the failure of one or more resources does not result
in the failure of the program. Either long MTTF for the system as a
whole or short MTTR when failure occurs would improve the survivability
of a program.")
;; "MinimumReplications is the mininum number of copies of the application
;; involved in a running process".
(minimumReplications ?Application ?MinCopies)
(KappaFn ?Copy
(programRunning ?Copy ?Application))) ?MinCopies))
(instance maximumReplications BinaryPredicate)
(domain maximumReplications 1 ComputerProgram)
(domain maximumReplications 2 PositiveInteger)
(documentation maximumReplications EnglishLanguage "(&%maximumReplications ?PROGRAM ?INTEGER) means that
?INTEGER represents the maximum number of copies of this application which can be run
during a process.")
;; "MaximumReplications is the maximum number of copies of the application
;; allowed to run during a process".
(maximumReplications ?Application ?MaxCopies)
(greaterThanOrEqualTo ?MaxCopies
(KappaFn ?Copy
(programRunning ?Copy ?Application)))))
(subclass IPAddress PhysicalAddress)
(documentation IPAddress EnglishLanguage "The Internet Protocol address, a numeric address such as that
the domain name server translates into a domain name.")
(instance ipAddressOf BinaryPredicate)
(domain ipAddressOf 1 Computer)
(domain ipAddressOf 2 IPAddress)
(documentation ipAddressOf EnglishLanguage "(&%ipAddressOf ?HOST ?ADDRESS) holds if ?ADDRESS is the &%IPAddress of
the computer ?HOST.")
(instance portNumber BinaryPredicate)
(domain portNumber 1 ComputerProgram)
(domain portNumber 2 PositiveInteger)
(documentation portNumber EnglishLanguage "(&%portNumber ?PROGRAM ?NUMBER) holds if ?NUMBER identifies a protocol
port, i.e. a TCP_IP software abstraction used to distinguish different applications providing
services within a single destination computer. The different ports on a host are identified by a
positive 16-bit number.")
(instance processID BinaryPredicate)
(domain processID 1 ComputerProcess)
(domain processID 2 PositiveInteger)
(documentation processID EnglishLanguage "(&%processID ?PROCESS ?NUMBER) holds if ?NUMBER is a unique number
generated by the operating system and used to refer to the &%ComputerProcess ?PROCESS. There
is usually no significance to the numbers as they are reused as old processes die and new processes
are created.")
(subclass ProcessStatus RelationalAttribute)
(documentation ProcessStatus EnglishLanguage "A class of attributes. Each instance of &%ProcessStatus describes a
status of a &%Process, such as &%ProcessFailure, &%ProcessSuccess, etc.")
(instance ProcessFailure ProcessStatus)
(documentation ProcessFailure EnglishLanguage "An attribute that denotes the failure of the &%Process to achieve
its goal.")
(instance ProcessSuccess ProcessStatus)
(contraryAttribute ProcessSuccess ProcessFailure)
(documentation ProcessSuccess EnglishLanguage "An attribute that denotes the success of the &%Process to achieve
its goal.")
(subrelation status property)
(instance status BinaryPredicate)
(domain status 1 ComputerProcess)
(domain status 2 ProcessStatus)
(documentation status EnglishLanguage "(&%status ?PROCESS ?STATUS) holds if ?STATUS is the current status of ?PROCESS.")
(status ?Process ProcessFailure)
(hasPurpose ?Process ?Purpose))
(WhenFn ?Process)) ?Purpose)))
(subclass ComputerComponent ComputerHardware)
(documentation ComputerComponent EnglishLanguage "An in 47C5 stance of &%ComputerComponent is a
piece of computer hardware that has measurable performance characteristics
in terms of different units. Components include hard drives, the performance
of which can be measured in terms of &%BitsPerSecond required to transfer data
to and from the drive, network adapters, the performance of which can be
measured by &%PacketsPerSecond units of data transfered to and from the adapter,
and other common components like &%ComputerMemory and &%CentralProcessingUnit.")
(instance ?Component ComputerComponent)
(exists (?Unit)
(unitMeasuringPerformance ?Component ?Unit)))
(subclass NetworkAdapter ComputerComponent)
(documentation NetworkAdapter EnglishLanguage "A network adapter, also known as a Network
Interface Card or NIC, is a physical device installed in a computer on its
system bus. Its purpose is to connect to a specific type of network,
usually an ethernet or a token ring network.")
(instance ?NA NetworkAdapter)
(exists (?Net)
(instance ?Net ComputerNetwork)
(connected ?NA ?Net))))
(instance unitMeasuringPerformance BinaryPredicate)
(domain unitMeasuringPerformance 1 ComputerComponent)
(domain unitMeasuringPerformance 2 UnitOfMeasure)
(documentation unitMeasuringPerformance EnglishLanguage "(&%unitMeasuringPerformance ?COMPONENT
?UNIT) holds in case ?UNIT is an instance of &%UnitOfMeasure which is used to
measure the performance of ?COMPONENT.")
;; "The performance of Hard Drives is measured in BitsPerSecond" .
(instance ?HardDrive HardDiskDrive)
(unitMeasuringPerformance ?HardDrive BitsPerSecond))
;; "The performance of network adapters is measured by packets/second" .
(instance ?NA NetworkAdapter)
(unitMeasuringPerformance ?NA PacketsPerSecond))
(subclass MonitoringProgram ComputerProgram)
(documentation MonitoringProgram EnglishLanguage "A program which monitors performance
of an application, a component, etc.")
(instance ?Monitor MonitoringProgram)
(exists (?System ?Event ?MonitorCopy)
(systemMeasured ?Event ?System)
(programCopy ?MonitorCopy ?Monitor)
(agent ?Event ?MonitorCopy))))
(instance systemMeasured BinaryPredicate)
(instance systemMeasured AsymmetricRelation)
(domain systemMeasured 1 MeasuringPerformance)
(domain systemMeasured 2 ComputationalSystem)
(documentation systemMeasured EnglishLanguage "(&%systemMeasured ?Event ?System) means that
?Event is an event of measuring the performance of the &%ComputationalSystem
(instance dataID BinaryPredicate)
(domain dataID 1 MonitoringProgram)
(domain dataID 2 SymbolicString)
(documentation dataID EnglishLanguage "(&%dataID ?PROGRAM ?NUMBER) holds if ?NUMBER is a small
number associated with an instance of &%MonitoringProgram.")
(subclass MeasuringPerformance ComputerProcess)
(documentation MeasuringPerformance EnglishLanguage "Each element of &%MeasuringPerformance
is an event of measuring the performance of an instance of &%ComputerComponent,
performed by a &%MonitoringProgram.")
(instance ?Event MeasuringPerformance)
(exists (?Program ?Copy)
(instance ?Program MonitoringProgram)
(programCopy ?Copy ?Program)
(agent ?Event ?Copy))))