A set of C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime MIDI input/output across Linux (ALSA & JACK), Macintosh OS X (CoreMIDI) and Windows (Multimedia)
♪ A low-level library to play sound on multiple platforms ♪
Hardware Library for the Daisy Audio Platform
func-e (pronounced funky) makes running Envoy® easy
C++ library to read/write Akai FAT16 volumes with 16.3 file names (MPC2000/MPC2000XL)
Conan workspace for mpc, ctoot, moduru and their test suites
Modernized fork of met5678/node-traktor-f1 to support Maschine Mk3, Maschine Mk2 mikro, Traktor D2, and Traktor F1 Native Instruments controllers. Probably can support others too!
Drachenkaetzchen / cabl
Forked from shaduzlabs/cablController ABstraction Layer