% This file is from Chemlogic, a logic programming computer chemistry system
% http://icebergsystems.ca/chemlogic
% (C) Copyright 2012-2015 Nicholas Paun
- Chemistry concepts
- Database
- Program features
- Organization and Structure
- Bugs
Support for structural formulas:
- The covalent parser will have to be extended very much, to handle structures of the compounds it supports
- The formula parser will need to have some sort of input and output representation for structural formulas
- Each output format will have its own ways of rendering structural formulas. This will have to be extended.
- A module will be needed to convert structural formulas to molecular formulas for balancing and other processes.
More organic naming:
- It will be useful to implement organic compound naming at least for Chemistry 11 to 12.
Complex Redox reactions:
- Sometimes, for a few very complex redox reactions, Chemlogic gives an answer that satisfies the system of linear equations (i.e. is balanced) but will not actually occur in real life.
- A new balancing process, with a separate module should be implemented. Perhaps based on oxidation numbers or half-reactions
- Show structural formulas of compounds
- Bohr models, Lewis diagrams
- Periodic tables?
- Add many, many more elements.
- More polyatomic groups
- Write-up a large batch of common names
Extend the
DSL to make it more useful.- Offer a way to query the chemical information database.
- More constructs/operators.
- A standard library?
- This will all depend on the sorts of programs that someone will actually want to write
Quiz program
- Allow for questions to be generated with selectable options (the parser and perhaps major subparts)
- Interactive and non-interactive usage depending on output format
- Configurable marking (allow retry, show correct answer at end, etc.)
- Possible to produce the same questions if passed the same seed.
- Some sort of intelligence, focusing on problem areas when giving questions.
Expose the chemical information database.
Better error messages for equation balancing errors
- Perhaps explain why some charge shifts are unsatisfiable
- Explain which element makes the system unbalancable, if possible.
Take advantage of SWI-Prolog's new string type. This makes tokenization, concatenation and many other things more efficient.
Chemlogic needs a simple tokenizer to break up chemical names and equations (especiallly)
- At minimum, it should split on spaces and remove extraneous spaces
- Potentially deal with character types?
- Potentially deal with the insides of parentheses?
Rewrite the current error tokenizers to use the new and better functions
Tokenizers make parser much, much nicer:
- It is now quick and simple to see if something is an acid without having to go through all of the tests
- It can be easy to distinguish between ionic and covalent
Make the oxyanion functions less messy and hacky. There must be a better way to tell the user what's wrong with the oxyanion names.
The ugly hacks around pure substances can be removed with a better tokenizer
Some things will need to be renamed and reorganized
Use more meta-programming to remove boilerplate code from the web interface.
- The program will get very upset if a substance is repeated:
- e.g.
H2O + H2O --> H2O
- There is not much of a valid reason to enter this, but the program should handle this correctly
- e.g.