Application Security & Development
- Madrid
earth-engine-app Public
Create dynamic maps using Google Earth Engine for geospacial analysis
mobileAudit Public
Django application that performs SAST and Malware Analysis for Android APKs
semgrep-rules Public
Forked from semgrep/semgrep-rulesSemgrep rules registry
HCL Other UpdatedDec 7, 2022 -
awesome-android-security Public
Forked from saeidshirazi/awesome-android-securityA curated list of Android Security materials and resources For Pentesters and Bug Hunters
android-security-awesome Public
Forked from ashishb/android-security-awesomeA collection of android security related resources
www-project-mobile-security Public
Forked from OWASP/www-project-mobile-securityOWASP Foundation Web Respository
Ruby UpdatedMar 14, 2021 -
windows-php-reverse-shell Public
Forked from Dhayalanb/windows-php-reverse-shellSimple php reverse shell implemented using binary .
PHP UpdatedOct 31, 2019 -