docker-flask-practice Public
Web application to practice/demonstrate containerization w/ Docker & Flask.
task-tracker-flask Public
Light and intuitive task manager. Created using Flask, SQLAlchemy/SQLite and the Semantic UI library.
authentication-flask-demo Public
Web application to practice/demonstrate Authentication and Authorization using Flask.
react-hello-world Public
React application to practice the usage of Props and States.
queue-implementation Public
Implementation of a Queue utilizing a Linked List in C++.
C++ UpdatedMay 23, 2022 -
Implementation of a Doubly Linked List in C++.
C++ UpdatedMay 23, 2022 -
flask-eb-test Public
Test repository/code for application deployment to AWS utilizing AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
weather-forecast-python Public
Python script used to provide current weather information for a valid user-provided city.
sms-spam-detector-python Public
Application used to classify whether an SMS message is likely a spam message or ham (legitimate) message.