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spoznamkovane problemy pri tvorbe angular2 appiek pomocou angular-cli alebo inych seedov

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Repository files navigation


Deserialize HTTP Json reposense in object

Template Slot system

  • list.ts
<!-- PARENT -->
  <!-- name template for container in celum-list -->
  <div top-list-item></div>

<!-- CHILD celum-list -->
  TMPL content
  <!-- slot with specific select -->
  <ng-content select="[top-list-item]"></ng-content>


this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
      requestAnimationFrame(() => {

Window resize event

Simple with debounce in component

private windowResizeEvent$: BehaviorSubject<number> = new BehaviorSubject(window.innerHeight);

@HostListener('window:resize', ['$event.target.innerHeight'])
onWindowResize(innerHeight: number) {

     .debounceTime(10) //GRYF throttling !
     .subscribe((windowInnerHeight) => {

As angular service with EventManager


import { EventManager } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class WindowEventsService {

  private static RESIZE_DEBOUNCE_TIME_MS = 10;

  private _resizeSubject$: Subject<Window>;
   * Used to provide {@linkcode _resizeSubject$}
   *  - in safe way out of service
   *  - with filtered values with debounce and distinct
  private resize$: Observable<Window>;

  constructor(private eventManager: EventManager) {
    this._resizeSubject$ = new Subject();
    this.resize$ = this._resizeSubject$.asObservable()

    this.eventManager.addGlobalEventListener('window', 'resize', this.onWindowResize.bind(this));

  private onWindowResize(event: UIEvent) {

  get onResize$(): Observable<Window> {
    return this.resize$;

usage in component

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-component',
  template: ``,
  styles: [``]
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {

  private resizeSubscription: Subscription;

  constructor(private windowEventsService: WindowEventsService) { }

  ngOnInit() {
     // if ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush is used in component, markForCheck ChangeDetector !!
    this.resizeSubscription = this.windowEventsService.onResize$
      .subscribe(size => console.log(size));

  ngOnDestroy() {
    if (this.resizeSubscription) {


ChangeDetectorRef.detectChanges() vs ChangeDetectorRef.markForCheck()

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41364386/whats-the-difference-between-markforcheck-and-detectchanges So in short :

  • Use detectChanges() when you've updated the model after angular has run it's change detection, or if the update hasn't been in angular world at all.
  • Use markForCheck() if you're using OnPush and you're bypassing the ChangeDetectionStrategy by mutating some data or you've updated the model inside a setTimeout;


HTML Base Tag

for production on build

# Sets base tag href to /myUrl/ in your index.html
ng build --base-href /myUrl/
ng build --bh /myUrl/

for NgRouter

<script>document.write('<base href="' + document.location + '" />');</script>

Elegant way to unsubscribe Observables

  selector: 'blah',
  template: 'blah',
export class MyComponent {
  private onDestroy$ = new Subject();

  constructor(http: Http) {
    // Use .takeUntil() instead of tracking subscriptions manually. This should be the last
    // operator before .subscribe().

  ngOnDestroy() {
    // Clean up all subscriptions at once:

How to create Angula library

SYNC version:

/// some.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { SomeComponent }   from './some.component';

    imports: [],
    exports: [],
    declarations: [SomeComponent],
    providers: [ MyService ], // <======================= PROVIDE THE SERVICE
export class SomeModule { }
/// some-other.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { SomeModule } from 'path/to/some.module'; // <=== IMPORT THE JSMODULE

import { SomeOtherComponent }   from './some.other.component';

    imports: [ SomeModule ], // <======================== IMPORT THE NG MODULE
    exports: [],
    declarations: [SomeOtherComponent],
    providers: [],
export class SomeOtherModule { }

ASYNC version (lazy loading) with forRoot pattern:

How create custom Input/Output property, ngModel

import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output} from 'angular2/core'

    selector: 'child',
    template: `
        <p>Child sharedVar: {{sharedVar}}</p>
        <input [ngModel]="sharedVar" (ngModelChange)="change($event)">
export class ChildComponent {
    @Input() sharedVar: string;
    @Output() sharedVarChange = new EventEmitter();
    change(newValue) {
      console.log('newvalue', newValue)
      this.sharedVar = newValue;

    selector: 'parent',
    template: `
        <div>Parent sharedVarParent: {{sharedVarParent}}</div>
        <child [(sharedVar)]="sharedVarParent"></child>
    directives: [ChildComponent]
export class ParentComponent {
    sharedVarParent ='hello';
    constructor() { console.clear(); }

How expose angular 2 methods / call from outside of angular2 ?

Pre-Bootstraping template

  • vsetko v angular directive bude vymazane po na-bootstrap-ovani angular appky
  • logo/image ako byte array https://www.base64-image.de/ - vynecha dodatocny request pre obrazok v boostrap template-e

Blinking WR logo Example


  <!--Pre-Bootstrap template START-->
  <!--Will be removed once Angular code bootstraped and content of tmb-root directive is resolved-->

    body, html {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;

    .tbm-ng-pre-bootstrap-loading-wrapper {
      position: absolute;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;

    .tbm-ng-pre-bootstrap-loading-wrapper_loading-image {
      animation: fading 3s infinite linear;
      height: 150px;
      width: 150px;

    @keyframes fading {
      0% {
        opacity: 1;
      50% {
        opacity: 0.4;
      100% {
        opacity: 1;
  <div class="tbm-ng-pre-bootstrap-loading-wrapper">
    <img class="tbm-ng-pre-bootstrap-loading-wrapper_loading-image"
  <!--Pre-Bootstrap template END-->


Spinner Example

       <style type="text/css">
           * {
               outline: 0!important

           .app-loader {
               display: table;
               height: 100vh;
               width: 100%

           .app-loader .loader-pusher {
               display: table-cell;
               text-align: center;
               vertical-align: middle

           .app-loader .loader-pusher .spinner {
               background: url('/assets/logo.svg') no-repeat 50% 50% #f2f2f2;
               background-size: 80%;
               border-radius: 50%;
               display: inline-block;
               height: 80px;
               position: relative;
               width: 80px;
               line-height: 80px;
               text-align: center;
               color: #fff;

           .app-loader .loader-pusher .spinner .spinner-tail {
               -webkit-animation: spinner .86s linear infinite;
               animation: spinner .86s linear infinite;
               background: url() 0 0/cover no-repeat;
               bottom: -10px;
               left: -10px;
               position: absolute;
               right: -10px;
               top: -10px;

           @-webkit-keyframes spinner {
               0% {
                   -webkit-transform: rotate(0);
                   transform: rotate(0)
               100% {
                   -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
                   transform: rotate(360deg)

           @keyframes spinner {
               0% {
                   -webkit-transform: rotate(0);
                   transform: rotate(0)
               100% {
                   -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
                   transform: rotate(360deg)
       <div class="app-loader">
           <div class="loader-pusher">
               <div class="spinner">
                   <div class="spinner-tail"></div>

Real debounce on input element

Ako pouzit jQuery v komponente

declare var jQuery: any;
@ViewChild('checkbox') checkbox: ElementRef;
ngAfterViewInit() {
  jQuery(this.checkbox.nativeElement).checkbox(this.isPredefined ? 'set checked' : 'set unchecked');

How load config from server before bootstraping

export class ConfigService {
  static DASHBOARD_CONFIG_ADDRESS = 'dashboard-configuration.json';

  private _config: Config;

  constructor(private http: Http) { }

  loadConfig(): Promise<Config> {
    const serviceThat = this;

    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      this.http.get(ConfigService.DASHBOARD_CONFIG_ADDRESS).map(res => res.json()).toPromise()
        .then((configResponse) => {
          serviceThat._config = configResponse;
          console.info('[ConfigService] dashboard configuration: ' + JSON.stringify(configResponse));
        .catch(() => {
          console.error('[ConfigService] could not get dashboard configuration !');

  getConfig(): Config {
    return this._config;


//module js file
export function loadConfigFn(configService: ConfigService) {
  return () => configService.loadConfig();

providers: [
      provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
      useFactory: loadConfigFn,
      deps: [ConfigService],
      multi: true,

[angular-cli] Webpack Warning that export 'INTERFACE' was not found

  • workaround angular/angular-cli#2034
    • interfaces folder with index.ts that export all interfaces manually
    • split each interface into separate file

[angular-cli] Integration of Font-Awesome (External css lib with url to fonts)

  • pridal som v angular-cli.json style hodnotu, cesta na node_modules min css, URLs vo vnutry css-iek sa po kompilacii angular-cli poriesili a dotahali fonty ako assets

[Chrome] debug Devpanel/Devtools ako chrome extension ?

[Chrome] Angular app ako chrome extension (devpanel) nefunguje bootstraping ?

  • Unhandled Promise rejection: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' blob: filesystem: chrome-extension-resource:". ; Zone: <root> ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' blob: filesystem: chrome-extension-resource:".
  • https://www.sitepoint.com/chrome-extension-angular-2/
  • "content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'self'" vyriesilo moj problem

[ImmutableJS] object as Observable value trick

  • ngrx/store#233
  • _store.select('counter').map((immuObj: List<any>) => immuObj.toJS())

[ImmutableJS] neviem pracovat s Typescript getters() setters() !!

class foo {
    private _bar:boolean = false;
    get bar():boolean {
        return this._bar;
    set bar(theBar:boolean) {
        this._bar = theBar;

[RxJs] How to import RxJs

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';

import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';

[TypeScript] Declare global variable if it is not recognized

declare var navigator;

[TypeScript] Ako explicitne setnem hodnotu na window objekt ?

[Typescript] nepozna chrome window objekt

  • declare var chrome: any; at top and ignore it


spoznamkovane problemy pri tvorbe angular2 appiek pomocou angular-cli alebo inych seedov






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