Message In Action
- Grand Rapids, MI, USA
- https://www.messageinaction.com
pyminfraud Public
A Python library to interface with MaxMind's MinFraud web service API.
postgresql-anyarray Public
PostgeSQL extension adding highly desirable, data-type independent array functionality.
python-amazon-mws Public
Forked from cpburnz/python-amazon-mwsAmazon MWS API for Python2 & Python3
Python Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedApr 5, 2016 -
ebaysdk-python Public
Forked from timotheus/ebaysdk-pythoneBay API SDK for Python
Python Other UpdatedMar 7, 2016 -
thank-you-github Public
Forked from thank-you-github/thank-you-githubAn open letter of gratitude to GitHub
UpdatedJan 17, 2016 -
Python-ChannelAdvisor-API Public
Examples interfacing with ChannelAdvisor API Services in Python 3
php-barcode Public
Forked from davidscotttufts/php-barcodePHP barcode generator implemented in OOP
PHPFileObject Public
An implementation of PHP's file management utilities built into a more friendly interface.
PHPBarTender Public
A lightweight PHP interface for generating XML jobs compatible with Seagull Scientific's BarTender Barcode Label Software
PHPG Public
PostgreSQL database interface library for PHP, featuring automatic conversion of complex data-types including `array` and `hstore`
jquery-lazyForm Public
A very simply jQuery plugin for retrieving all input names and values from a form
jQuery-OverlayZ Public
A very simple, yet customizable jQuery overlay.
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 23, 2015 -
php-ebay-api Public
A simple, easy to use class for interfacing with eBay's Developer Network Finding, Shopping and Trading Service APIs in PHP.
PHP-Helpers Public
A collection of custom PHP functions, classes and examples for my own use.
PHP MIT License UpdatedJan 15, 2014