lv5 (Lv5: level five) is Experimental ECMA262 5th (ES5, or JS) Engine written in C++.
- Parser - done
- Interpreter - done
- Statements - done
- Expressions - done
- Builtin Objects - done
- Stack VM - done
- Register VM - done
- Register VM tuning - done
- Context Threading JIT - done
- Context Threading JIT tuning - working
Aims at the most precise engine of The ECMA262 5th Specification.
- cmake
- libgc (Boehm GC)
at top directory of iv (repository)
mkdir out
cd out # change directory to repository/out
cmake .. # You can specify -G "Ninja" if it's available
make lv5
cp iv/lv5/lv5 lv5