Full Stack MERN Web Developer, Data Scientist, Blockchain Developer. Also efficient in working with LAMPP stack, experience in Web App Development and Blockchain Development. Proficient in System Administration and DevOps with great communicative and management skills.
- Data Science
- Data Visualization & Analysis
- DevOps
- MERN Stack
- MEAN Stack
- LAMPP Stack
- Django & Python Stack
- Blockchain Developer
- UI Design
- Firebase
- 🔭 I am a Machine Learning Researcher and passionate about Open-source and DevOps.
- 🌱 I'm currently working on some DevOps projects.
- 👯 I'm looking forward to collaborate with some amazing Data Science and DevOps Projects
- 💼 Check out my Portfolio
- 💬 Ask me about Full Stack Web Development | Data Science | App Development | GUI Based Applications | Data Structures | Algorithms
- 📫 Connect with me via LinkedIn
- 😄 Pronouns: | DevOps Engineer | Data Scientist | Blockchain Developer | Freelancer | Coder | Tech lover
- ⚡ F 8000 un fact: Compiler is the best friend.
✉️ You can shoot me an Email at goswamiarijit2017@gmail.com
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