The examples here demonstrate some of the basic functionalities of the Azure PHP SDK.
Download composer.phar to the examples directory
Create a file named composer.json in the examples directory and add the following code to it:
{ "require": { "microsoft/windowsazure": "^0.4" } }
Open a command prompt and execute this in the examples directory
php composer.phar install
This will download all dependencies to the vendor sub directory.
Open tasklist\userconfig.php, enter you Azure subscription Id and the full path to your .pem cert file. see for details on certificates.
In the example directory, run
php -S localhost:8000
In a browser, navigate to
Open MediaServices\userconfig.php, enter "Media Service Account Name" and "Primary Media Service access key" for your Media Service from the Azure portal.
In the examples directory, run
php MediaServices\%sample_name%.php
Install Fiddler.
Set the
enviroment variables tolocalhost:8888
. For exampleset HTTP_PROXY=localhost:8888 set HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:8888
Start your program.