Pioneer Dj Set Modello 3D
Licenza RoyaltySolo editoriale
Ritorni semplici
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Funziona fuori dalla scatola
- Geometriapolygonal_quads/tris
- poligoni627,490
- vertici596,262
- TexturesYes
- riggedNo
- AnimatoNo
- Prontabile in 3DNo
- Gioco pronto (low poly)No
- UV mappatoYes
- UV non avvoltomixed
- High poly realistic model of the Pioneer Dj Set:
2x Pioneer PLX-1000 and Pioneer DJM-900 NXS2 (nexus-2)
- Fully detailed, textured model.
- Excellent for close-up renders.
- Real world size
- Unit - mm
- The original file is created using:
3ds Max 2014 with V-Ray 2.4 ; Mental Ray ; Corona render 1.3
3ds Max 2011 with V-Ray 1.5 ; Default Scanline Renderer
- Gamma 2.2
- Set polys: 627490
- Set verts: 596262
- PLX-1000 polys: 227003
- PLX 1000 verts: 211028
- DJM-900 NXS2 polys: 173484
- DJM-900 NXS2 verts: 174206
- UV Unwrap mapping
- Textures size 4096X4096, 2048X2048, 1024x1024 formats JPEG (.jpg).
- Also there are files: .fbx and .obj
- .fbx files to V-ray 2.4
- .obj files to Default Scanline Render Engine
- preview image rendered in V-ray 2,4
Dec 27, 2019
Data aggiunta
Jan 08, 2022
ultimo aggiornamento
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