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PoPETs editorial board nomination form
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* Indicates required question
For which position are you nominating the candidate?
Artifact Reviewer
Editorial Board / PC Member
What is the candidate's first name?
Your answer
What is the candidate's last name?
Your answer
What is the candidate's email address?
Your answer
What type of job/position does the candidate hold?
Graduate Student
Faculty Member
Government or Not-for-Profit
What is the candidate's current affiliation?
Your answer
What is the candidate's expertise? (Check all that apply)
Anonymous Communications
App and Mobile OS
Cryptographic Tools for Privacy
Differential Privacy
Economics of Privacy
Forensics and Privacy
Information Leakage, Side-Channels, Correlation Attacks
Interdisciplinary Research: Ethnography, Psychology, Medicine, Biotechnology
Internet of Things Privacy
Location Privacy
Machine Learning
Measurement Studies of Privacy Issues
Policy, Ethical and Legal Aspects
Privacy in Social Networks
Privacy Policies
Privacy Quantification and Metrics
Profiling, Data Mining, Big Data
Systems and Privacy (Databases, Networking, OS)
Traffic Analysis
Usability and HCI
Web Privacy
Does the candidate have previous reviewing experience? If so, which?
Your answer
Why do you think the candidate would be a good fit for the PoPETs editorial board?
Your answer
Does the candidate have a home page? If so, what is its URL?
Your answer
Are you nominating yourself, or someone else?
Somebody else, and they know I'm nominating them
Somebody else, and they don't know I'm nominating them
If you are nominating someone else, who are you to them?
Your answer
If you are nominating someone else, what is your name?
Your answer
If you are nominating someone else, what is your e-mail address?
Your answer
The PoPETs editors and advisory board are striving for equitable access for all members of the community. The following demographics may help us in reaching this goal, but their disclosure is voluntary.
What is the candidate's gender identity?
Another gender
Don't know
Prefer not to say
Clear selection
In which geographic region does the candidate reside?
Asia or Pacific Region (includes Australia/Oceania)
North America
South America
Prefer not to say
Clear selection
What is the level of seniority of the candidate?
Junior (grad student, postdoc, assistant professor, or up to 7 years past PhD)
Mid-career (associate professor, or up to 15 years past PhD)
Senior (full professor, or more than 15 years past PhD)
Prefer not to say
Clear selection
Clear form
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