ContributionsMost RecentNewest TopicsMost LikesSolutionsRe: PSA Take Screenshots of EA posts. They delete quite a bit. I’m looking at the xp path right now. It says 495,000/495,000 Ends in: 16H 29 M 07 S Re: PSA Take Screenshots of EA posts. They delete quite a bit. Here’s a screenshot of the twitter post. I didn’t think to snip an image fromEA_Aljo ’s content post. Edit: added a screenshot from the forum page PSA Take Screenshots of EA posts. They delete quite a bit. EA deleted a post on twitter and an image on these forums. The posts indicated they were extending Season 3 by 10 more xp rewards tiers and an extra set of objectives. Re: NHL 25 HUT Content 2/19 EA_Aljo Did you really delete the Larkin graphic that mentioned extending Season 3 and adding to the xp path? What is going on? This after the deleted tweet. Re: NHL 25 HUT Content 2/19 EA_Aljo the extra 10 reward tiers haven’t shown up and the timers still count down to tomorrow. If season 3 is extended, these timers shouldn’t run out until Tuesday at 2PM PT. I don’t see any ext...Can we get some info on the Season 4 delay and additional xp path? EA_Aljo what’s the deal? Is content delayed today? Are we getting the additional xp path? Re: Lost Connection. Squad Battles. Just happened again. Gig speed, wired connection. No other device had any connectivity issues. Lost Connection. Squad Battles. I have had more lost connection squad battles games in the last week than I have in the last 2 years combined. And it’s always in the 3rd period after completing multiple objectives in game. This jus...Re: Multiple selection EA_Aljo Can we at least get a storage set for BND cards. TOTY is in less that 3 hours and we’ve all spent SO much time making BND teams and clicking R1 to for 2 minutes per card. If not could you gu...Re: Please fix Multi Select when completing sets It’s 100% the BND cards. I’m sure they’ll add more spaghetti code to “fix” this that will pop its head up later. Re: Change Must Happen I’ve never seen this forum so busy yet womp womp from EA Re: HUT Season 3 has arrived! And more in the comments on the season 3 posts on FB and Instagram. This is the most up in arms I’ve seen this much of the base in a while. Re: I shouldn't be shocked They also limited the amount of time for the weekly season xp objectives. You used to have the full season, so new players could catch up somewhat or you could play more casually. Now you only get a ...Re: HUT Season 3 has arrived! EA_Aljo Have the dev team take a look at r/NHLHUT on Reddit to see how bad they messed up with this decision. Re-combine the online/offline objectives or a lot of us are done for good. “Play your wa...Re: HUT Season 3 has arrived! EA_Aljo How do you not have any details? They don’t give you any talking points? Re: HUT Season 3 has arrived! EA_Aljo “when I played HUT in previous years” So you’re done with it too? Why are people getting less for not playing online in a year that was sold as “play your way”? Re: New X-factors We’re on season 3 but series 1 of x-factors lol. Re: Storage Set EA_Aljo What’s the timeline? Between this and no multi-select makes making sets SUCK. Do you play HUT? Do you really not see how much this makes this game unplayable at times? If these QOL things do...Re: Multiple selection This has worked for so long. The problem this year is the bound cards. EA won’t give up on them so we’re 3 months into a game without any communication (aside from we’re working on it) on why somethi...Re: NHL 25 HUT Content 1/7 I think since you posted it as content you should honor it. Says it’s for winning the best defender award.
Top ContributionsRe: #HUT99 SET This “road to 99” has been an epic fail. Of course we only know of 2 of the cards. There was no hype, no build up, no community engagement. There is absolutely no reason we should be able to gain all...Re: HUT Season 3 has arrived! EA_Aljo “when I played HUT in previous years” So you’re done with it too? Why are people getting less for not playing online in a year that was sold as “play your way”? Re: I shouldn't be shocked They also limited the amount of time for the weekly season xp objectives. You used to have the full season, so new players could catch up somewhat or you could play more casually. Now you only get a ...Re: HUT Season 3 has arrived! EA_Aljo How do you not have any details? They don’t give you any talking points? This is not ok Where isEA_Aljo ? Has anything that’s been “passed on to the team” been addressed? Sets not being fixed? Events expiring early? Wrong event cards in packs? Not getting rewards/packs? Nothing on EANHL...Re: Storage Set EA_Aljo What’s the timeline? Between this and no multi-select makes making sets SUCK. Do you play HUT? Do you really not see how much this makes this game unplayable at times? If these QOL things do...Re: Let me get this straight.... I bet if the update gave players better pack odds it would get fixed overnight. Re: HUT Season 3 has arrived! And more in the comments on the season 3 posts on FB and Instagram. This is the most up in arms I’ve seen this much of the base in a while. Re: HUT Season 3 has arrived! EA_Aljo Have the dev team take a look at r/NHLHUT on Reddit to see how bad they messed up with this decision. Re-combine the online/offline objectives or a lot of us are done for good. “Play your wa...Re: NHL 25 HUT Content 12/24 EA_Aljo what makes this a big content day? Looks about average to me. I was really expecting series 2 X factors. Continual disappointment is all you can expect from ea.