- Company Information
- Company Info
- Key Financials (last Fiscal Year)
- Profit Ratios
- Updated:8/5/24
- Country:South Korea
- Headquarters:Seoul
- Industry:Metals
- CEO:In-Wha Chang
- Website:https://www.posco.com
- Ticker:PKX
- Company type:Public
- Revenues ($M):$58,999
- Profits ($M):$1,300
- Market value ($M):$23,598
- Number of employees:44,501
Figures prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards. Market value as of July 15, 2024.
- Industry:Metals
- Location:Pohang, South Korea
- Industry Rank:5
- Previous Industry Rank:7*
- Website:https://www.posco.co.kr
- Overall Score:5.68
- $ Millions% change
- Revenues ($M):$58,999.2-10.4%
- Profits ($M):$1,300.3-46.8%
- Assets ($M):$78,342.4-
- Total Stockholder Equity ($M):$41,798.3-
- Profit as % of Revenues:2.2%
- Profits as % of Assets:1.7%
- Profits as % of Stockholder Equity:3.1%
POSCO Holdings stock chart
POSCO Holdings in Fortune Rankings
- Fortune Global 500
- World's Most Admired Companies