RNA-seq,quantification,gene expression,transcriptomics
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RNA-seq,quantification,gene expression,transcriptomics
In version 2 of the manuscript, we have reworded and improved the clarity of the text in several places, to better convey the differences between the contrasted approaches and clarify the questions that are addressed by each analysis. We have also expanded the supplementary material with additional analyses of accuracy of abundance estimates among paralogous genes, and added more detailed descriptions of aspects such as the calculation of each abundance measure and the generation of the incomplete annotation files, information that was previously only available in the respective Datasets. The Discussion section has been extended, mainly to include a discussion of differential expression analysis methods incorporating variance estimates.
See the authors' detailed response to the review by Stephen N. Floor
See the authors' detailed response to the review by Rob Patro
Quantification and comparison of isoform- or gene-level expression based on high throughput sequencing reads from cDNA (RNA-seq) are arguably among the most common tasks in modern computational molecular biology. Currently, one of the most widely used approaches amounts to defining the genomic locations of a set of non-overlapping targets (typically, genes) and using the number of aligned reads overlapping a target as a measure of its abundance, or expression level. Several software packages have been developed for performing such “simple” counting (e.g., featureCounts1 and HTSeq-count2). More recently, the field has seen a surge in methods aimed at quantifying the abundances of individual transcripts (e.g., Cufflinks3, RSEM4, BitSeq5, kallisto6 and Salmon7). These methods provide higher resolution than simple counting, and by circumventing the computationally costly read alignment step, some (notably, kallisto and Salmon) are also considerably faster. However, isoform quantification is more complex than the simple counting, due to the high degree of overlap among transcripts. Currently, there is no consensus regarding the optimal resolution or method for quantification and downstream analysis of transcriptomic output.
Another point of debate is the unit in which abundances are given. The traditional R/FPKM8,9 (reads/fragments per kilobase per million reads) have been largely superseded by the TPM10 (transcripts per million), since the latter is more consistent across libraries. Regardless, all these units attempt to “correct for” sequencing depth and feature length and thus do not reflect the influence of these on quantification uncertainty. In order to account for these aspects, most statistical tools for analysis of RNA-seq data operate instead on the count scale. Most of these tools were designed to be applied to simple read counts, and the degree to which their performance is affected by using fractional estimated counts resulting from portioning reads aligning to multiple transcripts is still an open question. The fact that the most common sequencing protocols provide reads that are much shorter than the average transcript implies that the observed read counts depend on a transcript’s length as well as its abundance; thus, simple counts are arguably less accurate measures than TPMs of the true abundance of RNA molecules from given genes. The use of gene counts as input to statistical tools typically assumes that the length of the expressed part of a gene does not change across samples and thus its impact can be ignored for differential analysis.
In the analysis of transcriptomic data, as for any other application, it is of utmost importance that the question of interest is precisely defined before a computational approach is selected. Often, the interest lies in comparing the transcriptional output between different conditions, and most RNA-seq studies can be classified as either: 1) differential gene expression (DGE) studies, where the overall transcriptional output of each gene is compared between conditions; 2) differential transcript/exon usage (DTU/DEU) studies, where the composition of a gene’s isoform abundance spectrum is compared between conditions, or 3) differential transcript expression (DTE) studies, where the interest lies in whether individual transcripts show differential expression between conditions. DTE analysis results can be represented on the individual transcript level, or aggregated to the gene level, e.g., by evaluating whether at least one of the isoforms shows evidence of differential abundance.
In this report, we make and give evidence for three claims: 1) gene-level estimation is considerably more accurate than transcript-level; 2) regardless of the level at which abundance estimation is done, inferences at the gene level are appealing in terms of robustness, statistical performance and interpretation; 3) taking advantage of transcript-level abundance estimates when defining or analyzing gene-level abundances leads to improved DGE results compared to simple counting for genes exhibiting DTU. The magnitude of the effect in a given data set thus depends on the extent of DTU, and the global impact is relatively small in several real data sets analyzed in this study.
To facilitate a broad range of analysis choices, depending on the biological question of interest, we provide an R/Bioconductor package, tximport, to import transcript lengths and abundance estimates from several popular quantification packages and export (estimated) count matrices and, optionally, average transcript length correction terms (i.e., offsets) that can be used as inputs to common statistical engines, such as DESeq211, edgeR12 and limma13.
Throughout this manuscript, we utilize two simulated data sets and four experimental data sets (Bottomly14 [Data set 3], GSE6457015 [Data set 4], GSE6924416 [Data set 5], GSE7216517 [Data set 6], see Supplementary File 1 for further details) for illustration. Details on the data generation and full records of the analyses are provided in the data sets and Supplementary File 1. The first simulated data set (sim1; Data set 1) is the synthetic human data set from Soneson et al.18, comprising 20,410 genes and 145,342 transcripts and is available from ArrayExpress (accession E-MTAB-3766). This data set consists of three biological replicates from each of two simulated conditions, and differential isoform usage was introduced for 1,000 genes by swapping the relative expression levels of the two most dominant isoforms between conditions. For each gene in this data set, the total transcriptional output is the same in the two conditions (i.e., no overall DGE); it is worth noting that this is an extreme situation, but provides a useful test set for contrasting DGE, DTU and DTE. The second simulated data set (sim2; Data set 2) is a synthetic data set comprising the 3,858 genes and 15,677 transcripts from the human chromosome 1. It is available from ArrayExpress with accession E-MTAB-4119. Also here, we simulated two conditions with three biological replicates each. For this data set, we simulated both overall DGE, where all transcripts of the affected gene showed the same fold change between the conditions (420 genes), differential transcript usage (DTU), where the total transcriptional output was kept constant but the relative contribution from the transcripts changed (420 genes) and differential transcript expression (DTE), where the expression of 10% of the transcripts of each affected gene was modified (422 genes, 528 transcripts). The three sets of modified genes were disjoint. Again, this synthetic data set represents an extreme situation compared to most real data sets, but provides a useful test case to identify underlying causes of differences between results from various analysis pipelines.
In addition to Data set 1–Data set 6, which contain all code for reproducing our analyses, further method descriptions are given in Supplementary File 1.
To evaluate the accuracy of abundance estimation with transcript and gene resolution, we used the quasi-mapping mode of Salmon7 (v0.5.1) to estimate the TPM for each transcript in each of the data sets. Gene-level TPM estimates, representing the overall transcriptional output of each gene, were obtained by summing the corresponding transcript-level TPM estimates. For the two simulated data sets, the true underlying TPM of each feature was known and we could thus evaluate the accuracy of the estimates. Unsurprisingly, gene-level estimates were more accurate than transcript-level estimates (Figure 1A, Supplementary Figures 4,5). We also derived TPM estimates from simple gene-level counts obtained from traditional alignment of the reads to the genome using STAR followed by counting with featureCounts, by dividing the read count for each gene with a reasonable measure of the length of the gene (the length of the union of its exons) and the total number of mapped reads, and scaling the estimates to sum to 1 million. The simple count estimates showed a lower correlation with the true TPMs than the Salmon estimates, in line with previous observations19. It is worth noting that we are comparing entire (typical) workflows, and that differences may also occur if the set of reads that STAR is able to align to the genome is not identical to the set of reads that are contributing to the abundance estimation of Salmon. However, due to the large fraction of aligned reads and the high mapping rate with Salmon (both exceeding 99.8%, more than 95% of the reads were subsequently unambiguously assigned to genes by featureCounts), we do not expect this to have a major impact on the results shown in Figure 1A.
Gene-level estimates derived from both simple counts and Salmon tended to show a high degree of robustness against incompleteness of the annotation catalog, as evidenced from estimation errors after first removing (at random) 20% of the transcripts (Figure 1A, see also Supplementary File 1); in contrast, Salmon’s transcript estimate accuracies deteriorated. To further compare the merits of genome alignment-based vs alignment-free quantification, especially in their handling of multi-mapping reads, we investigated the accuracy of the abundance estimates within sets of paralogous genes (Supplementary Figures 1–3). Also here, Salmon provided more consistently accurate estimates than STAR+featureCounts. From the bootstrap estimates generated by Salmon, we also estimated the coefficient of variation of the abundance estimates. The gene-level estimates showed considerably lower variability than the transcript-level estimates in both simulated and experimental data (Figure 1B, Supplementary Figures 6,7). Taken together, these observations suggest that the gene-level estimates are more accurate than transcript-level estimates and therefore potentially allow a more accurate and stable statistical analysis. A further argument in favor of gene-level analysis is the unidentifiability of transcript expression that can result from uneven coverage caused by underlying technical biases. While some extent of coverage variability might be alleviated by corrections for sequence- or position-specific biases20, there remain cases where transcript expression cannot be inferred from data (Figure 1C). Intermediate approaches, grouping together “indistinguishable” features are also conceiveable21, but not yet standard practice.
DTE is concerned with inference of changes in abundance at transcript resolution, and thus invokes a statistical test for each transcript. We argue that this can lead to several complications: the first is conceptual, since the rows (transcripts) in the result table will in many cases not be interpreted independently, since the researcher is often interested in comparing the results for transcripts from the same gene locus, and the second one is more technical, since the number of transcripts is considerably larger than the number of genes, which could lead to lower power due to the portioning of the total set of reads across a larger number of features and a potentially higher multiple testing penalty. We tested for DTE on the simulated data by applying edgeR12 to the transcript counts obtained from Salmon (the application of count models to estimated counts is discussed in the next Section), and represented the results as transcript-level p-values or aggregated these to the gene level by using the perGeneQValue function from the DEXSeq22 R package. Note that the transcript-level DTE test assesses the null hypothesis that individual transcripts do not change their expression, whereas the gene-level DTE test assesses the null hypothesis that all transcripts from a given gene exhibit no change in expression. Framing the DTE question at the gene level results in higher power, without sacrificing false discovery rate control (Figure 2A). This is not surprising given the different null hypotheses, and, in fact, for many of the genes detected as true positives with the gene-level test, only a subset of the truly changing transcripts were detected (Supplementary Figure 8). We note that this type of gene-level aggregation may favor genes in which one transcript shows strong changes, and that other approaches to increase power against specific alternatives are conceivable, e.g., capitalizing on the rich collection of methods for gene set analysis.
While DTE analysis is more suitable than DGE analysis for detecting genes with changes in absolute or relative isoform expression but no or only minor change in overall output (Supplementary Figure 9), we argue that even gene-level DTE results may suffer from lack of interpretability. DTE can manifest in several different ways, as an overall differential expression of the gene or differential relative usage of its transcripts, or a combination of the two (Figure 2B). We argue that the biological question of interest is in many cases more readily interpretable as a combination of DGE and DTU, rather than DTE. It has been our experience that results reported at the transcript level are still often cast to the gene level (i.e., given a differentially expressed transcript, researchers want to know whether also other isoforms of the gene are changing), suggesting that asking two specific gene-level questions (Is the overall abundance changing? Are the isoform abundances changing proportionally?) trumps the interpretability of one broad question addressing the transcript abundances (Are there changes in any of the isoform expression levels?), despite the increased need for multiple testing correction associated with performing two tests for each gene rather than one. There are of course also situations when a transcript-centric approach provides superior interpretability, for example in targeted experiments where specific isoforms are expected to change due to an administered treatment.
DGE (i.e., testing for changes in the overall transcriptional output of a gene) is typically performed by applying a count-based inference method from statistical packages such as edgeR12 or DESeq211 to gene counts obtained by read counting software such as featureCounts1, HTSeq-count2 or functions from the GenomicAlignments23 R package. A lot has been written about how simple counting approaches are prone to give erroneous results for genes with changes in relative isoform usage, due to the direct dependence of the observed read count on the transcript length24, and alternatives, such as Cuffdiff24, which utilizes estimated transcript abundances, have been proposed. However, the extent of the problem in real data has not been thoroughly investigated. Here, we show that taking advantage of transcript-resolution estimates (e.g., obtained by Salmon) in count-based inference methods can lead to improved DGE results. We propose two alternative ways of integrating transcript abundance estimates into the DGE pipeline: to define an “artificial” count matrix, or to calculate offsets that can be used in the statistical modeling of the observed gene counts from, e.g., featureCounts. Both approaches are implemented in the accompanying tximport R package (available from
For the DGE analyses, we defined three different gene-level count matrices for each data set (see also Supplementary File 1): 1) using featureCounts from the Rsubread1 R package (denoted featureCounts below), 2) summing the estimated transcript counts from Salmon within genes (simplesum), 3) summing the estimated transcript TPMs from Salmon within genes, and multiplying with the total library size in millions (scaledTPM). We note that the scaledTPM values are artificial values, transforming underlying abundance measures to the “count scale” to incorporate the information provided by the sequencing depth. We further used the effective transcript lengths and estimated TPMs from Salmon to define average transcript lengths for each gene and each sample (normalization factors) as described in the Supplementary material, to be used as offsets for edgeR and DESeq2 when analyzing the featureCounts and simplesum count matrices (featureCounts_avetxl and simplesum_avetxl).
Overall, the counts obtained by all methods were highly correlated (Supplementary Figures 10–12), which is not surprising since any differences are likely to affect a relatively small subset of the genes. In general, the simplesum and featureCounts matrices led to similar conclusions in all considered data sets, even though there are differences between the two approaches in terms of how multi-mapping reads and reads partly overlapping intronic regions are handled25. Previous studies have also shown that some loss of sensitivity for certain genes may be encountered from discarding multi-mapping fragments, which may be recovered through the use of transcript abundance estimators such as Salmon21. The concordance between simplesum and featureCounts results also suggests that statistical methods based on the Negative Binomial assumption are applicable also to summarized, gene-level estimated counts, which is further supported by the similarity between the p-value histograms as well as the mean-variance relationships observed with the three types of count matrices (Supplementary Figures 13–18).
Accounting for the potentially varying average transcript length across samples when performing DGE, either in the definition of the count matrix (scaledTPM) or by defining offsets (featureCounts_avetxl, simplesum_avetxl), led to considerably improved false discovery rate (FDR) control compared to using the observed featureCounts or aggregated Salmon counts directly (Figure 3A, Table 1). It is important to note that this improvement is entirely attributable to an improved handling of genes with changes in isoform composition between the conditions (Figure 3B, Supplementary Figure 19), that we purposely introduced strong signals in the simulated data set in order to pinpoint these underlying causes, and that the overall effect in a real data set will depend on the extent to which considerable DTU is present. Experiments on various real data sets (Supplementary Figure 20) show only small differences in the collections of significant genes found with the simplesum and simplesum_avetxl approaches, suggesting that the extent of the problem in many real data sets is limited, and that most findings obtained with simple counting are not induced by counting artifacts. Further support for this conclusion is shown in Figure 4 (see also Supplementary Figures 21–23 and Supplementary Table 1), where log-fold change estimates from edgeR, based on the simplesum and scaledTPM matrices, are contrasted. For the genes with induced DTU in the sim2 data set, log-fold changes based on the simplesum matrix are overestimated, as expected. However, this effect is almost absent in all the real data sets, again highlighting the extreme nature of our simulated data and suggesting that the effect of using different count matrices is considerably smaller for many real data sets. Table 1 further suggests that the lack of error control for simplesum and featureCounts matrices is more pronounced when there is a large difference in length between the differentially used isoforms. In the group with smallest length difference, where the longer differentially used isoform is less than 34% longer than the shorter one, all approaches controlled the type I error satisfactorily. It is worth noting that among all human transcript pairs in which both transcripts belong to the same gene, the median length ratio is 1.85, and for one third of such pairs the longer isoform is less than 38% longer than the shorter one (see Data set 1).
In this article, we have contrasted transcript- and gene-resolution analyses in terms of both abundance estimation and statistical inference, and illustrated that gene-level results are often more accurate, powerful and interpretable than transcript-level results. Not surprisingly, however, accurate transcript-level estimation and inference play an important role in deriving appropriate gene-level results, and it is therefore imperative to continue improving abundance estimation and inference methods applicable to individual transcripts, since misestimation can propagate to the gene level. We have shown that when testing for changes in overall gene expression (DGE), traditional gene counting approaches may lead to an inflated false discovery rate compared to methods aggregating transcript-level TPM values or incorporating correction factors derived from these, for genes where the relative isoform usage differs between the compared conditions. These correction factors can be calculated from the output of transcript abundance programs, using e.g., the provided R package (tximport). It is important to note that the average transcript length offsets must account for the differences in transcript usage between the samples and thus using (sample-independent) exon-union gene lengths will not improve performance.
On the six data sets studied here, simple counting with featureCounts led to very similar conclusions as estimated gene counts from Salmon, when combined with count-based statistical inference tools such as edgeR and DESeq2. Moreover, p-value distributions and mean-variance relationships were similar for actual and estimated counts. Taken together, this suggests that the negative binomial assumption made by the count-based tools is flexible enough to accommodate also estimated counts. All evaluated counting approaches, with and without the inclusion of average transcript length offsets, gave comparable DGE results for genes where DTU was not present. Thus, the extent of the FDR inflation in experimental data depends on the extent of DTU between the compared conditions; notably, our simulation introduced rather extreme levels of DTU, hence the inflated FDR, and the difference between the approaches was considerably smaller in real data sets. Recent studies have also shown that many genes express mainly one, dominant isoform26 and for such genes, we expect that simple gene counting will work well.
All evaluations in this study were performed using well-established count-based differential analysis tools. These methods take as input a matrix of counts, which is assumed to correctly represent the origin of each read in a particular set of libraries. However, due to sequence similarities among transcripts or genes, there is often a hidden uncertainty in the feature abundance estimates, even when the set of input reads is fixed. With the development of fast, alignment-free abundance estimation methods, this uncertainty can now be estimated rapidly using bootstrap approaches (see e.g. Figure 1b). Method development is currently underway in the field to account for this uncertainty in the differential expression analysis (e.g., MetaDiff27, sleuth6), which has the potential to improve performance of both DTE and DGE analyses. If such methods are based on (potentially transformed) aggregated transcript counts as gene-level abundance measures, DGE analysis will still be affected by the presence of DTU, and thus could benefit from the inclusion of average transcript length offsets, or by instead using the sum of transcript TPMs as gene abundance measures.
Our results highlight the importance of carefully specifying the question of interest before selecting a statistical approach. Summarization of abundance estimates at the gene level before performing the statistical testing should be the method of choice if the interest is in finding changes in the overall transcriptional output of a gene. However, it is suboptimal if the goal is to identify genes for which at least one of the transcripts show differences in transcriptional output, since it may miss genes where two transcripts change in opposite directions, or where a lowly expressed transcript changes. For gene-level detection of DTE (that is, whether any transcript showed a change in expression between the conditions), statistical testing applied to aggregated gene counts led to reduced power and slightly inflated FDR compared to performing the statistical test on the transcript level and aggregating results within genes (Supplementary Figure 9). Statistical inference on aggregated transcript TPMs (scaledTPM) showed low power for detecting changes that did not affect the overall transcriptional output of the gene, as expected. An alternative to DTE analysis, for potential improved interpretability, is to perform a combination of DGE and DTU analyses, both resulting in gene-level inferences. Table 2 summarizes our results and give suggested workflows for the different types of analyses we have considered.
Task | Input data | Software (examples) | Post-processing |
DGE | Aggregated transcript counts + average transcript length offsets, or simple counts + average transcript length offsets | Salmon, kallisto, BitSeq, RSEM | |
tximport | |||
DESeq2, edgeR, voom/limma | |||
DTE | Transcript counts | Salmon, kallisto, BitSeq, RSEM | Optional gene-level aggregation |
tximport | |||
DESeq2, edgeR, sleuth, voom/limma | |||
DTU/DEU | Transcript counts or bin counts, depending on interpretation potential18 | Salmon, kallisto, BitSeq, RSEM | Optional gene-level aggregation |
DEXSeq |
Finally, we note that abundance estimation at the gene level can reduce the impact of technical biases on expression levels, which have been shown to lead to estimation errors, such as expression being attributed to the wrong isoform28. Non-uniform coverage from amplification bias or from position bias (3’ coverage bias from poly-(A) selection) can result in unidentifiable transcript-level estimation. While correction of technical artifacts in coverage can be attempted computationally, through estimation of sequence- and position-specific biases20, we note that such errors and estimation problems are also minimized when summarizing expression to the gene level. This being said, there may of course be situations where a direct transcript-level analysis is appropriate. For example, in a cancer setting where a specific deleterious splice variant is of interest (e.g., AR-V7 in prostate cancer29), inferences directly at the transcript level may be preferred. However, while this may be preferred for individual known transcripts, transcriptome-wide differential expression analyses may not be warranted, given the associated multiple testing cost.
F1000Research: Dataset 1. Data set 1, 10.5256/f1000research.7563.d114722
F1000Research: Dataset 2. Data set 2, 10.5256/f1000research.7563.d114723
F1000Research: Dataset 3. Data set 3, 10.5256/f1000research.7563.d114724
F1000Research: Dataset 4. Data set 4, 10.5256/f1000research.7563.d114725
F1000Research: Dataset 5. Data set 5, 10.5256/f1000research.7563.d114726
F1000Research: Dataset 6. Data set 6, 10.5256/f1000research.7563.d114730
CS, MIL and MDR conceived the study and developed methodology. CS and MDR designed and carried out the computational experiments and drafted the manuscript. MIL implemented the tximport R package and wrote parts of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript and have agreed to the content.
MDR and CS acknowledge support from the “RNA & Disease” National Center of Competence in Research, an SNSF project grant (143883) and from the European Commission through the 7th Framework Collaborative Project RADIANT (Grant Agreement Number: 305626). MIL was supported by NIH grant 5T32CA009337-35.
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
The authors would like to thank Magnus Rattray, Alexander Kanitz, Hubert Rehrauer, Xiaobei Zhou and Rafael Irizarry for helpful comments on earlier versions of this manuscript. The authors would also like to thank the reviewers, Rob Patro and Stephen Floor, for their excellent suggestions that have helped to improve this manuscript.
Supplementary file 1.
Supplementary File 1 (pdf) contains more detailed information about the data sets, supplementary methods and supplementary figures referred to in the text.
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Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
1. Roberts A, Trapnell C, Donaghey J, Rinn JL, et al.: Improving RNA-Seq expression estimates by correcting for fragment bias.Genome Biol. 2011; 12 (3): R22 PubMed Abstract | Publisher Full TextCompeting Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
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One of the main points of our paper was to point out and illustrate that defining the null hypothesis of ... Continue reading Written by Charlotte Soneson, Michael I Love and Mark D Robinson.
One of the main points of our paper was to point out and illustrate that defining the null hypothesis of interest is of great importance when it comes to choosing the right data processing and analysis approach (see e.g., the Introduction, or Table 2 for a summary). In particular, we considered three main null hypotheses on the gene level, testing for what we may denote:
It is important to recall that the concern that DTU among isoforms of different length could induce false positives in DGE analysis was the main issue that Trapnell et al (2013) had with competing count-based statistical methods. From the Results section of that paper:
When all of a gene's isoforms are up- or downregulated between two conditions, raw count methods recover true change in gene expression. However, when some isoforms are upregulated and others downregulated, raw count methods are inaccurate.
In the comment, Dr. Pachter notes that our average transcript length or scaled TPM corrections for performing DGE, which protect against potential false positives induced by DTU, may provide similar global performance as simplesum for a given dataset. This would imply that the major concern of Trapnell et al (2013) with count-based statistical methods may not be a large problem for every dataset. However, this does not invalidate the concern of Trapnell et al (2013), rather it means that the problem primarily affects individual genes with DTU among isoforms of different length, and this may not occur in every dataset, or may not affect the global operating characteristics.
The null hypothesis tested in Supplementary Figure 2 of the Ntranos/Yi et al paper mentioned by Dr. Pachter is very different from the DGE null hypothesis discussed above. In their figure, a gene is considered "truly differential" if any of its transcripts are truly differentially expressed between the compared groups. We consider this null hypothesis for bulk, full-length RNA-seq in our Supplementary Figure 9, and we show that, indeed, performing DGE on the simplesum counts detects more of the truly differential genes (defined as those with any transcript DE rather than where the total concentration of transcripts changes) than performing DGE by including the average transcript length offsets or using scaled TPMs. This is natural and expected, since the offsets are explicitly designed to eliminate the effect of DTU on the overall (aggregated) gene count, to avoid this affecting DGE analysis as described above. Thus, a gene as the one mentioned in the first paragraph will have different gene-level counts due (only) to the usage of different isoforms in the two conditions, not to a change in overall expression, and will be detected in a DGE analysis applied to summarized gene counts, but not if offsets are included. However, the important message of Supplementary Figure 9 is that neither of these gene-level summarization approaches should be applied if the goal is to find genes where any of the transcripts are differentially expressed (the hypothesis tested in Ntranos/Yi et al). Instead, in this situation, transcript-level information should be used. In our Supplementary Figure 9, we exemplify this by performing differential expression analysis on the individual transcript level, followed by aggregation of the test results to the gene level. As expected, this correctly detects many more of the genes with any transcript DE.
Thus, as we discuss in depth in our paper, the answer to the question "How should I sum transcript counts on the gene level with tximport?" depends on the null hypothesis that one is interested in testing. If the null hypothesis of interest is that the total transcriptional output of a gene is the same between conditions, incorporating the average transcript length offsets or using scaled (or length-scaled) TPMs will protect against effects of expressed transcript length on observed gene abundances (these are the steps one will find for DGE analysis in the tximport vignette). If the null hypothesis of interest is that none of the transcripts of a gene are differentially expressed, then the transcript-level abundances should not be aggregated to the gene level. Instead, we recommend using transcript-level information to answer this question (see, for example the methods papers for DRIMSeq or stageR).
In the context of transcript-level analysis, it is worth noting that statements about our F1000 paper written in Dr. Pachter’s blog (and at RNASeqBlog) are not true. In the 15 Feb 2018 version of Dr. Pachter’s blog, it is stated ‘Soneson et al. 2016 suggest that while DTE and DTU may be appropriate in certain niche applications, generally it’s better to choose DGE, and they therefore advise not to bother with transcript-level analysis’. However, we highly recommend transcript-level analysis, whether it be a combination of DGE and DTU, or via DTE+G; in particular, text from our Discussion is copied below with emphasis added:
Our results highlight the importance of carefully specifying the question of interest before selecting a statistical approach. Summarization of abundance estimates at the gene level before performing the statistical testing should be the method of choice if the interest is in finding changes in the overall transcriptional output of a gene. However, it is suboptimal if the goal is to identify genes for which at least one of the transcripts show differences in transcriptional output, since it may miss genes where two transcripts change in opposite directions, or where a lowly expressed transcript changes. For gene-level detection of DTE (that is, whether any transcript showed a change in expression between the conditions), statistical testing applied to aggregated gene counts led to reduced power and slightly inflated FDR compared to performing the statistical test on the transcript level and aggregating results within genes (Supplementary Figure 9). Statistical inference on aggregated transcript TPMs (scaledTPM) showed low power for detecting changes that did not affect the overall transcriptional output of the gene, as expected. An alternative to DTE analysis, for potential improved interpretability, is to perform a combination of DGE and DTU analyses, both resulting in gene-level inferences. Table 2 summarizes our results and give suggested workflows for the different types of analyses we have considered.
Our main message overall is that analysts should think about and carefully specify the differential expression question of interest among the many possibilities.
* =concentration of transcript molecules, summed over all isoforms
One of the main points of our paper was to point out and illustrate that defining the null hypothesis of interest is of great importance when it comes to choosing the right data processing and analysis approach (see e.g., the Introduction, or Table 2 for a summary). In particular, we considered three main null hypotheses on the gene level, testing for what we may denote:
It is important to recall that the concern that DTU among isoforms of different length could induce false positives in DGE analysis was the main issue that Trapnell et al (2013) had with competing count-based statistical methods. From the Results section of that paper:
When all of a gene's isoforms are up- or downregulated between two conditions, raw count methods recover true change in gene expression. However, when some isoforms are upregulated and others downregulated, raw count methods are inaccurate.
In the comment, Dr. Pachter notes that our average transcript length or scaled TPM corrections for performing DGE, which protect against potential false positives induced by DTU, may provide similar global performance as simplesum for a given dataset. This would imply that the major concern of Trapnell et al (2013) with count-based statistical methods may not be a large problem for every dataset. However, this does not invalidate the concern of Trapnell et al (2013), rather it means that the problem primarily affects individual genes with DTU among isoforms of different length, and this may not occur in every dataset, or may not affect the global operating characteristics.
The null hypothesis tested in Supplementary Figure 2 of the Ntranos/Yi et al paper mentioned by Dr. Pachter is very different from the DGE null hypothesis discussed above. In their figure, a gene is considered "truly differential" if any of its transcripts are truly differentially expressed between the compared groups. We consider this null hypothesis for bulk, full-length RNA-seq in our Supplementary Figure 9, and we show that, indeed, performing DGE on the simplesum counts detects more of the truly differential genes (defined as those with any transcript DE rather than where the total concentration of transcripts changes) than performing DGE by including the average transcript length offsets or using scaled TPMs. This is natural and expected, since the offsets are explicitly designed to eliminate the effect of DTU on the overall (aggregated) gene count, to avoid this affecting DGE analysis as described above. Thus, a gene as the one mentioned in the first paragraph will have different gene-level counts due (only) to the usage of different isoforms in the two conditions, not to a change in overall expression, and will be detected in a DGE analysis applied to summarized gene counts, but not if offsets are included. However, the important message of Supplementary Figure 9 is that neither of these gene-level summarization approaches should be applied if the goal is to find genes where any of the transcripts are differentially expressed (the hypothesis tested in Ntranos/Yi et al). Instead, in this situation, transcript-level information should be used. In our Supplementary Figure 9, we exemplify this by performing differential expression analysis on the individual transcript level, followed by aggregation of the test results to the gene level. As expected, this correctly detects many more of the genes with any transcript DE.
Thus, as we discuss in depth in our paper, the answer to the question "How should I sum transcript counts on the gene level with tximport?" depends on the null hypothesis that one is interested in testing. If the null hypothesis of interest is that the total transcriptional output of a gene is the same between conditions, incorporating the average transcript length offsets or using scaled (or length-scaled) TPMs will protect against effects of expressed transcript length on observed gene abundances (these are the steps one will find for DGE analysis in the tximport vignette). If the null hypothesis of interest is that none of the transcripts of a gene are differentially expressed, then the transcript-level abundances should not be aggregated to the gene level. Instead, we recommend using transcript-level information to answer this question (see, for example the methods papers for DRIMSeq or stageR).
In the context of transcript-level analysis, it is worth noting that statements about our F1000 paper written in Dr. Pachter’s blog (and at RNASeqBlog) are not true. In the 15 Feb 2018 version of Dr. Pachter’s blog, it is stated ‘Soneson et al. 2016 suggest that while DTE and DTU may be appropriate in certain niche applications, generally it’s better to choose DGE, and they therefore advise not to bother with transcript-level analysis’. However, we highly recommend transcript-level analysis, whether it be a combination of DGE and DTU, or via DTE+G; in particular, text from our Discussion is copied below with emphasis added:
Our results highlight the importance of carefully specifying the question of interest before selecting a statistical approach. Summarization of abundance estimates at the gene level before performing the statistical testing should be the method of choice if the interest is in finding changes in the overall transcriptional output of a gene. However, it is suboptimal if the goal is to identify genes for which at least one of the transcripts show differences in transcriptional output, since it may miss genes where two transcripts change in opposite directions, or where a lowly expressed transcript changes. For gene-level detection of DTE (that is, whether any transcript showed a change in expression between the conditions), statistical testing applied to aggregated gene counts led to reduced power and slightly inflated FDR compared to performing the statistical test on the transcript level and aggregating results within genes (Supplementary Figure 9). Statistical inference on aggregated transcript TPMs (scaledTPM) showed low power for detecting changes that did not affect the overall transcriptional output of the gene, as expected. An alternative to DTE analysis, for potential improved interpretability, is to perform a combination of DGE and DTU analyses, both resulting in gene-level inferences. Table 2 summarizes our results and give suggested workflows for the different types of analyses we have considered.
Our main message overall is that analysts should think about and carefully specify the differential expression question of interest among the many possibilities.
* =concentration of transcript molecules, summed over all isoforms