- Landmark speed rating
- Shulgin rating scale
- Elo rating
- Fiction rating system
- chess rating
- Social Readjustment Rating Scale
- Canadian Home Video Rating System
- approval rating
- summated rating
- involvement/immersion rating system
- Sarlo's Guru Rating Service
- The Accipiter Cookie Rating System
- rating community
- video game ratings
- Safety Helmet and Assessment Rating Programme
- Pomeroy Ratings
- computer ratings systems
- The 1-0 Rating System: Streamlining Female Attractiveness for a New Generation of Oglers
- Glicko rating system
- rating system
- Nielsen Ratings System
- rating
- The Ratings
- Tire ratings
- tire speed rating
- Movie Ratings
- quarterback rating
- ratings for everything
- HMIS ratings
- Entertainment Software Rating Board
- Who's Rating our Games?
- bag rating
- Classification and Rating Administration
- Credit rating
- Michelin restaurant rating
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