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Shorthand for "Rack Unit" when used in discussions of rackmount equipment. 1 Rack Unit is (1.75 in. or 4.45 cm).

A 19" equipment rack (or telco rack, depending on the design) is about 19" wide, and about 2 meters high. The frame of the rack has a number of holes to which you can use screws or bolts to mount equipment. The holes are laid out account to an EIA standard in a alternating 5/8" - 5/8" - 1/2" hole pattern.

The layout of these holes, and the need for four screws or bolts to hold the equipment to the rack, means that the equipment must be at least tall enough so that its mounting 'ears' cross two bolt holes on each side. The minimum size is 1.75 inch. If you grow your equipment in the 1-unit increments, you are guaranteed to have a rack-friendly design.

The U shorthand is used in marketing servers. For example, the HP LPr series of servers are 2U high, so a stack of three of them would take 10.5" of rack space, or 6U. The Cobalt RaQ server is only 1U high, so you could pack six of them in the same space that the LPr servers would take.

Rack Units are also used in renting space for your servers.Co-location facilities charge by rack space used, so using 1U and 2U servers can save you a lot of money.

"U" is a TV program on NRK in Norway. It is designed for the youth market, for people 16-24 years of age.

Before, the concept was utterly cool. The only "adults" were the producers (34 - 40 years of age) and some cameramen, editors etc. (Around 25 years of age). They raised a lot of hell, reinvented the MTV-style picture format and staged cool events and conserts. They also addressed a lot of important issues, concerning smoking, sex, international politics, local politics, etc.

U was known throughout Europe for inventing ballsy TV.

The main leader of the show in it's golden age was mr. Alex Rosén, the kind of person who would take a 10 meter high belly-dive just because he hasn't done it before (And he did in one show.). Think "Jackass" meets PBS here.
U also invented the "Big Brother" concept 8 years ago, with a series called "8 & 1/2" a series following eight young people living together in a camera filled house. (The 1/2 was the unborn baby of one of the women.)

Now, the main contents of the show is short stories by some low-talent actors.

two-to-the-N = U = UBD

u- pref.

Written shorthand for micro-; techspeak when applied to metric units, jargon when used otherwise. Derived from the Greek letter "mu", the first letter of "micro" (and which letter looks a lot like the English letter "u").

--The Jargon File version 4.3.1, ed. ESR, autonoded by rescdsk.

U is the atomic symbol for element 93, Uranium. U-235 makes the nice explosions.

U is the NYSE ticker symbol for US Airways a.k.a. USAir.

U, or more specifically <U>, is the HTML tag for creating underlined text.

u is sometimes used as an abbreviation for micro, as in uSeconds, since many people have trouble typing a Greek mu.

In many cases, U stands for University as in UM, MU or U of M. Without context, however, there's no way to tell if the M stands for Maryland, Michigan, Miami, Myanmar or Marsupial.

Many silly people, in advertising agencies and chat rooms, like to use U to mean "you" as in U-store-it, and "U R Gr8". Don't do this.

In English, you almost always need a U after a Q, except in rare and borrowed cases. The OED lists the words qadi, qadhi, qazi, qasida, Qatabanian, Qatari, qi, Qiana and qiviut, as well as alternate spellings such as qabab for kabab, qaimaqam for kaimakam, qanat for kanat, qanon or qanun for kanoon, qat for cat, qazaq for kazakh, qere for keri, qhat for what, qheche for which, qhom or qhwom for whom, qhythsontyd for Whitsuntide, qibla for kiblah and qibli for gibli,

See also U-haul U-571 U-boat

In probability, U means and. So, P(A U B) means P(A and B).

U is a pilsner beer brewed by Unibroue since 1998.

Source: http://www.unibroue.com/products/u.cfm (English), http://www.unibroue.com/produits/u.cfm (French).

U (yoo)

, the twenty-first letter of the English alphabet, is a cursive form of the letter V, with which it was formerly used interchangeably, both letters being then used both as vowels and consonants. U and V are now, however, differentiated, U being used only as a vowel or semivowel, and V only as a consonant. The true primary vowel sound of U, in Anglo-Saxon, was the sound which it still retains in most of the languages of Europe, that of long oo, as in tool, and short oo, as in wood, answering to the French ou in tour. Etymologically U is most closely related to o, y (vowel), w, and v; as in two, duet, dyad, twice; top, tuft; sop, sup; auspice, aviary. See V, also O and Y.

See Guide to Pronunciation, §§ 130-144.


© Webster 1913.

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