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The "pipe link" on E2 is one of the most interesting ways to express yourself by saying one thing and pointing to another. Sort of a furigana for linked words and phrases in your writeups, the pipe link gives your text a depth and irony otherwise impossible.

To create a pipe link you need to insert a pipe symbol in between the square brackets for your hard link. The pipe symbol is probably located on your keyboard just to the left of your backspace key. You'll need to hold shift down. For example, your hard link will look like this in your text box:

 [Crazy like a fox|I think you are insane] 

It will read in your writeup as "I think you are insane" but you'll notice when you click on that hard link it takes you to the crazy like a fox node instead. Get it? It helps you lie!

It also helps you truth. By using a pipe link you can give a hard link a certain extra dimension - a hint, an allusion. You can give your reader more depth and, therefore, be more obtuse with your work. As always, a limerick will reveal all:

That dog never did cross the road
His bark and his bite were both stowed
He swallowed his grin
They made off with his sin
And now he just sleeps, eats and grows.

Get it?!? SEX IS A SIN! (not the cleverest thing in the world - but you get the point)

Pipe links are commonly used to simplify your hard links. For example, say you were doing a writeup on evolution and you wanted to mention the big guy himself - Darwin. You want to hard link it, but the writeup on 'Darwin' is located in a node titled 'Charles Darwin'. The pipe link solves for this by allowing you to simply link Darwin and have your readers directed to the correct node. The pipe link is also commonly used to direct plurals to their singular nodes.

For a few examples of the pipe link check out some of the following nodes:

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E2 Glossary

this:      |      is a pipe
this:   link   is a link
this:      |      is a pipe link

Er, no...

                        //  //
                       //  //
                      //  //
                     /|  //
                     //_/               /\
                    //                 / /
                   //                 / /
     chain      ,-//                 / /
     link -->  //(/|                / /
              //  //               / /
             //  //               / /
            //  //               / /
           /|  //               / /
           |/)//               / /
           //_/               / /
          //                 / /  <-- pipe link
         //                 / /
      ,-//                 / /
     //(/|                / /
    //  //               / /
   //  //               / /
  //  //                \/
 //  //
 \__/ npb

Er, no!

Ok, ok...

This is a sentence dealing with a topic.

                                                       : what to :
                                                       : display :
                                                       :.... ....:
                                                           : :
                                                           : :     |
                                                            . .    |
                                                             . .   V
                                                              . .
                                                               : :
                                                               : :
                                                               : :
                 __________                  __________________...__
                /          \                /              :        \
               |            |              |               :         |
     This is a | [sentence] | dealing with | [another topic|a topic] | .
               |            |              |               :         |
                \___....___/                \_____...._____:________/
                    |  |                          |  |
                    |  |                          |  |
                 |  |  |                       |  |  |
        (click)  |  |  |              (click)  |  |  |
                 V  |  |                       V  |  |
                    |  |                          |  |
                    |  |                          |  |
                   /  /                          /  /
                  /  /                          /  /
           <--   /  /                  <--     /  /
         _______/  /              ____________/  /
        /         /              /              /
       /  _______/              /  ____________/
      /  /                     /  /
     |  |                     |  |
  ___|..|___             _____|..|______
 |          |           |               |
 | sentence |           | another topic |
 |          |           |               |
 |  (node)  |           |    (node)     |
 |__________|           |_______________|

Er, ... uh, ... hmmm... I suppose that is close enough. *sigh*

(this has been a weird ASCII art of Everything brought to you from the Everything-documentation-using-ASCII-art-even-though-using-a-normal-image-would-be-a-lot-easier-team ("EDUAAETANIWBALET" for short (pronounced "eduaaetaniwbalet" (if you can read this, you do not need glasses) ) ) )

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