What is Whooping Cough?
Whooping cough is a
contagious disease which affects the
respiratory system.
What causes Whooping Cough?
Whooping cough is caused by a
bacteria called
Bordetella Pertussis. The bacteria gets into the
body through the respiratory system and can be found in the
nose and
throat of the
infected person.
Who gets Whooping Cough?
Whooping cough can occur at any
age. It is most
dangerous and occurs most commonly in
young children, yet it can cause
severe coughing in
adults that may last for many
weeks to
months. Whooping Cough is considered one of the most serious
traditional childhood diseases.
How is Whooping Cough spread?
Whooping Cough is spread by
direct contact with
discharges from the nose and throat of the
victim, by
airborne droplets from a
cough or
sneeze, or though contact with contaminated
sheets or
clothing. Whooping Cough is extremely
contagious and people should
avoid contact with infected people.
What are the symptoms?
cough begins as a
mild upper
respiratory infection. During the
early stages, the
symptoms are exactly like those of a
common cold, including
runny nose and a mild cough. After two weeks, the
disease enters its second stage. The cough becomes more severe and there are often episodes of
rapid coughs followed by a
high pitched whoop in
children. Adults will rarely have a whoop sound in their cough. However, adults typically repeat the coughing episode which may be followed by
fainting or becoming
short of breath. The last phase is a
recovery period of up to a
month during which the
patient regains strength. Some other symptoms include:
lack of oxygen
mild fever
persistent coughing
For how long is Whooping Cough contagious?
Whooping Cough can be spread from one person to another for three weeks after the onset of coughing. This can be reduced to only five days if the infected person is taking antibiotics.
Whooping Cough requires prompt medical treatment; delay can lead to serious complications, particularly in children. There is no vaccine for adults, yet thankfully there are two types of vaccines for Whooping Cough for children, both of which are given for tetanus and diphtheria. The booster shots should be given at the each of 15 months and again at 4-6 years.
An antibiotic called erythromycin can reduce the length and severity of the infection, especially if taken if the first ten days of illness. Codeine may be prescribed to relieve coughing. In severe cases, hospitalisation may be required to prevent dehydration and to permit quick administration of oxygen should the patient have difficulty breathing.
PreventionThe DPT (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus) vaccine is given in five doses between the ages of two months and six years. The vaccine has been shown to be 90% effective when a child receives all doses; however, it does not provide permanent immunity. Five years after the final dose, a previously immunised child is no longer protected against the virus. Reimmunisation is not recommended because the vaccine can trigger severe side effects in older children and adults.
Long term effects.
If untreated, Whooping Cough can cause lung damage, bronchial damage and even death.
Call your doctor if:
Your child has not been vaccinated against whooping cough and has recently been exposed to the illness.
You suspect your child has Whooping Cough, especially if the child has a cold and cough that has lasted a week or more.
Your child's lips turn blue and your child experiences periods of poor breathing, an indication of severe respiratory distress.
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