Sudden Massive Existence Failure.
I have become well-acquainted with this acronym while posting to the Starlight Lines Employee Message Forum. This forum can be found at the StarlightLines website, which was originally designed to be related to the Starship Titanic computer game. While the site would have been closed long ago due to the fact that the game has been out for some time, the forum has taken a life of it's own and continues to be popular with a band of regular and irregular readers and posters. Although originally associated with the Starship Titanic game, what occurs at the forum bears only passing resemblance. This definition is attributed to Douglas Adams.
It seems that SMEF also stands for, among other things:
- Standard Media Exchange Framework - used by the BBC
- School of Management Employers Forum - "The size of your success depends on the depth of your desire"
- Sharp Middle East Free Zone Establishment - a company in Dubai
- Shawnee Mission Education Foundation
- Suncoast Music Education Forum
- SMEF Productions - Sean Ellis & Matt Franklin
- Signal Magnifier and Event Filter - a PhD thesis project at University Linz
- series SMEF - CorĀ® pharmaceutical water pretreatment units
- SIDPERS Military Occupational Specialty Edit File - from the book Standard Installation/Division Personnel System (SIDPERS) Personnel Service Center Level Procedures
- Shutter Mounted Exhaust Fan
- Siouxland Medical Education Foundation
- Sailor Moon Eternal Fantasia - a Sailor Moon fanfic site
- The Coast Guard Systems Management Engineering Facility
- Software Maintenance Engineering Facility - a project in Japan in the early '80s
- et cetera