Originally written by Kim Gannon and Walter Kent in 1946 for the Disney short "Johnny Appleseed", which was released in 1948 along with other shorts in a feature-length animation entitled "
Melody Time," this song, entitled "The Lord Is Good to Me" has become a traditional
Girl Scout Camp grace. This short, sweet song is rumored to bring rain, and is therefore reserved for particularly hot and dry summers.
Shimmer informs me that she used to sing it at
Girl Guide Camp in the
(at a brisk pace)Oh,
The Lord's been good to me,
and so I thank the Lord,
for giving me
the things I need:
sun, and the
rain and the
apple seed.
(slowly)Oh, The Lord's been good to me.
The following additional verses have been gleaned from various scouting and folksong websites. One of the websites (2 in my list of sources) even had the sheet music for it. The same site also had a link to play an audio clip of it, but the link was broken when I tried it.
I owe the Lord so much
For everything I see
I'm certain if it weren't for Him
There'd be no apples on this limb
Yes He's been good to me
Oh here am I neath a blue blue sky
A doin' as I please
Singin' with my feathered friends,
Hummin with the bees
Yes He's been good to me
I wake up every day as happy as can be
Because I know that with His care
My apple trees
They will still be there
Oh the Lord's is good to me
And every seed that grows
Shall grow into a tree
And one day soon There'll be apples there
For every one in the world to share
The Lord is good to me.
- Staff of Inland Empire District's Resident Camp, "Camp Four Echoes"
- http://www.dltk-kids.com/crafts/miscellaneous/johnny_appleseed_grace.htm
- http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/4864/songs_graces.html
- http://disneyshorts.toonzone.net/years/1948/melodytime.html