I don't expect to see you again
I don't expect to see you again ever
I dream that you are all walking away
in a busy airport
and as I say your name you hurry away
and as I see another family member
and as I say your name you hurry away
in my dream I stop
in the busy airport
surrounded by people hurrying
in all directions
and I know that it is true
you are hurrying away
as my sister said
because I will not follow
the family rules
I don't like them
I don't agree with them
I will not play
and in the dream
I let you go
I don't expect to see you again
this morning I send an update
on my daughter
to all of you
that is goodbye
it does not matter if you answer
two answers
it does not matter if you answer
I don't expect to see you again
BQ 159