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The person who will come all the way across town to the emergency room in which you have been stranded for seven hours.

You need not have called him.
If you did, you will have forgotten to provide the name of the hospital itself, nevermind your own name.

Just as your voice reaches a fever pitch in the conversation you are having with your parents, in which your mother asks you whether a recent, covert abortion or intravenous drug use might be to blame for your current medical condition...

You are not equipped to handle this audacity. You mumble exasperated negatives, and your hand shakes too much to hang up the phone but...

Just as you look towards the sliding glass doors and seriously contemplate a lunatic rush to the nearest bar, where someone could feed vodka into your IV drip.
Despite the fact that you are wearing boxer shorts and a hospital shift.

In subzero temperatures.

Just as alone sinks in down to your wobbling knees...

He strides in bearing take-out Chinese food and strong cigarettes and cab fare.

Overjoyed to see your sunken ash-tray of a face; eyes jumping like pinballs, lip chewed to a nervous pulp.

Listens to the demerol talking.
Will discuss various excretory (dis)functions of your ailing body.
Will tell you finally that he came and found you first and foremost, because he missed your company, and because he just couldn't eat anything until he knew you were going to be all right.

The name of a piece of climbing equipment invented by John Bardeen in the 1970's. At the time he was an engineer for NASA. He also climbed frequently in Yosemite which is filled with offwidth cracks. Bardeen designed the first ever Sprung Loaded Camming Device (SLCD) which worked amazingly well in the offwidth cracks. He didn't want his fellow climbers to know about his invention untill he had climbed as many routes with them as he could.

On one climbing trip his climbing partner wanted to know if Bardeen had brought along the special equipment. He asked "Have you got our friends ?", the name stuck and this original design is now being produced by the company Wild Country. Bardeen went on to leave NASA and take up climbing full time.

In C++, the keyword friend is used to make member functions (or whole classes) to be able to use private members of another class.

Practically, you can write one function that does strange things to two classes of different types.

C++ also supports the notion of friends: cooperative classes that are permitted to see each other's private parts.

- Grady Booch, "Object Oriented Design with Applications"

See Bjarne Stroustrup's book The C++ Programming Language, 3rd edition, ยง11.5 p. 278

Quakers use the word Friend to mean Quaker. This use stems from the official name of the Quaker religion, The Religious Society of Friends. Friends tend to use "Friends" rather than "Quaker" when they are among Friends, since they are more likely to be understood.

Note that when Quakers use the word "Friend" in this sense when they are writing it down, they almost always capitalise it, to distinguish it from its more common meaning. When both meanings are intended at once, Ffriend is used.

In a glorious blinding instant your friend will be known to you
The gift of themselves carefully wrapped, and presented honest and true
Yours to have and forever to carry inside and feed and nourish
To fill your empty, to comfort, and inspire your better persona to flourish.

Your friend inflates you, has you bobbing merrily on your sparkling surface
Their warmth will have you rising up through your cool waters
And nothing on this earth can come close to them and nothing matters more to you
Coz without them you stumble and tumble and plummet and sink without trace to the loneliest blue.

True friendship is the truth, and quite simply 'is'
It can't be broken or changed, its not scared or fragile But treat it like it is.
Take their friendship and cradle it gently in your arms
Drive like that friendship is an egg on your bonnet and be clever not to drop it.
And if you do drop something so precious, remember that just because something is lost don't mean it don't still exist, coz the truth always does and always is.

Friend (?), n. [OR. frend, freond, AS. freond, prop. p. pr. of freon, freogan, to love; akin to D. vriend friend, OS. friund friend, friohan to love, OHG. friunt friend, G. freund, Icel. fraendi kinsman, Sw. frande. Goth. frijnds friend, frijn to love. See Free, and cf. Fiend.]


One who entertains for another sentiments of esteem, respect, and affection; a wellwisher; an intimate associate; sometimes, an attendant.

Want gives to know the flatterer from the friend. Dryden.

A friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Prov. xviii. 24.


One not inimical or hostile; one not a foe or enemy; also, one of the same nation, party, kin, etc., whose friendly feelings may be assumed. The word is some times used as a term of friendly address.

Friend, how camest thou in hither? Matt. xxii. 12.


One who looks propitiously on a cause, an institution, a project, and the like; a favorer; a promoter; as, a friend to commerce, to poetry, to an institution.


One of a religious sect characterized by disuse of outward rites and an ordained ministry, by simplicity of dress and speech, and esp. by opposition to war and a desire to live at peace with all men. They are popularly called Quakers.

America was first visited by Friends in 1656. T. Chase.


A paramour of either sex.



A friend at court or in court, one disposed to act as a friend in a place of special opportunity or influence. -- To be friends with, to have friendly relations with. "He's . . . friends with Caesar." Shak. -- To make friends with, to become reconciled to or on friendly terms with. "Having now made friends with the Athenians." Jowett (Thucyd. ).


© Webster 1913.

Friend, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Friended; p. pr, & vb. n. Friending.]

To act as the friend of; to favor; to countenance; to befriend.


Fortune friends the bold. Spenser.


© Webster 1913.

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