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To serve as a fast-talking aide to a confidence man, driving home with emphasis and timely remarks the come-on scheme. "The Colonel readied-up (prepared) the sucker, and I walked in to cap him for as sweet a five-G (five thousand-dollar) touch (theft) as the con (confidence game) ever brought."

- american underworld dictionary - 1950
To Iceberg Slim and his contemporaries, this was jivespeak for a small glycerin container for holding drugs. You might put some girl in a cap, then store it under the floor in your crib.

For Slim's more modern colleagues, this is a verb meaning 'to kill'. If you see someone on your turf that's not wearing your colors, it may be a good idea to cap them.

Slang for Capture in teamplay games such as Teamfortress and front line force. In such games the object of the games is to capture various capture points. As time is limited when playing, the phrase 'to capture' a point has been abrieviated to 'to cap'.

CAP in terms of DSL stands for Carrierless Amplitude and Phase Modulation. It is one of the methods used for line encoding with DSL service. It uses two channels for communication. A modem on a line that uses cap will have a VPI/VCI ID of 1/1.

This is all transparent to the user of course, and the information is used only in hardcore networking and DSL line support.
CAP is also an acronym for Combat Air Patrol, the practice of maintaining interceptor aircraft aloft with the intent of preventing incursions on a specified area. U.S. Carrier battle groups maintain a CAP at nearly all times. In the aftermath of the NY/DC bombings on 9/11/01, it has been reported by noders that there are F-16s and other types from the USAF flying CAP over New York City and Washington, D.C. to prevent any aircraft from approaching.

Related term: BARCAP, for BARrier CAP. This means a set of CAP missions/units whose purpose is to prevent other aircraft from crossing a designated 'line' or 'barrier' as opposed to responding to incursions into an area.

A cap is something that can be earned in playing rugby. When a player represents their country in an officially sanctioned match (test match) against another country, the player is said to earn a "cap". The International Rugby Board (IRB) governs rugby union (not rugby league) worldwide and is responsible for sanctioning official matches for that code. The term comes from earlier times when actual caps were given on the occasion. The caps were round and resembled a yarmulke in shape, but usually bigger in size. The cap usually had a tassle, badge, and embroidered dates on it. One often hears of a "capped player," which means the player has represented their country. A "well capped" or "highly capped" player has done so many times. The most highly capped player of all time is Jason Leonard, who represented England 114 times. Only four players have broken 100 caps. The term is sometimes used to indicate how many times a player has represented their club or province, but is then indicated as such.

Cap (?), n. [OE. cappe, AS. caeppe, cap, cape, hood, fr. LL, cappa, capa; perhaps of Iberian origin, as Isidorus of Seville mentions it first: "Capa, quia quasi totum capiat hominem; it. capitis ornamentum." See 3d Cape, and cf. 1st Cope.]


A covering for the head; esp. (a)

One usually with a visor but without a brim, for men and boys;


One of lace, muslin, etc., for women, or infants;


One used as the mark or ensign of some rank, office, or dignity, as that of a cardinal.


The top, or uppermost part; the chief.

Thou art the cap of all the fools alive.


A respectful uncovering of the head.

He that will give a cap and make a leg in thanks.

4. Zool.

The whole top of the head of a bird from the base of the bill to the nape of the neck.


Anything resembling a cap in form, position, or use

; as: (a) Arch.

The uppermost of any assemblage of parts; as, the cap of column, door, etc.; a capital, coping, cornice, lintel, or plate.


Something covering the top or end of a thing for protection or ornament.

(c) Naut.

A collar of iron or wood used in joining spars, as the mast and the topmast, the bowsprit and the jib boom; also, a covering of tarred canvas at the end of a rope.


A percussion cap. See under Percussion.

(e) Mech.

The removable cover of a journal box.

(f) Geom.

A portion of a spherical or other convex surface.


A large size of writing paper; as, flat cap; foolscap; legal cap.

Cap of a cannon, a piece of lead laid over the vent to keep the priming dry; -- now called an apron. -- Cap in hand, obsequiously; submissively. -- Cap of liberty. See Liberty cap, under Liberty. -- Cap of maintenance, a cap of state carried before the kings of England at the coronation. It is also carried before the mayors of some cities. -- Cap money, money collected in a cap for the huntsman at the death of the fox. -- Cap paper. (a) A kind of writing paper including flat cap, foolsap, and legal cap. (b) A coarse wrapping paper used for making caps to hold commodities. Cap rock Mining, The layer of rock next overlying ore, generally of barren vein material. -- Flat cap, cap See Foolscap. -- Forage cap, the cloth undress head covering of an officer of soldier. -- Legal cap, a kind of folio writing paper, made for the use of lawyers, in long narrow sheets which have the fold at the top or "narrow edge." -- To set one's cap, to make a fool of one. (Obs.) Chaucer. -- To set one's cap for, to try to win the favor of a man with a view to marriage. [Colloq.]

© Webster 1913.

Cap (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Capped (); p. pr. & vb. n. Capping.]

1. To cover with a cap, or as with a cap; to provide with a cap or cover; to cover the top or end of; to place a cap upon the proper part of; as, to cap a post; to cap a gun.

The bones next the joint are capped with a smooth cartilaginous substance.


To deprive of cap.




To complete; to crown; to bring to the highest point or consummation; as, to cap the climax of absurdity.


To salute by removing the cap.

[Slang. Eng.]

Tom . . . capped the proctor with the profoundest of bows.


To match; to mate in contest; to furnish a complement to; as, to cap text; to cap proverbs.


Now I have him under girdle I'll cap verses with him to the end of the chapter.

In capping verses, when one quotes a verse another must cap it by quoting one beginning with the last letter of the first letter, or with the first letter of the last word, or ending with a rhyming word, or by applying any other arbitrary rule may be agreed upon.

© Webster 1913.

Cap, v. i.

To uncover the head respectfully.


© Webster 1913.

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