10 results sorted by ID
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On a Generalization of Substitution-Permutation Networks: The HADES Design Strategy
Lorenzo Grassi, Reinhard Lüftenegger, Christian Rechberger, Dragos Rotaru, Markus Schofnegger
Secret-key cryptography
Keyed and unkeyed cryptographic permutations often iterate simple round functions. Substitution-permutation networks (SPNs) are an approach that is popular since the mid 1990s. One of the new directions in the design of these round functions is to reduce the substitution (S-Box) layer from a full one to a partial one, uniformly distributed over all the rounds. LowMC and Zorro are examples of this approach.
A relevant freedom in the design space is to allow for a highly non-uniform...
CRAFT: Lightweight Tweakable Block Cipher with Efficient Protection Against DFA Attacks
Christof Beierle, Gregor Leander, Amir Moradi, Shahram Rasoolzadeh
Traditionally, countermeasures against physical attacks are integrated into the implementation of cryptographic primitives after the algorithms have been designed for achieving a certain level of cryptanalytic security. This picture has been changed by the introduction of PICARO, ZORRO, and FIDES, where efficient protection against Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) attacks has been considered in their design. In this work we present the tweakable block cipher CRAFT: the efficient protection of its...
Automatic Search of Meet-in-the-Middle and Impossible Differential Attacks
Patrick Derbez, Pierre-Alain Fouque
Tracking bits through block ciphers and optimizing attacks at hand is one of the tedious task symmetric cryptanalysts have to deal with. It would be nice if a program will automatically handle them at least for well-known attack techniques, so that cryptanalysts will only focus on finding new attacks. However, current automatic tools cannot be used as is, either because they are tailored for specific ciphers or because they only recover a specific part of the attacks and cryptographers are...
Characterising and Comparing the Energy Consumption of Side Channel Attack Countermeasures and Lightweight Cryptography on Embedded Devices
David McCann, Kerstin Eder, Elisabeth Oswald
This paper uses an Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) based statistical energy model of an ARM Cortex-M4 microprocessor to evaluate the energy consumption of an implementation of AES with different side channel attack (SCA) countermeasures and an implementation of lightweight ciphers PRESENT, KLEIN and ZORRO with and without Boolean first order masking. In this way, we assess the additional energy consumption of using different SCA countermeasures and using lightweight block ciphers on 32...
A Generic Approach to Invariant Subspace Attacks: Cryptanalysis of Robin, iSCREAM and Zorro
Gregor Leander, Brice Minaud, Sondre Rønjom
Secret-key cryptography
Invariant subspace attacks were introduced at CRYPTO 2011 to cryptanalyze PRINTcipher. The invariant subspaces for PRINTcipher were discovered in an ad hoc fashion, leaving a generic technique to discover invariant subspaces in other ciphers as an open problem. Here, based on a rather simple observation, we introduce a generic algorithm to detect invariant subspaces. We apply this algorithm to the CAESAR candidate iSCREAM, the closely related LS-design Robin, as well as the lightweight...
Cryptanalysis of SP Networks with Partial Non-Linear Layers
Achiya Bar-On, Itai Dinur, Orr Dunkelman, Virginie Lallemand, Nathan Keller, Boaz Tsaban
Design of SP networks in which the non-linear layer is applied to only
a part of the state in each round was suggested by Gérard et al.~at CHES 2013.
Besides performance advantage on certain platforms, such a
design allows for more efficient masking techniques that
can mitigate side-channel attacks with a small performance overhead.
In this paper we present generic techniques for differential and linear
cryptanalysis of SP networks with partial non-linear layers, including
an automated...
Total Break of Zorro using Linear and Differential Attacks
Shahram Rasoolzadeh, Zahra Ahmadian, Mahmoud Salmasizadeh, Mohammad Reza Aref
An AES-like lightweight block cipher, namely Zorro, was proposed in CHES 2013. While it has a 16-byte state, it uses only 4 S-Boxes per round. This weak nonlinearity was widely criticized, insofar as it has been directly exploited in all the attacks on Zorro reported by now, including the weak key, reduced round, and even full round attacks.
In this paper, using some properties discovered by Wang et al., we present new differential and linear attacks on Zorro, both of which recover the full...
Differential Cryptanalysis and Linear Distinguisher of Full-Round Zorro
Yanfeng Wang, Wenling Wu, Zhiyuan Guo, Xiaoli Yu
Secret-key cryptography
Zorro is an AES-like lightweight block cipher proposed in CHES 2013, which only uses 4 S-boxes per round. The designers showed the resistance of the cipher against various attacks and concluded the cipher has a large security margin. Recently, Guo et. al have given a key recovery attack on full-round Zorro by using the internal differential characteristics. However, the attack only works for $2^{64}$ out of $2^{128}$ keys. In this paper, the secret key selected randomly from the whole key...
Cryptanalysis of Zorro
Jian Guo, Ivica Nikolic, Thomas Peyrin, Lei Wang
Secret-key cryptography
At CHES 2013 was presented a new block cipher called Zorro. Although it uses only 4 S-boxes per round, the designers showed the resistance of the cipher against various attacks, and concluded the cipher has a large security margin. In this paper, we give a key recovery attack on the full cipher in the single-key model that works for $2^{64}$ out of $2^{128}$ keys. Our analysis is based precisely on the fact that the non-linear layer has only 4 S-boxes. We exploit this twice in a two-stage...
Block Ciphers that are Easier to Mask: How Far Can we Go?
Benoît Gérard, Vincent Grosso, María Naya-Plasencia, François-Xavier Standaert
Secret-key cryptography
The design and analysis of lightweight block ciphers has been a very active research area over the last couple of years, with many innovative proposals trying to optimize different performance figures. However, since these block ciphers are dedicated to low-cost embedded devices, their implementation is also a typical target for side-channel adversaries. As preventing such attacks with countermeasures usually implies significant performance overheads, a natural open problem is to propose new...
Keyed and unkeyed cryptographic permutations often iterate simple round functions. Substitution-permutation networks (SPNs) are an approach that is popular since the mid 1990s. One of the new directions in the design of these round functions is to reduce the substitution (S-Box) layer from a full one to a partial one, uniformly distributed over all the rounds. LowMC and Zorro are examples of this approach. A relevant freedom in the design space is to allow for a highly non-uniform...
Traditionally, countermeasures against physical attacks are integrated into the implementation of cryptographic primitives after the algorithms have been designed for achieving a certain level of cryptanalytic security. This picture has been changed by the introduction of PICARO, ZORRO, and FIDES, where efficient protection against Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) attacks has been considered in their design. In this work we present the tweakable block cipher CRAFT: the efficient protection of its...
Tracking bits through block ciphers and optimizing attacks at hand is one of the tedious task symmetric cryptanalysts have to deal with. It would be nice if a program will automatically handle them at least for well-known attack techniques, so that cryptanalysts will only focus on finding new attacks. However, current automatic tools cannot be used as is, either because they are tailored for specific ciphers or because they only recover a specific part of the attacks and cryptographers are...
This paper uses an Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) based statistical energy model of an ARM Cortex-M4 microprocessor to evaluate the energy consumption of an implementation of AES with different side channel attack (SCA) countermeasures and an implementation of lightweight ciphers PRESENT, KLEIN and ZORRO with and without Boolean first order masking. In this way, we assess the additional energy consumption of using different SCA countermeasures and using lightweight block ciphers on 32...
Invariant subspace attacks were introduced at CRYPTO 2011 to cryptanalyze PRINTcipher. The invariant subspaces for PRINTcipher were discovered in an ad hoc fashion, leaving a generic technique to discover invariant subspaces in other ciphers as an open problem. Here, based on a rather simple observation, we introduce a generic algorithm to detect invariant subspaces. We apply this algorithm to the CAESAR candidate iSCREAM, the closely related LS-design Robin, as well as the lightweight...
Design of SP networks in which the non-linear layer is applied to only a part of the state in each round was suggested by Gérard et al.~at CHES 2013. Besides performance advantage on certain platforms, such a design allows for more efficient masking techniques that can mitigate side-channel attacks with a small performance overhead. In this paper we present generic techniques for differential and linear cryptanalysis of SP networks with partial non-linear layers, including an automated...
An AES-like lightweight block cipher, namely Zorro, was proposed in CHES 2013. While it has a 16-byte state, it uses only 4 S-Boxes per round. This weak nonlinearity was widely criticized, insofar as it has been directly exploited in all the attacks on Zorro reported by now, including the weak key, reduced round, and even full round attacks. In this paper, using some properties discovered by Wang et al., we present new differential and linear attacks on Zorro, both of which recover the full...
Zorro is an AES-like lightweight block cipher proposed in CHES 2013, which only uses 4 S-boxes per round. The designers showed the resistance of the cipher against various attacks and concluded the cipher has a large security margin. Recently, Guo et. al have given a key recovery attack on full-round Zorro by using the internal differential characteristics. However, the attack only works for $2^{64}$ out of $2^{128}$ keys. In this paper, the secret key selected randomly from the whole key...
At CHES 2013 was presented a new block cipher called Zorro. Although it uses only 4 S-boxes per round, the designers showed the resistance of the cipher against various attacks, and concluded the cipher has a large security margin. In this paper, we give a key recovery attack on the full cipher in the single-key model that works for $2^{64}$ out of $2^{128}$ keys. Our analysis is based precisely on the fact that the non-linear layer has only 4 S-boxes. We exploit this twice in a two-stage...
The design and analysis of lightweight block ciphers has been a very active research area over the last couple of years, with many innovative proposals trying to optimize different performance figures. However, since these block ciphers are dedicated to low-cost embedded devices, their implementation is also a typical target for side-channel adversaries. As preventing such attacks with countermeasures usually implies significant performance overheads, a natural open problem is to propose new...