360 results sorted by ID
Post-Quantum Privacy for Traceable Receipt-Free Encryption
Paola de Perthuis, Thomas Peters
Public-key cryptography
Traceable Receipt-free Encryption (TREnc) has recently been introduced as a verifiable public-key encryption primitive endowed with a unique security model. In a nutshell, TREnc allows randomizing ciphertexts in transit in order to remove any subliminal information up to a public trace that ensures the non-malleability of the underlying plaintext. A remarkable property of TREnc is the indistinguishability of the randomization of chosen ciphertexts against traceable chosen-ciphertext attacks...
Bounded CCA Secure Proxy Re-encryption Based on Kyber
Shingo Sato, Junji Shikata
Public-key cryptography
Proxy re-encryption (PRE) allows semi-honest party (called proxy) to convert a ciphertext under a public key into a ciphertext under another public key. Due to this functionality, there are various applications such as encrypted email forwarding, key escrow, and securing distributed file systems. Meanwhile, post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is one of the most important research areas because development of quantum computers has been advanced recently. In particular, there are many researches...
Revisiting the Robustness of (R/M)LWR under Polynomial Moduli with Applications to Lattice-Based Compact SO-CCA Security
Haoxiang Jin, Feng-Hao Liu, Zhedong Wang, Yang Yu, Dawu Gu
Public-key cryptography
This work conducts a comprehensive investigation on determining the entropic hardness of (R/M)LWR under polynomial modulus. Particularly, we establish the hardness of (M)LWR for general entropic secret distributions from (Module) LWE assumptions based on a new conceptually simple framework called rounding lossiness. By combining this hardness result and a trapdoor inversion algorithm with asymptotically the most compact parameters, we obtain a compact lossy trapdoor function (LTF) with...
ALGAES: An Authenticated Lattice-based Generic Asymmetric Encryption Scheme
Aravind Vishnu S S, M Sethumadhavan, Lakshmy K V
Public-key cryptography
In this article, we propose a generic hybrid encryption scheme providing entity authentication. The scheme is based on lossy trapdoor functions relying on the hardness of the Learning With Errors problem. The construction can be used on a number of different security requirements with minimal reconfiguration. It ensures entity authentication and ciphertext integrity while providing security against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks in the standard model. As a desired characteristic of...
Dynamic Threshold Key Encapsulation with a Transparent Setup
Joon Sik Kim, Kwangsu Lee, Jong Hwan Park, Hyoseung Kim
Public-key cryptography
A threshold key encapsulation mechanism (TKEM) facilitates the secure distribution of session keys among multiple participants, allowing key recovery through a threshold number of shares. TKEM has gained significant attention, especially for decentralized systems, including blockchains. However, existing constructions often rely on trusted setups, which pose security risks such as a single point of failure, and are limited by fixed participant numbers and thresholds. To overcome this, we...
Chosen Ciphertext Security for (Hierarchical) Identity-Based Matchmaking Encryption
Sohto Chiku, Keisuke Hara, Junji Shikata
Public-key cryptography
Identity-based matchmaking encryption (IB-ME) is an advanced encryption scheme that enables a sender and a receiver to specify each of identity. In general, from the aspect of abilities for adversaries, we have two flavors of security for encryption schemes chosen plaintext attacks (CPA) security and chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA) security. Compared to CPA security, CCA security can capture active adversaries, then it has been recognized as a desirable one.
In this paper, we investigate...
NTRU+PKE: Efficient Public-Key Encryption Schemes from the NTRU Problem
Jonghyun Kim, Jong Hwan Park
Public-key cryptography
We propose a new NTRU-based Public-Key Encryption (PKE) scheme called $\mathsf{NTRU+}\mathsf{PKE}$, which effectively incorporates the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation for PKE (denoted as $\mathsf{FO}_{\mathsf{PKE}}$) to achieve chosen-ciphertext security in the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM). While $\mathsf{NTRUEncrypt}$, a first-round candidate in the NIST PQC standardization process, was proven to be chosen-ciphertext secure in the Random Oracle Model (ROM), it lacked corresponding...
Practical Traceable Receipt-Free Encryption
Henri Devillez, Olivier Pereira, Thomas Peters
Public-key cryptography
Traceable Receipt-free Encryption (TREnc) is a verifiable public-key encryption primitive introduced at Asiacrypt 2022. A TREnc allows randomizing ciphertexts in transit in order to remove any subliminal information up to a public trace that ensures the non-malleability of the underlying plaintext. A remarkable property of TREnc is the indistinguishability of the randomization of chosen ciphertexts against traceable chosen-ciphertext attacks (TCCA). This property can support applications...
Efficient and Secure Post-Quantum Certificateless Signcryption for Internet of Medical Things
Shiyuan Xu, Xue Chen, Yu Guo, Siu-Ming Yiu, Shang Gao, Bin Xiao
Public-key cryptography
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has gained significant research focus in both academic and medical institutions. Nevertheless, the sensitive data involved in IoMT raises concerns regarding user validation and data privacy. To address these concerns, certificateless signcryption (CLSC) has emerged as a promising solution, offering authenticity, confidentiality, and unforgeability. Unfortunately, most existing CLSC schemes are impractical for IoMT due to their heavy computational and storage...
Quantum CCA-Secure PKE, Revisited
Navid Alamati, Varun Maram
Public-key cryptography
Security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA) concerns privacy of messages even if the adversary has access to the decryption oracle. While the classical notion of CCA security seems to be strong enough to capture many attack scenarios, it falls short of preserving the privacy of messages in the presence of quantum decryption queries, i.e., when an adversary can query a superposition of ciphertexts.
Boneh and Zhandry (CRYPTO 2013) defined the notion of quantum CCA (qCCA) security to...
Kleptographic Attacks against Implicit Rejection
Antoine Joux, Julian Loss, Benedikt Wagner
Given its integral role in modern encryption systems such as CRYSTALS-Kyber, the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform will soon be at the center of our secure communications infrastructure. An enduring debate surrounding the FO transform is whether to use explicit or implicit rejection when decapsulation fails. Presently, implicit rejection, as implemented in CRYSTALS-Kyber, is supported by a strong set of arguments. Therefore, understanding its security implications in different attacker models...
Fully Homomorphic Encryption beyond IND-CCA1 Security: Integrity through Verifiability
Mark Manulis, Jérôme Nguyen
Public-key cryptography
We focus on the problem of constructing fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes that achieve some meaningful notion of adaptive chosen-ciphertext security beyond CCA1. Towards this, we propose a new notion, called security against verified chosen-ciphertext attack (vCCA). The idea behind it is to ascertain integrity of the ciphertext by imposing a strong control on the evaluation algorithm. Essentially, we require that a ciphertext obtained by the use of homomorphic evaluation must be...
A Closer Look at the Belief Propagation Algorithm in Side-Channel-Assisted Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks
Kexin Qiao, Zhaoyang Wang, Heng Chang, Siwei Sun, Zehan Wu, Junjie Cheng, Changhai Ou, An Wang, Liehuang Zhu
Attacks and cryptanalysis
The implementation security of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms has emerged as a critical concern with the PQC standardization process reaching its end. In a side-channel-assisted chosen-ciphertext attack, the attacker builds linear inequalities on secret key components and uses the belief propagation (BP) algorithm to solve. The number of inequalities leverages the query complexity of the attack, so the fewer the better. In this paper, we use the PQC standard algorithm...
Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Dual-Receiver Encryption in the Standard Model Based on Post-Quantum Assumptions
Laurin Benz, Wasilij Beskorovajnov, Sarai Eilebrecht, Roland Gröll, Maximilian Müller, Jörn Müller-Quade
Public-key cryptography
Dual-receiver encryption (DRE) is a special form of public key encryption (PKE) that allows a sender to encrypt a message for two recipients. Without further properties, the difference between DRE and PKE is only syntactical. One such important property is soundness, which requires that no ciphertext can be constructed such that the recipients decrypt to different plaintexts. Many applications rely on this property in order to realize more complex protocols or primitives. In addition, many...
CCA Security with Short AEAD Tags
Mustafa Khairallah
Secret-key cryptography
The size of the authentication tag represents a significant overhead for applications that are limited by bandwidth or memory. Hence, some authenticated encryption designs have a smaller tag than the required privacy level, which was also suggested by the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization project. In the ToSC 2022, two papers have raised questions about the IND-CCA security of AEAD schemes in this situation. These papers show that (a) online AE cannot provide IND-CCA security...
More Efficient Public-Key Cryptography with Leakage and Tamper Resilience
Shuai Han, Shengli Liu, Dawu Gu
Public-key cryptography
In this paper, we study the design of efficient signature and public-key encryption (PKE) schemes in the presence of both leakage and tampering attacks.
Firstly, we formalize the strong leakage and tamper-resilient (sLTR) security model for signature, which provides strong existential unforgeability, and deals with bounded leakage and restricted tampering attacks, as a counterpart to the sLTR security introduced by Sun et al. (ACNS 2019) for PKE.
Then, we present direct constructions...
Chosen Ciphertext Security via BARGs
Takahiro Matsuda
Public-key cryptography
In this paper, we show a new set of cryptographic primitives that generically leads to chosen ciphertext secure (CCA secure) public-key encryption (PKE).
Specifically, we show how a (non-interactive, publicly verifiable) batch argument (BARG) for NP can be combined with a chosen plaintext secure PKE scheme to achieve a CCA secure one.
The requirement of the succinctness of the proof size of a BARG in our result is rather mild:
The proof size is $O(k^{\epsilon})$ for some non-negative...
Using Predicate Extension for Predicate Encryption to Generically Obtain Chosen-Ciphertext Security and Signatures
Marloes Venema, Leon Botros
Public-key cryptography
Predicate encryption (PE) is a type of public-key encryption that captures many useful primitives such as attribute-based encryption (ABE). Although much progress has been made to generically achieve security against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) efficiently, in practice, we also require security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA). Because achieving CCA-security on a case-by-case basis is a complicated task, several generic conversion methods have been proposed, which typically target...
Batch Arguments to NIZKs from One-Way Functions
Eli Bradley, Brent Waters, David J. Wu
Succinctness and zero-knowledge are two fundamental properties in the study of cryptographic proof systems. Several recent works have formalized the connections between these two notions by showing how to realize non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) arguments from succinct non-interactive arguments. Specifically, Champion and Wu (CRYPTO 2023) as well as Bitansky, Kamath, Paneth, Rothblum, and Vasudevan (ePrint 2023) recently showed how to construct a NIZK argument for NP from a...
Security Analysis of an Image Encryption Scheme Based on a New Secure Variant of Hill Cipher and 1D Chaotic Maps
George Teseleanu
Secret-key cryptography
In 2019, Essaid et al. introduced a chaotic map-based encryption scheme for color images. Their approach employs three improved chaotic maps to dynamically generate the key bytes and matrix required by the cryptosystem. It should be noted that these parameters are dependent on the size of the source image. According to the authors, their method offers adequate security (i.e. $279$ bits) for transmitting color images over unsecured channels. However, we show in this paper that this is not the...
Selective Opening Security in the Quantum Random Oracle Model, Revisited
Jiaxin Pan, Runzhi Zeng
Public-key cryptography
We prove that two variants of the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transformations are selective opening secure (SO) against chosen-ciphertext attacks in the quantum random oracle model (QROM), assuming that the underlying public-key encryption scheme is one-way secure against chosen-plaintext attacks (OW-CPA). The two variants we consider are $\mathsf{FO}^{\not{\bot}}$ (Hofheinz, Hövelmanns, and Kiltz, TCC 2017) and $\mathsf{U}^{\not{\bot}}_\mathsf{m}$ (Jiang et al., CRYPTO 2018). This is the first...
Generic Constructions of Compact and Tightly Selective-Opening Secure Public-key Encryption Schemes
Jiaxin Pan, Benedikt Wagner, Runzhi Zeng
Public-key cryptography
We propose two generic constructions of public-key encryption (PKE) with tight simulation-based selective-opening security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (SIM-SO-CCA) in the random oracle model. Our constructions can be instantiated with a small constant number of elements in the ciphertext, ignoring smaller contributions from symmetric-key encryption. That is, they have compact ciphertexts. Furthermore, three of our instantiations have compact public keys as well.
Known (almost)...
CLRW1$^{3}$ is not Secure Beyond the Birthday Bound: Breaking TNT with ${O(2^{n/2})}$ queries
Mustafa Khairallah
Secret-key cryptography
In this paper, we present a new distinguisher for the Tweak-aNd-Tweak (TNT) tweakable block cipher with $O(2^{n/2})$ complexity. The distinguisher is an adaptive chosen ciphertext distinguisher, unlike previous attacks that are only non-adaptive chosen plaintext attacks. However, the attack contradicts the security claims made by the designers. Given TNT can be seen as the three-round CLRW1 tweakable block cipher, our attack matches its more conservative bound. We provide the distinguisher...
Non-Observable Quantum Random Oracle Model
Navid Alamati, Varun Maram, Daniel Masny
The random oracle model (ROM), introduced by Bellare and Rogaway (CCS 1993), enables a formal security proof for many (efficient) cryptographic primitives and protocols, and has been quite impactful in practice. However, the security model also relies on some very strong and non-standard assumptions on how an adversary interacts with a cryptographic hash function, which might be unrealistic in a real world setting and thus could lead one to question the validity of the security analysis. For...
Outsider-Anonymous Broadcast Encryption with Keyword Search: Generic Construction, CCA Security, and with Sublinear Ciphertexts
Keita Emura, Kaisei Kajita, Go Ohtake
Public-key cryptography
As a multi-receiver variants of public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS), broadcast encryption with keyword search (BEKS) has been proposed (Attrapadung et al. at ASIACRYPT 2006/Chatterjee-Mukherjee at INDOCRYPT 2018). Unlike broadcast encryption, no receiver anonymity is considered because the test algorithm takes a set of receivers as input and thus a set of receivers needs to be contained in a ciphertext. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of BEKS from anonymous and...
Security Analysis of a Color Image Encryption Scheme Based on a Fractional‑Order Hyperchaotic System
George Teseleanu
Secret-key cryptography
In 2022, Hosny et al. introduce an image encryption scheme that employs a fractional-order chaotic system. Their approach uses the hyper-chaotic system to generate the system's main parameter, namely a secret permutation which is dependent on the size and the sum of the pixels of the source image. According to the authors, their scheme offers adequate security (i.e. $498$ bits) for transmitting color images over unsecured channels. Nevertheless, in this paper we show that the scheme's...
Compact Selective Opening Security From LWE
Dennis Hofheinz, Kristina Hostáková, Julia Kastner, Karen Klein, Akin Ünal
Public-key cryptography
Selective opening (SO) security is a security notion for public-key
encryption schemes that captures security against adaptive corruptions
of senders. SO security comes in chosen-plaintext (SO-CPA) and
chosen-ciphertext (SO-CCA) variants, neither of which is implied by
standard security notions like IND-CPA or IND-CCA security.
In this paper, we present the first SO-CCA secure encryption scheme that
combines the following two properties: (1) it has a constant ciphertext
Tighter QCCA-Secure Key Encapsulation Mechanism with Explicit Rejection in the Quantum Random Oracle Model
Jiangxia Ge, Tianshu Shan, Rui Xue
Public-key cryptography
Hofheinz et al. (TCC 2017) proposed several key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) variants of Fujisaki-Okamoto (\textsf{FO}) transformation, including $\textsf{FO}^{\slashed{\bot}}$, $\textsf{FO}_m^{\slashed{\bot}}$, $\textsf{QFO}_m^{\slashed{\bot}}$, $\textsf{FO}^{\bot}$, $\textsf{FO}_m^\bot$ and $\textsf{QFO}_m^\bot$, and they are widely used in the post-quantum cryptography standardization launched by NIST. These transformations are divided into two types, the implicit and explicit rejection...
Lattice-based Authenticated Key Exchange with Tight Security
Jiaxin Pan, Benedikt Wagner, Runzhi Zeng
Public-key cryptography
We construct the first tightly secure authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocol from lattices. Known tight constructions are all based on Diffie-Hellman-like assumptions. Thus, our protocol is the first construction with tight security from a post-quantum assumption.
Our AKE protocol is constructed tightly from a new security notion for key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs), called one-way security against checkable chosen-ciphertext attacks (OW- ChCCA). We show how an OW-ChCCA secure KEM...
On the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform: from Classical CCA Security to Quantum CCA Security
Jiangxia Ge, Tianshu Shan, Rui Xue
Public-key cryptography
The Fujisaki-Okamoto (\textsf{FO}) transformation (CRYPTO 1999 and Journal of Cryptology 2013) and its KEM variants (TCC 2017) are used to construct \textsf{IND-CCA}-secure PKE or KEM schemes in the random oracle model (ROM).
In the post-quantum setting, the ROM is extended to the quantum random oracle model (QROM), and the \textsf{IND-CCA} security of \textsf{FO} transformation and its KEM variants in the QROM has been extensively analyzed. Grubbs et al. (EUROCRYPTO 2021) and Xagawa...
Last updated: 2024-05-06
An Anonymous Multireceiver Hybrid Signcryption for Broadcast Communication
Alia Umrani, Apurva K Vangujar, Paolo Palmieri
Public-key cryptography
Confidentiality, authentication, and anonymity are the basic security requirements in broadcast communication, that can be achieved by Digital Signature (DS), encryption, and pseudo-identity (PID) techniques. Signcryption offers both DS and encryption more efficiently than "sign-then-encrypt,". However, compared to hybrid signcryption, it has higher computational and communication costs. Our paper proposes an Anonymous Multi-receiver Certificateless Hybrid Signcryption (AMCLHS) for secure...
Cryptanalysis of SPEEDY
Jinliang Wang, Chao Niu, Qun Liu, Muzhou Li, Bart Preneel, Meiqin Wang
Secret-key cryptography
SPEEDY is a family of ultra-lightweight block ciphers designed by Leander et al. at CHES 2021. There are three recommended variants denoted as SPEEDY-$r$-192 with $r$∈{5,6,7}. All of them support the 192-bit block and the 192-bit key. The main focus during its design is to ensure hardware-aware low latency, thus, whether it is designed to have enough security is worth to be studied. Recently, the full-round security of SPEEDY-7-192 is announced to be broken by Boura et al. at EUROCRYPT 2023...
Context Discovery and Commitment Attacks: How to Break CCM, EAX, SIV, and More
Sanketh Menda, Julia Len, Paul Grubbs, Thomas Ristenpart
Secret-key cryptography
A line of recent work has highlighted the importance of context commitment security, which asks that authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) schemes will not decrypt the same adversarially-chosen ciphertext under two different, adversarially-chosen contexts (secret key, nonce, and associated data). Despite a spate of recent attacks, many open questions remain around context commitment; most obviously nothing is known about the commitment security of important schemes such as...
Quantum Public-Key Encryption with Tamper-Resilient Public Keys from One-Way Functions
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Tomoyuki Morimae, Ryo Nishimaki, Takashi Yamakawa
We construct quantum public-key encryption from one-way functions. In our construction, public keys are quantum, but ciphertexts are classical. Quantum public-key encryption from one-way functions (or weaker primitives such as pseudorandom function-like states) are also proposed in some recent works [Morimae-Yamakawa, eprint:2022/1336; Coladangelo, eprint:2023/282; Barooti-Grilo-Malavolta-Sattath-Vu-Walter, eprint:2023/877]. However, they have a huge drawback: they are secure only when...
Separations among formulations of non-malleable encryption under valid ciphertext condition
Yodai Watanabe
Non-malleability is one of the basic security goals for encryption schemes which ensures the resistance of the scheme against ciphertext modifications in the sense that any adversary, given a ciphertext of a plaintext, cannot generate another ciphertext whose underlying plaintext is meaningfully related to the initial one. There are multiple formulations of non-malleable encryption schemes, depending on whether they are based on simulation or comparison, or whether they impose valid...
On the Post-Quantum Security of Classical Authenticated Encryption Schemes
Nathalie Lang, Stefan Lucks
Attacks and cryptanalysis
We study the post-quantum security of authenticated encryption (AE) schemes, designed with classical security in mind. Under superposition attacks, many CBC-MAC variants have been broken, and AE modes employing those variants, such as EAX and GCM, thus fail at authenticity. As we show, the same modes are IND-qCPA insecure, i.e., they fail to provide privacy under superposition attacks. However, a constrained version of GCM is IND-qCPA secure, and a nonce-based variant of the CBC-MAC is...
Almost Tightly-Secure Re-Randomizable and Replayable CCA-secure Public Key Encryption
Antonio Faonio, Dennis Hofheinz, Luigi Russo
Public-key cryptography
Re-randomizable Replayable CCA-secure public key encryption (Rand-RCCA PKE) schemes guarantee security against chosen-ciphertext attacks while ensuring the useful property of re-randomizable ciphertexts. We introduce the notion of multi-user and multi-ciphertext Rand-RCCA PKE and we give the first construction of such a PKE scheme with an almost tight security reduction to a standard assumption. Our construction is structure preserving and can be instantiated over Type-1 pairing groups....
Belief Propagation Meets Lattice Reduction: Security Estimates for Error-Tolerant Key Recovery from Decryption Errors
Julius Hermelink, Erik Mårtensson, Simona Samardjiska, Peter Pessl, Gabi Dreo Rodosek
Attacks and cryptanalysis
In LWE-based KEMs, observed decryption errors leak information about the secret key in the form of equations or inequalities. Several practical fault attacks have already exploited such leakage by either directly applying a fault or enabling a chosen-ciphertext attack using a fault. When the leaked information is in the form of inequalities, the recovery of the secret key is not trivial. Recent methods use either statistical or algebraic methods (but not both), with some being able to handle...
An Injectivity Analysis of CRYSTALS-Kyber and Implications on Quantum Security
Xiaohui Ding, Muhammed F. Esgin, Amin Sakzad, Ron Steinfeld
Public-key cryptography
The One-Way to Hiding (O2H) Lemma is a central component of proofs of chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA) security of practical
public-key encryption schemes using variants of the Fujisaki-Okamoto
(FO) transform in the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM). Recently, Kuchta et al. (EUROCRYPT ’20) introduced a new QROM proof technique, called Measure-Rewind-Measure (MRM), giving an improved variant of the O2H lemma, with a new security reduction that does not suffer from a square-root advantage...
Security Analysis of a Color Image Encryption Scheme Based on Dynamic Substitution and Diffusion Operations
George Teseleanu
Secret-key cryptography
In 2019, Essaid et al. proposed an encryption scheme for color images based on chaotic maps. Their solution uses two enhanced chaotic maps to dynamically generate the secret substitution boxes and the key bytes used by the cryptosystem. Note that both types of parameters are dependent on the size of the original image. The authors claim that their proposal provides enough security for transmitting color images over unsecured channels. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In this paper, we...
More Efficient Adaptively Secure Lattice-based IBE with Equality Test in the Standard Model
Kyoichi Asano, Keita Emura, Atsushi Takayasu
Public-key cryptography
Identity-based encryption with equality test (IBEET) is a variant of identity-based encryption (IBE), where any users who have trapdoors can check whether two ciphertexts are encryption of the same plaintext. Although several lattice-based IBEET schemes have been proposed, they have drawbacks in either security or efficiency. Specifically, most schemes satisfy only selective security, while adaptively secure schemes in the standard model suffer from large master public keys that consist of...
NTRU+: Compact Construction of NTRU Using Simple Encoding Method
Jonghyun Kim, Jong Hwan Park
Public-key cryptography
NTRU was the first practical public key encryption scheme constructed on a lattice over a polynomial-based ring and has been considered secure against significant cryptanalytic attacks over the past few decades. However, NTRU and its variants suffer from several drawbacks, including difficulties in achieving worst-case correctness error in a moderate modulus, inconvenient sampling distributions for messages, and relatively slower algorithms compared to other lattice-based schemes.
Instantiability of Classical Random-Oracle-Model Encryption Transforms
Alice Murphy, Adam O'Neill, Mohammad Zaheri
Public-key cryptography
Extending work leveraging program obfuscation to instantiate random-oracle-based transforms (e.g., Hohenberger et al., EUROCRYPT 2014, Kalai et al., CRYPTO 2017), we show that, using obfuscation and other assumptions, there exist standard-model hash functions that suffice to instantiate the classical RO-model encryption transforms OAEP (Bellare and Rogaway, EUROCRYPT 1994) and Fujisaki-Okamoto (CRYPTO 1999, J. Cryptology 2013) for specific public-key encryption (PKE) schemes to achieve...
Efficient and Generic Transformations for Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Predicate Encryption
Marloes Venema, Leon Botros
Public-key cryptography
Predicate encryption (PE) is a type of public-key encryption that captures many useful primitives such as attribute-based encryption (ABE). Although much progress has been made to generically achieve security against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) efficiently, in practice, we also require security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA). Because achieving CCA-security on a case-by-case basis is a complicated task, several generic conversion methods have been proposed. However, these...
QCCA-Secure Generic Transformations in the Quantum Random Oracle Model
Tianshu Shan, Jiangxia Ge, Rui Xue
Public-key cryptography
The post-quantum security of cryptographic schemes assumes that the quantum adversary only receives the classical result of computations with the secret key. Further, it is unknown whether the post-quantum secure schemes still remain secure if the adversary can obtain a superposition state of the results.
In this paper, we formalize one class of public-key encryption schemes named oracle-masked schemes. Then we define the plaintext extraction procedure for those schemes and this procedure...
From Plaintext-extractability to IND-CCA Security
Ehsan Ebrahimi
Public-key cryptography
We say a public-key encryption is plaintext-extractable in the random oracle model if there exists an algorithm that given access to all inputs/outputs queries to the random oracles can simulate the decryption oracle. We argue that plaintext-extractability is enough to show the indistinguishably under chosen ciphertext attack (IND-CCA) of OAEP+ transform (Shoup, Crypto 2001) when the underlying trapdoor permutation is one-way.
We extend the result to the quantum random oracle model...
Quantum Security of FOX Construction based on Lai-Massey Scheme
Amit Kumar Chauhan, Somitra Sanadhya
Secret-key cryptography
The Lai-Massey scheme is an important cryptographic approach to design block ciphers from secure pseudorandom functions. It has been used in the designs of IDEA and IDEA-NXT. At ASIACRYPT'99, Vaudenay showed that the 3-round and 4-round Lai-Massey scheme are secure against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPAs) and chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCAs), respectively, in the classical setting. At SAC'04, Junod and Vaudenay proposed a new family of block ciphers based on the Lai-Massey scheme, namely ...
Multiple-Valued Plaintext-Checking Side-Channel Attacks on Post-Quantum KEMs
Yutaro Tanaka, Rei Ueno, Keita Xagawa, Akira Ito, Junko Takahashi, Naofumi Homma
Public-key cryptography
In this paper, we present a side-channel analysis (SCA) on key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) based on the Fujisaki–Okamoto (FO) transformation and its variants. Many post-quantum KEMs usually perform re-encryption during key decapsulation to achieve chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA) security. The side-channel leakage of re-encryption can be exploited to mount a key-recovery plaintext-checking attack (KR-PCA), even if the chosen-plaintext attack (CCA) secure decryption constructing the KEM is...
Post-quantum Plaintext-awareness
Ehsan Ebrahimi, Jeroen van Wier
In this paper, we formalize the plaintext-awareness notion
in the superposition access model in which a quantum adversary may
implement the encryption oracle in a quantum device and make superposition queries to the decryption oracle. Due to various possible ways
an adversary can access the decryption oracles, we present six security
definitions to capture the plaintext-awareness notion with respect to each
way of access. We study the relationships between these definitions and
Post-Quantum Authenticated Encryption against Chosen-Ciphertext Side-Channel Attacks
Melissa Azouaoui, Yulia Kuzovkova, Tobias Schneider, Christine van Vredendaal
Public-key cryptography
Over the last years, the side-channel analysis of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) candidates in the NIST standardization initiative has received increased attention. In particular, it has been shown that some post-quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) are vulnerable to Chosen-Ciphertext Side-Channel Attacks (CC-SCA). These powerful attacks target the re-encryption step in the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform, which is commonly used to achieve CCA security in such schemes. To...
Practical Side-Channel Attack on Masked Message Encoding in Latticed-Based KEM
Jian Wang, Weiqiong Cao, Hua Chen, Haoyuan Li
Attacks and cryptanalysis
To defend against the rising threat of quantum computers, NIST initiated their Post-Quantum Cryptography(PQC) standardization process in 2016. During the PQC process, the security against side-channel attacks has received much attention. Lattice-based schemes are considered to be the most promising group to be standardized. Message encoding in lattice-based schemes has been proven to be vulnerable to side-channel attacks, and a first-order masked message encoder has been presented. However,...
SO-CCA Secure PKE in the Quantum Random Oracle Model or the Quantum Ideal Cipher Model
Shingo Sato, Junji Shikata
Public-key cryptography
Selective opening (SO) security is one of the most important security notions of public key encryption (PKE) in a multi-user setting. Even though messages and random coins used in some ciphertexts are leaked, SO security guarantees the confidentiality of the other ciphertexts. Actually, it is shown that there exist PKE schemes which meet the standard security such as indistinguishability against chosen ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA security) but do not meet SO security against chosen...
Adapting Belief Propagation to Counter Shuffling of NTTs
Julius Hermelink, Silvan Streit, Emanuele Strieder, Katharina Thieme
Public-key cryptography
The Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) is a major building block in recently introduced lattice based post-quantum (PQ) cryptography.
The NTT was target of a number of recently proposed Belief Propagation (BP)-based Side Channel Attacks (SCAs). Ravi et al. have recently proposed a number of countermeasures mitigating these attacks.
In 2021, Hamburg et al. presented a chosen-ciphertext enabled SCA improving noise-resistance, which we use as a starting point to state our findings.
Achievable CCA2 Relaxation for Homomorphic Encryption
Adi Akavia, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Margarita Vald
Homomorphic encryption (HE) protects data in-use, but can be computationally expensive. To avoid the costly bootstrapping procedure that refreshes ciphertexts, some works have explored client-aided outsourcing protocols, where the client intermittently refreshes ciphertexts for a server that is performing homomorphic computations. But is this approach secure against malicious servers?
We present a CPA-secure encryption scheme that is completely insecure in this setting. We define a new...
CCA secure ElGamal encryption over an integer group where ICDH assumption holds
Gyu-Chol. Kim, Jae-Yong. Sin, Yong-Bok. Jong
Public-key cryptography
In order to prove the ElGamal CCA (Chosen Ciphertext Attack) security in the random oracle model, it is necessary to use the group (i.e., ICDH group) where ICDH assumption holds. Until now, only bilinear group where ICDH assumption is equivalent to CDH assumption has been known as the ICDH group. In this paper, we introduce another ICDH group in which ICDH assumption holds under the RSA assumption. Based on this group, we propose the CCA secure ElGamal encryption. And we describe the...
Last updated: 2024-08-09
Outsourced CP-ABE with Whitebox Accountability in IoT Systems
Cryptographic protocols
Cryptography based on identity and attributes enhances the chance of secure
communication on a large scale. Several attribute-based encryption schemes
achieve different objectives when used in various protocols. Most of these are
suitable for large systems like cloud services. There are a few protocols which
focus on reducing the computational overhead for lower end devices like Internet of
Things sensors and actuators. It is desirable to have a mix of features in protocols
for IoT security...
Keyed-Fully Homomorphic Encryption without Indistinguishability Obfuscation
Shingo Sato, Keita Emura, Atsushi Takayasu
Public-key cryptography
(Fully) homomorphic encryption ((F)HE) allows users to publicly evaluate circuits on encrypted data. Although publicly homomorphic evaluation property has various applications, (F)HE cannot achieve security against chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA2) due to its nature. To achieve both the CCA2 security and homomorphic evaluation property, Emura et al. (PKC 2013) introduced keyed-homomorphic public key encryption (KH-PKE) and formalized its security denoted by $\mathsf{KH\textup{-}CCA}$...
CCA SecureA Posteriori Openable Encryption in the Standard Model
Xavier Bultel
Cryptographic protocols
A Posteriori Openable Public Key Encryptions (APOPKE) allow any user to generate a constant-size key that decrypts the messages they have sent over a chosen period of time. As an important feature, the period can be dynamically chosen after the messages have been sent. This primitive was introduced in 2016 by Bultel and Lafourcade. They also defined the Chosen-Plaintext Attack (CPA) security for APOPKE, and designed a scheme called GAPO, which is CPA secure in the random oracle model. In...
A Generic Construction of CCA-secure Attribute-based Encryption with Equality Test
Kyoichi Asano, Keita Emura, Atsushi Takayasu, Yohei Watanabe
Public-key cryptography
Attribute-based encryption with equality test ($\mathsf{ABEET}$) is an extension of the ordinary attribute-based encryption ($\mathsf{ABE}$), where trapdoors enable us to check whether two ciphertexts are encryptions of the same message.
Thus far, several CCA-secure $\mathsf{ABEET}$ schemes have been proposed for monotone span programs satisfying selective security under $q$-type assumptions.
In this paper, we propose a generic construction of CCA-secure $\mathsf{ABEET}$ from delegatable...
Simulation-Based Bi-Selective Opening Security for Public Key Encryption
Junzuo Lai, Rupeng Yang, Zhengan Huang, Jian Weng
Public-key cryptography
Selective opening attacks (SOA) (for public-key encryption, PKE) concern such a multi-user scenario, where an adversary adaptively corrupts some fraction of the users to break into a subset of honestly created ciphertexts, and tries to learn the information on the messages of some unopened (but potentially related) ciphertexts. Until now, the notion of selective opening attacks is only considered in two settings: sender selective opening (SSO), where part of senders are corrupted and...
Identity-Based Encryption for Fair Anonymity Applications: Defining, Implementing, and Applying Rerandomizable RCCA-secure IBE
Yi Wang, Rongmao Chen, Xinyi Huang, Jianting Ning, Baosheng Wang, Moti Yung
Public-key cryptography
Our context is anonymous encryption schemes hiding their receiver, but in a setting which allows authorities to reveal the receiver when needed. While anonymous Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) is a natural candidate for such fair anonymity (it gives trusted authority access by design), the de facto security standard (a.k.a. IND-ID-CCA) is incompatible with the ciphertext rerandomizability which is crucial to anonymous communication. Thus, we seek to extend IND-ID-CCA security for IBE to a...
Fault-enabled chosen-ciphertext attacks on Kyber
Julius Hermelink, Peter Pessl, Thomas Pöppelmann
Public-key cryptography
NIST's PQC standardization process is in the third round, and a first final choice between one of three remaining lattice-based key encapsulation mechanisms is expected by the end of 2021. This makes studying the implementation-security aspect of the candidates a pressing matter. However, while the development of side-channel attacks and corresponding countermeasures has seen continuous interest, fault attacks are still a vastly underdeveloped field.
In fact, a first practical fault attack...
Privacy-Enhancing Group Signcryption Scheme
Sara Ricci, Petr Dzurenda, Jan Hajny, Lukas Malina
Cryptographic protocols
In the last decades, several signcryption schemes have been proposed for different privacy-enhancing purposes. In this paper, we propose a new privacy-enhancing group signcryption scheme that provides: unforgeability, confidentiality, ciphertext and sender anonymity, traceability, unlinkability, exculpability, coalition-resistance, and unforgeable tracing verification.
It is important to notice that the proposed scheme allows a signer to anonymously signcryt a message on the group's behalf...
FO derandomization sometimes damages security
Daniel J. Bernstein
Public-key cryptography
FO derandomization is a common step in protecting against chosen-ciphertext attacks. There are theorems qualitatively stating that FO derandomization preserves ROM OW-CPA security. However, quantitatively, these theorems are loose, allowing the possibility of the derandomized security level being considerably smaller than the original security level. Many cryptosystems rely on FO derandomization without adjusting parameters to account for this looseness.
This paper proves, for two...
Secure Code-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism with Short Ciphertext and Secret Key
Jayashree Dey, Ratna Dutta
Public-key cryptography
Code-based public key cryptosystems are one of the main techniques available in the area of Post-Quantum Cryptography. This work aims to propose a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) with short ciphertext and secret key. Our goal is achieved in two steps. We first present a public key encryption (PKE) scheme, basicPKE, using a parity check matrix of Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) code as the public key matrix. In our construction, we exploit the structure of a companion matrix to obtain an...
The Boneh-Katz Transformation, Revisited: Pseudorandom/Obliviously-Samplable PKE from Lattices and Codes and Its Application
Keita Xagawa
Public-key cryptography
The Boneh-Katz transformation (CT-RSA 2005) converts a selectively-secure identity/tag-based encryption scheme into a public-key encryption scheme secure against chosen-ciphertext attacks. We show that if the underlying primitives are pseudorandom, then the public-key encryption scheme obtained by the Boneh-Katz transformation is also pseudorandom. A similar result holds for oblivious sampleability (Canetti and Fischlin (CRYPTO 2001)).
As applications, we can construct
* pseudorandom and...
Chosen Ciphertext Secure Keyed Two-Level Homomorphic Encryption
Yusaku Maeda, Koji Nuida
Public-key cryptography
Homomorphic encryption (HE) is a useful variant of public key encryption (PKE), but it has a drawback that HE cannot fully achieve IND-CCA2 security, which is a standard security notion for PKE. Beyond existing HE schemes achieving weaker IND-CCA1 security, Emura et al.\ (PKC 2013) proposed the notion of \lq\lq keyed\rq\rq{} version of HE, called KH-PKE, which introduces an evaluation key controlling the functionality of homomorphic operations and achieves security stronger than IND-CCA1...
CARiMoL: A Configurable Hardware Accelerator for Ringand Module Lattice-Based Post-Quantum Cryptography
Afifa Ishtiaq, Dr. Muhammad Shafique, Dr. Osman Hassan
Abstract—CARiMoL is a novel run-time Configurable Hardware Accelerator for Ring and Module Lattice-based postquantum
cryptography. It’s flexible design can be configured to key-pair generation, encapsulation, and decapsulation for NewHope and CRYSTALS-Kyber schemes using same hardware. CARiMoL offers run-time configurability for multiple security levels of NewHope and CRYSTALS-Kyber schemes, supporting both Chosen-Plaintext Attack (CPA) and Chosen-Ciphertext Attack (CCA) secure...
Security of COFB against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks
Mustafa Khairallah
Secret-key cryptography
COFB is a lightweight Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) mode based on block ciphers.
It was proposed in CHES 2017 and is the basis for GIFT-COFB, a finalist in the NIST lightweight standardization project.
It comes with provable security results that guarantee its security up to the birthday
bound in the nonce-respecting model. However, the designers offer multiple versions of the analysis with different details and the implications of attacks against the scheme are not...
Non-Interactive CCA2-Secure Threshold Cryptosystems: Achieving Adaptive Security in the Standard Model Without Pairings
Julien Devevey, Benoît Libert, Khoa Nguyen, Thomas Peters, Moti Yung
Public-key cryptography
We consider threshold public-key encryption, where the decryption servers distributively hold the private key shares, and we need a threshold of these servers to decrypt the message (while the system remains secure when less than the threshold is corrupt). We investigate the notion of chosen-ciphertext secure threshold systems which has been historically hard to achieve.
We further require the systems to be, both, adaptively secure (i.e., secure against a strong adversary making corruption...
Master-Key KDM-Secure ABE via Predicate Encoding
Shengyuan Feng, Junqing Gong, Jie Chen
In this paper, we propose the first generic framework for attribute-based encryptions (ABE) with master-secret-key-dependent-message security (mKDM security) for affine functions via predicate encodings by Chen, Gay and Wee [Eurocrypt 2015]. The construction is adaptively secure under standard $k$-Lin assumption in prime-order bilinear groups. By this, we obtain a set of new mKDM-secure ABE schemes with high expressiveness that have never been reached before: we get the first hierarchical...
Post-quantum Security of OAEP Transform
Ehsan Ebrahimi
Public-key cryptography
In this paper, we show that OAEP transform is
indistinguishable under chosen ciphertext attack in the quantum random oracle model
if the underlying trapdoor permutation is quantum partial-domain one-way.
The existing post-quantum security of OAEP (TCC 2016-B )
requires a modification to the OAEP transform using an extra hash function.
We prove the security of the OAEP transform without any modification
and this answers an open question in
one of the finalists of NIST competition, NTRU...
QCCA-Secure Generic Key Encapsulation Mechanism with Tighter Security in the Quantum Random Oracle Model
Xu Liu, Mingqiang Wang
Public-key cryptography
Xagawa and Yamakawa (PQCrypto 2019) proved the transformation SXY can tightly turn DS secure PKEs into IND-qCCA secure KEMs in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). But transformations such as KC, TPunc that turn PKEs with standard security (OW-CPA or IND-CPA) into DS secure PKEs still suffer from quadratic security loss in the QROM. In this paper, we give a tighter security reduction for the transformation KC that turns OW-CPA secure deterministic PKEs into modified DS secure PKEs in the...
Reducing HSM Reliance in Payments through Proxy Re-Encryption
Sivanarayana Gaddam, Atul Luykx, Rohit Sinha, Gaven Watson
Credit and debit-card payments are typically authenticated with PINs. Once entered into a terminal, the PIN is sent as an encrypted \emph{PIN block} across a payments network to the destination bank, which decrypts and verifies the PIN block. Each node in the payments network routes the PIN block to the next node by decrypting the block with its own key, and then re-encrypting the PIN block with the next node's key; nodes establish shared secret keys with their neighbors to do so. This...
Error Term Checking: Towards Chosen Ciphertext Security without Re-encryption
Jan-Pieter D'Anvers, Emmanuela Orsini, Frederik Vercauteren
Public-key cryptography
Chosen ciphertext security for lattice based encryption schemes is generally achieved through a generic transformation such as the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation. This method requires full re-encryption of the plaintext during decapsulation, which typically dominates the cost of the latter procedure. In this work we show that it is possible to develop alternative transformations specifically designed for lattice based encryption schemes. We propose two novel chosen ciphertext...
Information-Theoretic Security of Cryptographic Channels
Marc Fischlin, Felix Günther, Philipp Muth
Cryptographic protocols
We discuss the setting of information-theoretically secure channel protocols where confidentiality of transmitted data should hold against unbounded adversaries. We argue that there are two possible scenarios: One is that the adversary is currently bounded, but stores today's communication and tries to break confidentiality later when obtaining more computational power or time. We call channel protocols protecting against such attacks future-secure. The other scenario is that the adversary...
Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Multi-Identity and Multi-Attribute Pure FHE
Tapas Pal, Ratna Dutta
Public-key cryptography
A multi-identity pure fully homomorphic encryption (MIFHE) enables a server to perform arbitrary computation on the ciphertexts that are encrypted under different identities. In case of multi-attribute pure FHE (MAFHE), the ciphertexts are associated with different attributes. Clear and McGoldrick (CANS 2014) gave the first chosen-plaintext attack secure MIFHE and MAFHE based on indistinguishability obfuscation. In this study, we focus on building MIFHE and MAFHE which are se-
cure under...
Equipping Public-Key Cryptographic Primitives with Watermarking (or: A Hole Is to Watermark)
Ryo Nishimaki
Public-key cryptography
Program watermarking enables users to embed an arbitrary string called a mark into a program while preserving the functionality of the program. Adversaries cannot remove the mark without destroying the functionality. Although there exist generic constructions of watermarking schemes for public-key cryptographic (PKC) primitives, those schemes are constructed from scratch and not efficient.
In this work, we present a general framework to equip a broad class of PKC primitives with an...
Chosen-Ciphertext Secure Attribute-Hiding Non-Zero Inner Product Encryptions and Its Applications
Tapas Pal, Ratna Dutta
Public-key cryptography
Non-zero inner product encryption (NIPE) allows a user to encrypt a message with an attribute vector and a receiver holding a secret-key associated to a predicate vector can recover the message from the ciphertext if the inner product between the attribute and predicate vectors is non-zero. The main focus is to hide messages in most of the existing NIPEs and the
associated attribute is trivially included in the ciphertext. In this work, we investigate the design of NIPEs that are capable of...
Circular Security Is Complete for KDM Security
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Takahiro Matsuda
Public-key cryptography
Circular security is the most elementary form of key-dependent message (KDM) security, which allows us to securely encrypt only a copy of secret key bits. In this work, we show that circular security is complete for KDM security in the sense that an encryption scheme satisfying this security notion can be transformed into one satisfying KDM security with respect to all functions computable by a-priori bounded-size circuits (bounded-KDM security). This result holds in the presence of any...
Last updated: 2020-07-29
Instantiation of RO Model Transforms via Extractable Functions
Mohammad Zaheri
Public-key cryptography
We show two new results about instantiability of the classical random-oracle-model encryption transforms for upgrading ``weak'' trapdoor permutations and encryption to ``strong'' chosen-ciphertext (CCA) secure encryption, namely the OAEP trapdoor permutation based (Bellare and Rogaway, EUROCRYPT 1994) and Fujasaki Okamoto (FO) hybrid-encryption (EUROCRYPT 1998) transforms:
- First, we propose a slight tweak to FO so that achieves the same goal in the RO model, but it is not ``admissible'' in...
A Power Side-Channel Attack on the CCA2-Secure HQC KEM
Thomas Schamberger, Julian Renner, Georg Sigl, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
Public-key cryptography
The Hamming Quasi-Cyclic (HQC) proposal is a promising candidate in the second round of the NIST Post-Quantum cryptography Standardization project. It features small public key sizes, precise estimation of its decryption failure rates and contrary to most of the code-based systems, its security does not rely on hiding the structure of an error-correcting code.
In this paper, we propose the first power side-channel attack on the Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) version of HQC. Our attack...
Chosen Ciphertext Security from Injective Trapdoor Functions
Susan Hohenberger, Venkata Koppula, Brent Waters
We provide a construction of chosen ciphertext secure public-key encryption from (injective) trapdoor functions. Our construction is black box and assumes no special properties (e.g. ``lossy'', ``correlated product secure'') of the trapdoor function.
Insecurity of the Public Key Encryption with Filtered Equality Test Proposed by Huang et al.
Hyung Tae Lee, San Ling, Jae Hong Seo, Huaxiong Wang
Public-key cryptography
Recently, Huang et al. proposed a concept of public key encryption with filtered equality test (PKE-FET) that allows a tester who has a warrant for the selected message set to check equality of messages in ciphertexts that belong to that set (Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2017). They also presented an instantiation of the PKE-FET that was asserted to achieve the indistinguishability against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA2) in the standard model. In this note, we show...
Robust Channels: Handling Unreliable Networks in the Record Layers of QUIC and DTLS 1.3
Marc Fischlin, Felix Günther, Christian Janson
Cryptographic protocols
The common approach in secure communication channel protocols is to rely on ciphertexts arriving in-order and to close the connection upon any rogue ciphertext. Cryptographic security models for channels generally reflect such design. This is reasonable when running atop lower-level transport protocols like TCP ensuring in-order delivery, as for example is the case with TLS or SSH. However, protocols like QUIC or DTLS which run over a non-reliable transport such as UDP, do not---and in fact...
A Probabilistic Public Key Encryption Scheme Based on Quartic Reciprocity (Draft V1.22)
Robert A. Threlfall
Public-key cryptography
Using a novel class of single bit one-way trapdoor functions we construct a theoretical probabilistic public key encryption scheme that has many interesting properties. These functions are constructed from binary quadratic forms and rational quartic reciprocity laws. They are not based on class group operations nor on universal one-way hash functions. Inverting these functions appears to be as difficult as factoring, and other than factoring, we know of no reductions between this new...
On Security Notions for Encryption in a Quantum World
Céline Chevalier, Ehsan Ebrahimi, Quoc-Huy Vu
Indistinguishability against adaptive chosen-ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA2) is usually considered the most desirable security notion for classical encryption. In this work, we investigate its adaptation in the quantum world, when an adversary can perform superposition queries. The security of quantum-secure classical encryption has first been studied by Boneh and Zhandry (CRYPTO'13), but they restricted the adversary to classical challenge queries, which makes the indistinguishability only...
An Algebraic Attack on Ciphers with Low-Degree Round Functions: Application to Full MiMC
Maria Eichlseder, Lorenzo Grassi, Reinhard Lüftenegger, Morten Øygarden, Christian Rechberger, Markus Schofnegger, Qingju Wang
Secret-key cryptography
Algebraically simple PRFs, ciphers, or cryptographic hash functions are becoming increasingly popular, for example due to their attractive properties for MPC and new proof systems (SNARKs, STARKs, among many others).
In this paper, we focus on the algebraically simple construction MiMC, which became an attractive cryptanalytic target due to its simplicity, but also due to its use as a baseline in a competition for more recent algorithms exploring this design space.
For the first time, we...
Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption with Tight Multi-Challenge Security
Roman Langrehr, Jiaxin Pan
Public-key cryptography
We construct the first hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) scheme with tight adaptive security in the multi-challenge setting, where adversaries are allowed to ask for ciphertexts for multiple adaptively chosen identities. Technically, we develop a novel technique that can tightly introduce randomness into user secret keys for hierarchical identities in the multi-challenge setting, which cannot be easily achieved by the existing techniques for tightly multi-challenge secure...
A New Paradigm for Public-Key Functional Encryption for Degree-2 Polynomials
Romain Gay
Public-key cryptography
We give the first public-key functional encryption that supports the generation of functional decryption keys for degree-2 polynomials, with succinct ciphertexts, whose semi-adaptive simulation-based security is proven under standard assumptions. At the heart of our new paradigm lies a so-called partially function-hiding functional encryption scheme for inner products, which admits public-key instances, and that is sufficient to build functional encryption for degree-2 polynomials. Doing so,...
Cryptanalysis of a pairing-free certificate-based proxy re-encryption scheme for secure data sharing in public clouds
S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, Irene Miriam Isaac, C. Pandu Rangan
Public-key cryptography
Proxy re-encryption(PRE) is a primitive that is used to facilitate secure access delegation in the cloud. Proxy re-encryption allows a proxy server to transform ciphertexts encrypted under one user's public key to that under another user's public key without learning anything about the underlying message or the secret key. Over the years proxy re-encryption schemes have been proposed in different settings. In this paper we restrict our analysis to certificate based proxy re-encryption. The...
Efficient Attribute-based Proxy Re-Encryption with Constant Size Ciphertexts
Arinjita Paul, S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, C. Pandu Rangan
Public-key cryptography
Attribute-based proxy re-encryption (ABPRE) allows a semi-trusted proxy to transform an encryption under an access-policy into an encryption under a new access policy, without revealing any information about the underlying message. Such a primitive facilitates fine-grained secure sharing of encrypted data in the cloud. In its key-policy flavor, the re-encryption key is associated with an access structure that specifies which type of ciphertexts can be re-encrypted. Only two attempts have...
Tweakable HCTR: A BBB Secure Tweakable Enciphering Scheme
Avijit Dutta, Mridul Nandi
Secret-key cryptography
\textsf{HCTR}, proposed by Wang et al., is one of the most efficient candidates of tweakable enciphering schemes that turns an $n$-bit block cipher into a variable input length tweakable block cipher. Wang et al. have shown that \textsf{HCTR} offers a cubic security bound against all adaptive chosen plaintext and chosen ciphertext adversaries. Later in FSE 2008, Chakraborty and Nandi have improved its bound to $O(\sigma^2 / 2^n)$, where $\sigma$ is the total number of blocks queried and $n$...
A Novel CCA Attack using Decryption Errors against LAC
Qian Guo, Thomas Johansson, Jing Yang
Public-key cryptography
Cryptosystems based on Learning with Errors or related problems are central topics in recent cryptographic research. One main witness to this is the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization effort. Many submitted proposals rely on problems related to Learning with Errors.
Such schemes often include the possibility of decryption errors with some very small probability. Some of them have a somewhat larger error probability in each coordinate, but use an error correcting code to get rid...
A Provably Secure Conditional Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme without Pairing
Arinjita Paul, S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, C. Pandu Rangan
Public-key cryptography
Blaze, Bleumer and Strauss introduced the notion of proxy re-encryption (PRE), which enables a semi-trusted proxy to transform ciphertexts under Alice's public key into ciphertexts under Bob's public key. The important property to note here is, the proxy should not learn anything about the plaintext encrypted. In 2009, Weng et al. introduced the concept of conditional proxy re-encryption (CPRE), which permits the proxy to re-encrypt only ciphertexts satisfying a condition specified by Alice...
Post-Quantum Variants of ISO/IEC Standards: Compact Chosen Ciphertext Secure Key Encapsulation Mechanism from Isogenies
Kazuki Yoneyama
Public-key cryptography
ISO/IEC standardizes several chosen ciphertext-secure key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) schemes in ISO/IEC 18033-2. However, all ISO/IEC KEM schemes are not quantum resilient. In this paper, we introduce new isogeny-based KEM schemes (i.e., CSIDH-ECIES-KEM and CSIDH-PSEC-KEM) by modifying Diffie-Hellman-based KEM schemes in ISO/IEC standards. The main advantage of our schemes are compactness. The key size and the ciphertext overhead of our schemes are smaller than these of SIKE, which is...
Simple and Efficient KDM-CCA Secure Public Key Encryption
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Takahiro Matsuda, Keisuke Tanaka
Public-key cryptography
We propose two efficient public key encryption (PKE) schemes satisfying key dependent message security against chosen ciphertext attacks (KDM-CCA security). The first one is KDM-CCA secure with respect to affine functions. The other one is KDM-CCA secure with respect to polynomial functions. Both of our schemes are based on the KDM-CPA secure PKE schemes proposed by Malkin, Teranishi, and Yung (EUROCRYPT 2011). Although our schemes satisfy KDM-CCA security, their efficiency overheads...
Forkcipher: a New Primitive for Authenticated Encryption of Very Short Messages
Elena Andreeva, Virginie Lallemand, Antoon Purnal, Reza Reyhanitabar, Arnab Roy, Damian Vizar
Secret-key cryptography
Highly efficient encryption and authentication of short messages is an essential requirement for enabling security in constrained scenarios such as the CAN FD in automotive systems (max. message size 64 bytes), massive IoT, critical communication domains of 5G, and Narrowband IoT, to mention a few. In addition, one of the NIST lightweight cryptography project requirements is that AEAD schemes shall be “optimized to be efficient for short messages (e.g., as short as 8 bytes)”.
In this work...
New Constructions of Hinting PRGs, OWFs with Encryption, and more
Rishab Goyal, Satyanarayana Vusirikala, Brent Waters
Over the last few years there has been a surge of new cryptographic results, including laconic oblivious transfer, (anonymous/ hierarchical) identity-based encryption, trapdoor functions, chosen-ciphertext security transformations, designated-verifier zero knowledge proofs, due to a beautiful framework recently introduced in the works of Cho et al. [Crypto 2017], and D{ö}ttling and Garg [Crypto 2017]. The primitive of one-way function with encryption (OWFE) and its relatives (chameleon...
Generic Side-channel attacks on CCA-secure lattice-based PKE and KEM schemes
Prasanna Ravi, Sujoy Sinha Roy, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Shivam Bhasin
Public-key cryptography
In this work, we demonstrate generic and practical side-channel assisted chosen ciphertext attacks on multiple LWE/LWR-based Public Key Encryption (PKE) and Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) secure in the chosen ciphertext model
(IND-CCA security). Firstly, we identified EM-based side-channel vulnerabilities in the error correcting codes (ECC) used in LWE/LWR-based schemes that enable to distinguish the value/validity of the codewords output from the decryption operation. We also identified...
Traceable Receipt-free Encryption (TREnc) has recently been introduced as a verifiable public-key encryption primitive endowed with a unique security model. In a nutshell, TREnc allows randomizing ciphertexts in transit in order to remove any subliminal information up to a public trace that ensures the non-malleability of the underlying plaintext. A remarkable property of TREnc is the indistinguishability of the randomization of chosen ciphertexts against traceable chosen-ciphertext attacks...
Proxy re-encryption (PRE) allows semi-honest party (called proxy) to convert a ciphertext under a public key into a ciphertext under another public key. Due to this functionality, there are various applications such as encrypted email forwarding, key escrow, and securing distributed file systems. Meanwhile, post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is one of the most important research areas because development of quantum computers has been advanced recently. In particular, there are many researches...
This work conducts a comprehensive investigation on determining the entropic hardness of (R/M)LWR under polynomial modulus. Particularly, we establish the hardness of (M)LWR for general entropic secret distributions from (Module) LWE assumptions based on a new conceptually simple framework called rounding lossiness. By combining this hardness result and a trapdoor inversion algorithm with asymptotically the most compact parameters, we obtain a compact lossy trapdoor function (LTF) with...
In this article, we propose a generic hybrid encryption scheme providing entity authentication. The scheme is based on lossy trapdoor functions relying on the hardness of the Learning With Errors problem. The construction can be used on a number of different security requirements with minimal reconfiguration. It ensures entity authentication and ciphertext integrity while providing security against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks in the standard model. As a desired characteristic of...
A threshold key encapsulation mechanism (TKEM) facilitates the secure distribution of session keys among multiple participants, allowing key recovery through a threshold number of shares. TKEM has gained significant attention, especially for decentralized systems, including blockchains. However, existing constructions often rely on trusted setups, which pose security risks such as a single point of failure, and are limited by fixed participant numbers and thresholds. To overcome this, we...
Identity-based matchmaking encryption (IB-ME) is an advanced encryption scheme that enables a sender and a receiver to specify each of identity. In general, from the aspect of abilities for adversaries, we have two flavors of security for encryption schemes chosen plaintext attacks (CPA) security and chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA) security. Compared to CPA security, CCA security can capture active adversaries, then it has been recognized as a desirable one. In this paper, we investigate...
We propose a new NTRU-based Public-Key Encryption (PKE) scheme called $\mathsf{NTRU+}\mathsf{PKE}$, which effectively incorporates the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation for PKE (denoted as $\mathsf{FO}_{\mathsf{PKE}}$) to achieve chosen-ciphertext security in the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM). While $\mathsf{NTRUEncrypt}$, a first-round candidate in the NIST PQC standardization process, was proven to be chosen-ciphertext secure in the Random Oracle Model (ROM), it lacked corresponding...
Traceable Receipt-free Encryption (TREnc) is a verifiable public-key encryption primitive introduced at Asiacrypt 2022. A TREnc allows randomizing ciphertexts in transit in order to remove any subliminal information up to a public trace that ensures the non-malleability of the underlying plaintext. A remarkable property of TREnc is the indistinguishability of the randomization of chosen ciphertexts against traceable chosen-ciphertext attacks (TCCA). This property can support applications...
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has gained significant research focus in both academic and medical institutions. Nevertheless, the sensitive data involved in IoMT raises concerns regarding user validation and data privacy. To address these concerns, certificateless signcryption (CLSC) has emerged as a promising solution, offering authenticity, confidentiality, and unforgeability. Unfortunately, most existing CLSC schemes are impractical for IoMT due to their heavy computational and storage...
Security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA) concerns privacy of messages even if the adversary has access to the decryption oracle. While the classical notion of CCA security seems to be strong enough to capture many attack scenarios, it falls short of preserving the privacy of messages in the presence of quantum decryption queries, i.e., when an adversary can query a superposition of ciphertexts. Boneh and Zhandry (CRYPTO 2013) defined the notion of quantum CCA (qCCA) security to...
Given its integral role in modern encryption systems such as CRYSTALS-Kyber, the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform will soon be at the center of our secure communications infrastructure. An enduring debate surrounding the FO transform is whether to use explicit or implicit rejection when decapsulation fails. Presently, implicit rejection, as implemented in CRYSTALS-Kyber, is supported by a strong set of arguments. Therefore, understanding its security implications in different attacker models...
We focus on the problem of constructing fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes that achieve some meaningful notion of adaptive chosen-ciphertext security beyond CCA1. Towards this, we propose a new notion, called security against verified chosen-ciphertext attack (vCCA). The idea behind it is to ascertain integrity of the ciphertext by imposing a strong control on the evaluation algorithm. Essentially, we require that a ciphertext obtained by the use of homomorphic evaluation must be...
The implementation security of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms has emerged as a critical concern with the PQC standardization process reaching its end. In a side-channel-assisted chosen-ciphertext attack, the attacker builds linear inequalities on secret key components and uses the belief propagation (BP) algorithm to solve. The number of inequalities leverages the query complexity of the attack, so the fewer the better. In this paper, we use the PQC standard algorithm...
Dual-receiver encryption (DRE) is a special form of public key encryption (PKE) that allows a sender to encrypt a message for two recipients. Without further properties, the difference between DRE and PKE is only syntactical. One such important property is soundness, which requires that no ciphertext can be constructed such that the recipients decrypt to different plaintexts. Many applications rely on this property in order to realize more complex protocols or primitives. In addition, many...
The size of the authentication tag represents a significant overhead for applications that are limited by bandwidth or memory. Hence, some authenticated encryption designs have a smaller tag than the required privacy level, which was also suggested by the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization project. In the ToSC 2022, two papers have raised questions about the IND-CCA security of AEAD schemes in this situation. These papers show that (a) online AE cannot provide IND-CCA security...
In this paper, we study the design of efficient signature and public-key encryption (PKE) schemes in the presence of both leakage and tampering attacks. Firstly, we formalize the strong leakage and tamper-resilient (sLTR) security model for signature, which provides strong existential unforgeability, and deals with bounded leakage and restricted tampering attacks, as a counterpart to the sLTR security introduced by Sun et al. (ACNS 2019) for PKE. Then, we present direct constructions...
In this paper, we show a new set of cryptographic primitives that generically leads to chosen ciphertext secure (CCA secure) public-key encryption (PKE). Specifically, we show how a (non-interactive, publicly verifiable) batch argument (BARG) for NP can be combined with a chosen plaintext secure PKE scheme to achieve a CCA secure one. The requirement of the succinctness of the proof size of a BARG in our result is rather mild: The proof size is $O(k^{\epsilon})$ for some non-negative...
Predicate encryption (PE) is a type of public-key encryption that captures many useful primitives such as attribute-based encryption (ABE). Although much progress has been made to generically achieve security against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) efficiently, in practice, we also require security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA). Because achieving CCA-security on a case-by-case basis is a complicated task, several generic conversion methods have been proposed, which typically target...
Succinctness and zero-knowledge are two fundamental properties in the study of cryptographic proof systems. Several recent works have formalized the connections between these two notions by showing how to realize non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) arguments from succinct non-interactive arguments. Specifically, Champion and Wu (CRYPTO 2023) as well as Bitansky, Kamath, Paneth, Rothblum, and Vasudevan (ePrint 2023) recently showed how to construct a NIZK argument for NP from a...
In 2019, Essaid et al. introduced a chaotic map-based encryption scheme for color images. Their approach employs three improved chaotic maps to dynamically generate the key bytes and matrix required by the cryptosystem. It should be noted that these parameters are dependent on the size of the source image. According to the authors, their method offers adequate security (i.e. $279$ bits) for transmitting color images over unsecured channels. However, we show in this paper that this is not the...
We prove that two variants of the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transformations are selective opening secure (SO) against chosen-ciphertext attacks in the quantum random oracle model (QROM), assuming that the underlying public-key encryption scheme is one-way secure against chosen-plaintext attacks (OW-CPA). The two variants we consider are $\mathsf{FO}^{\not{\bot}}$ (Hofheinz, Hövelmanns, and Kiltz, TCC 2017) and $\mathsf{U}^{\not{\bot}}_\mathsf{m}$ (Jiang et al., CRYPTO 2018). This is the first...
We propose two generic constructions of public-key encryption (PKE) with tight simulation-based selective-opening security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (SIM-SO-CCA) in the random oracle model. Our constructions can be instantiated with a small constant number of elements in the ciphertext, ignoring smaller contributions from symmetric-key encryption. That is, they have compact ciphertexts. Furthermore, three of our instantiations have compact public keys as well. Known (almost)...
In this paper, we present a new distinguisher for the Tweak-aNd-Tweak (TNT) tweakable block cipher with $O(2^{n/2})$ complexity. The distinguisher is an adaptive chosen ciphertext distinguisher, unlike previous attacks that are only non-adaptive chosen plaintext attacks. However, the attack contradicts the security claims made by the designers. Given TNT can be seen as the three-round CLRW1 tweakable block cipher, our attack matches its more conservative bound. We provide the distinguisher...
The random oracle model (ROM), introduced by Bellare and Rogaway (CCS 1993), enables a formal security proof for many (efficient) cryptographic primitives and protocols, and has been quite impactful in practice. However, the security model also relies on some very strong and non-standard assumptions on how an adversary interacts with a cryptographic hash function, which might be unrealistic in a real world setting and thus could lead one to question the validity of the security analysis. For...
As a multi-receiver variants of public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS), broadcast encryption with keyword search (BEKS) has been proposed (Attrapadung et al. at ASIACRYPT 2006/Chatterjee-Mukherjee at INDOCRYPT 2018). Unlike broadcast encryption, no receiver anonymity is considered because the test algorithm takes a set of receivers as input and thus a set of receivers needs to be contained in a ciphertext. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of BEKS from anonymous and...
In 2022, Hosny et al. introduce an image encryption scheme that employs a fractional-order chaotic system. Their approach uses the hyper-chaotic system to generate the system's main parameter, namely a secret permutation which is dependent on the size and the sum of the pixels of the source image. According to the authors, their scheme offers adequate security (i.e. $498$ bits) for transmitting color images over unsecured channels. Nevertheless, in this paper we show that the scheme's...
Selective opening (SO) security is a security notion for public-key encryption schemes that captures security against adaptive corruptions of senders. SO security comes in chosen-plaintext (SO-CPA) and chosen-ciphertext (SO-CCA) variants, neither of which is implied by standard security notions like IND-CPA or IND-CCA security. In this paper, we present the first SO-CCA secure encryption scheme that combines the following two properties: (1) it has a constant ciphertext expansion...
Hofheinz et al. (TCC 2017) proposed several key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) variants of Fujisaki-Okamoto (\textsf{FO}) transformation, including $\textsf{FO}^{\slashed{\bot}}$, $\textsf{FO}_m^{\slashed{\bot}}$, $\textsf{QFO}_m^{\slashed{\bot}}$, $\textsf{FO}^{\bot}$, $\textsf{FO}_m^\bot$ and $\textsf{QFO}_m^\bot$, and they are widely used in the post-quantum cryptography standardization launched by NIST. These transformations are divided into two types, the implicit and explicit rejection...
We construct the first tightly secure authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocol from lattices. Known tight constructions are all based on Diffie-Hellman-like assumptions. Thus, our protocol is the first construction with tight security from a post-quantum assumption. Our AKE protocol is constructed tightly from a new security notion for key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs), called one-way security against checkable chosen-ciphertext attacks (OW- ChCCA). We show how an OW-ChCCA secure KEM...
The Fujisaki-Okamoto (\textsf{FO}) transformation (CRYPTO 1999 and Journal of Cryptology 2013) and its KEM variants (TCC 2017) are used to construct \textsf{IND-CCA}-secure PKE or KEM schemes in the random oracle model (ROM). In the post-quantum setting, the ROM is extended to the quantum random oracle model (QROM), and the \textsf{IND-CCA} security of \textsf{FO} transformation and its KEM variants in the QROM has been extensively analyzed. Grubbs et al. (EUROCRYPTO 2021) and Xagawa...
Confidentiality, authentication, and anonymity are the basic security requirements in broadcast communication, that can be achieved by Digital Signature (DS), encryption, and pseudo-identity (PID) techniques. Signcryption offers both DS and encryption more efficiently than "sign-then-encrypt,". However, compared to hybrid signcryption, it has higher computational and communication costs. Our paper proposes an Anonymous Multi-receiver Certificateless Hybrid Signcryption (AMCLHS) for secure...
SPEEDY is a family of ultra-lightweight block ciphers designed by Leander et al. at CHES 2021. There are three recommended variants denoted as SPEEDY-$r$-192 with $r$∈{5,6,7}. All of them support the 192-bit block and the 192-bit key. The main focus during its design is to ensure hardware-aware low latency, thus, whether it is designed to have enough security is worth to be studied. Recently, the full-round security of SPEEDY-7-192 is announced to be broken by Boura et al. at EUROCRYPT 2023...
A line of recent work has highlighted the importance of context commitment security, which asks that authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) schemes will not decrypt the same adversarially-chosen ciphertext under two different, adversarially-chosen contexts (secret key, nonce, and associated data). Despite a spate of recent attacks, many open questions remain around context commitment; most obviously nothing is known about the commitment security of important schemes such as...
We construct quantum public-key encryption from one-way functions. In our construction, public keys are quantum, but ciphertexts are classical. Quantum public-key encryption from one-way functions (or weaker primitives such as pseudorandom function-like states) are also proposed in some recent works [Morimae-Yamakawa, eprint:2022/1336; Coladangelo, eprint:2023/282; Barooti-Grilo-Malavolta-Sattath-Vu-Walter, eprint:2023/877]. However, they have a huge drawback: they are secure only when...
Non-malleability is one of the basic security goals for encryption schemes which ensures the resistance of the scheme against ciphertext modifications in the sense that any adversary, given a ciphertext of a plaintext, cannot generate another ciphertext whose underlying plaintext is meaningfully related to the initial one. There are multiple formulations of non-malleable encryption schemes, depending on whether they are based on simulation or comparison, or whether they impose valid...
We study the post-quantum security of authenticated encryption (AE) schemes, designed with classical security in mind. Under superposition attacks, many CBC-MAC variants have been broken, and AE modes employing those variants, such as EAX and GCM, thus fail at authenticity. As we show, the same modes are IND-qCPA insecure, i.e., they fail to provide privacy under superposition attacks. However, a constrained version of GCM is IND-qCPA secure, and a nonce-based variant of the CBC-MAC is...
Re-randomizable Replayable CCA-secure public key encryption (Rand-RCCA PKE) schemes guarantee security against chosen-ciphertext attacks while ensuring the useful property of re-randomizable ciphertexts. We introduce the notion of multi-user and multi-ciphertext Rand-RCCA PKE and we give the first construction of such a PKE scheme with an almost tight security reduction to a standard assumption. Our construction is structure preserving and can be instantiated over Type-1 pairing groups....
In LWE-based KEMs, observed decryption errors leak information about the secret key in the form of equations or inequalities. Several practical fault attacks have already exploited such leakage by either directly applying a fault or enabling a chosen-ciphertext attack using a fault. When the leaked information is in the form of inequalities, the recovery of the secret key is not trivial. Recent methods use either statistical or algebraic methods (but not both), with some being able to handle...
The One-Way to Hiding (O2H) Lemma is a central component of proofs of chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA) security of practical public-key encryption schemes using variants of the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform in the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM). Recently, Kuchta et al. (EUROCRYPT ’20) introduced a new QROM proof technique, called Measure-Rewind-Measure (MRM), giving an improved variant of the O2H lemma, with a new security reduction that does not suffer from a square-root advantage...
In 2019, Essaid et al. proposed an encryption scheme for color images based on chaotic maps. Their solution uses two enhanced chaotic maps to dynamically generate the secret substitution boxes and the key bytes used by the cryptosystem. Note that both types of parameters are dependent on the size of the original image. The authors claim that their proposal provides enough security for transmitting color images over unsecured channels. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In this paper, we...
Identity-based encryption with equality test (IBEET) is a variant of identity-based encryption (IBE), where any users who have trapdoors can check whether two ciphertexts are encryption of the same plaintext. Although several lattice-based IBEET schemes have been proposed, they have drawbacks in either security or efficiency. Specifically, most schemes satisfy only selective security, while adaptively secure schemes in the standard model suffer from large master public keys that consist of...
NTRU was the first practical public key encryption scheme constructed on a lattice over a polynomial-based ring and has been considered secure against significant cryptanalytic attacks over the past few decades. However, NTRU and its variants suffer from several drawbacks, including difficulties in achieving worst-case correctness error in a moderate modulus, inconvenient sampling distributions for messages, and relatively slower algorithms compared to other lattice-based schemes. In...
Extending work leveraging program obfuscation to instantiate random-oracle-based transforms (e.g., Hohenberger et al., EUROCRYPT 2014, Kalai et al., CRYPTO 2017), we show that, using obfuscation and other assumptions, there exist standard-model hash functions that suffice to instantiate the classical RO-model encryption transforms OAEP (Bellare and Rogaway, EUROCRYPT 1994) and Fujisaki-Okamoto (CRYPTO 1999, J. Cryptology 2013) for specific public-key encryption (PKE) schemes to achieve...
Predicate encryption (PE) is a type of public-key encryption that captures many useful primitives such as attribute-based encryption (ABE). Although much progress has been made to generically achieve security against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) efficiently, in practice, we also require security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA). Because achieving CCA-security on a case-by-case basis is a complicated task, several generic conversion methods have been proposed. However, these...
The post-quantum security of cryptographic schemes assumes that the quantum adversary only receives the classical result of computations with the secret key. Further, it is unknown whether the post-quantum secure schemes still remain secure if the adversary can obtain a superposition state of the results. In this paper, we formalize one class of public-key encryption schemes named oracle-masked schemes. Then we define the plaintext extraction procedure for those schemes and this procedure...
We say a public-key encryption is plaintext-extractable in the random oracle model if there exists an algorithm that given access to all inputs/outputs queries to the random oracles can simulate the decryption oracle. We argue that plaintext-extractability is enough to show the indistinguishably under chosen ciphertext attack (IND-CCA) of OAEP+ transform (Shoup, Crypto 2001) when the underlying trapdoor permutation is one-way. We extend the result to the quantum random oracle model...
The Lai-Massey scheme is an important cryptographic approach to design block ciphers from secure pseudorandom functions. It has been used in the designs of IDEA and IDEA-NXT. At ASIACRYPT'99, Vaudenay showed that the 3-round and 4-round Lai-Massey scheme are secure against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPAs) and chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCAs), respectively, in the classical setting. At SAC'04, Junod and Vaudenay proposed a new family of block ciphers based on the Lai-Massey scheme, namely ...
In this paper, we present a side-channel analysis (SCA) on key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) based on the Fujisaki–Okamoto (FO) transformation and its variants. Many post-quantum KEMs usually perform re-encryption during key decapsulation to achieve chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA) security. The side-channel leakage of re-encryption can be exploited to mount a key-recovery plaintext-checking attack (KR-PCA), even if the chosen-plaintext attack (CCA) secure decryption constructing the KEM is...
In this paper, we formalize the plaintext-awareness notion in the superposition access model in which a quantum adversary may implement the encryption oracle in a quantum device and make superposition queries to the decryption oracle. Due to various possible ways an adversary can access the decryption oracles, we present six security definitions to capture the plaintext-awareness notion with respect to each way of access. We study the relationships between these definitions and present...
Over the last years, the side-channel analysis of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) candidates in the NIST standardization initiative has received increased attention. In particular, it has been shown that some post-quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) are vulnerable to Chosen-Ciphertext Side-Channel Attacks (CC-SCA). These powerful attacks target the re-encryption step in the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transform, which is commonly used to achieve CCA security in such schemes. To...
To defend against the rising threat of quantum computers, NIST initiated their Post-Quantum Cryptography(PQC) standardization process in 2016. During the PQC process, the security against side-channel attacks has received much attention. Lattice-based schemes are considered to be the most promising group to be standardized. Message encoding in lattice-based schemes has been proven to be vulnerable to side-channel attacks, and a first-order masked message encoder has been presented. However,...
Selective opening (SO) security is one of the most important security notions of public key encryption (PKE) in a multi-user setting. Even though messages and random coins used in some ciphertexts are leaked, SO security guarantees the confidentiality of the other ciphertexts. Actually, it is shown that there exist PKE schemes which meet the standard security such as indistinguishability against chosen ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA security) but do not meet SO security against chosen...
The Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) is a major building block in recently introduced lattice based post-quantum (PQ) cryptography. The NTT was target of a number of recently proposed Belief Propagation (BP)-based Side Channel Attacks (SCAs). Ravi et al. have recently proposed a number of countermeasures mitigating these attacks. In 2021, Hamburg et al. presented a chosen-ciphertext enabled SCA improving noise-resistance, which we use as a starting point to state our findings. We...
Homomorphic encryption (HE) protects data in-use, but can be computationally expensive. To avoid the costly bootstrapping procedure that refreshes ciphertexts, some works have explored client-aided outsourcing protocols, where the client intermittently refreshes ciphertexts for a server that is performing homomorphic computations. But is this approach secure against malicious servers? We present a CPA-secure encryption scheme that is completely insecure in this setting. We define a new...
In order to prove the ElGamal CCA (Chosen Ciphertext Attack) security in the random oracle model, it is necessary to use the group (i.e., ICDH group) where ICDH assumption holds. Until now, only bilinear group where ICDH assumption is equivalent to CDH assumption has been known as the ICDH group. In this paper, we introduce another ICDH group in which ICDH assumption holds under the RSA assumption. Based on this group, we propose the CCA secure ElGamal encryption. And we describe the...
Cryptography based on identity and attributes enhances the chance of secure communication on a large scale. Several attribute-based encryption schemes achieve different objectives when used in various protocols. Most of these are suitable for large systems like cloud services. There are a few protocols which focus on reducing the computational overhead for lower end devices like Internet of Things sensors and actuators. It is desirable to have a mix of features in protocols for IoT security...
(Fully) homomorphic encryption ((F)HE) allows users to publicly evaluate circuits on encrypted data. Although publicly homomorphic evaluation property has various applications, (F)HE cannot achieve security against chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA2) due to its nature. To achieve both the CCA2 security and homomorphic evaluation property, Emura et al. (PKC 2013) introduced keyed-homomorphic public key encryption (KH-PKE) and formalized its security denoted by $\mathsf{KH\textup{-}CCA}$...
A Posteriori Openable Public Key Encryptions (APOPKE) allow any user to generate a constant-size key that decrypts the messages they have sent over a chosen period of time. As an important feature, the period can be dynamically chosen after the messages have been sent. This primitive was introduced in 2016 by Bultel and Lafourcade. They also defined the Chosen-Plaintext Attack (CPA) security for APOPKE, and designed a scheme called GAPO, which is CPA secure in the random oracle model. In...
Attribute-based encryption with equality test ($\mathsf{ABEET}$) is an extension of the ordinary attribute-based encryption ($\mathsf{ABE}$), where trapdoors enable us to check whether two ciphertexts are encryptions of the same message. Thus far, several CCA-secure $\mathsf{ABEET}$ schemes have been proposed for monotone span programs satisfying selective security under $q$-type assumptions. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of CCA-secure $\mathsf{ABEET}$ from delegatable...
Selective opening attacks (SOA) (for public-key encryption, PKE) concern such a multi-user scenario, where an adversary adaptively corrupts some fraction of the users to break into a subset of honestly created ciphertexts, and tries to learn the information on the messages of some unopened (but potentially related) ciphertexts. Until now, the notion of selective opening attacks is only considered in two settings: sender selective opening (SSO), where part of senders are corrupted and...
Our context is anonymous encryption schemes hiding their receiver, but in a setting which allows authorities to reveal the receiver when needed. While anonymous Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) is a natural candidate for such fair anonymity (it gives trusted authority access by design), the de facto security standard (a.k.a. IND-ID-CCA) is incompatible with the ciphertext rerandomizability which is crucial to anonymous communication. Thus, we seek to extend IND-ID-CCA security for IBE to a...
NIST's PQC standardization process is in the third round, and a first final choice between one of three remaining lattice-based key encapsulation mechanisms is expected by the end of 2021. This makes studying the implementation-security aspect of the candidates a pressing matter. However, while the development of side-channel attacks and corresponding countermeasures has seen continuous interest, fault attacks are still a vastly underdeveloped field. In fact, a first practical fault attack...
In the last decades, several signcryption schemes have been proposed for different privacy-enhancing purposes. In this paper, we propose a new privacy-enhancing group signcryption scheme that provides: unforgeability, confidentiality, ciphertext and sender anonymity, traceability, unlinkability, exculpability, coalition-resistance, and unforgeable tracing verification. It is important to notice that the proposed scheme allows a signer to anonymously signcryt a message on the group's behalf...
FO derandomization is a common step in protecting against chosen-ciphertext attacks. There are theorems qualitatively stating that FO derandomization preserves ROM OW-CPA security. However, quantitatively, these theorems are loose, allowing the possibility of the derandomized security level being considerably smaller than the original security level. Many cryptosystems rely on FO derandomization without adjusting parameters to account for this looseness. This paper proves, for two...
Code-based public key cryptosystems are one of the main techniques available in the area of Post-Quantum Cryptography. This work aims to propose a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) with short ciphertext and secret key. Our goal is achieved in two steps. We first present a public key encryption (PKE) scheme, basicPKE, using a parity check matrix of Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) code as the public key matrix. In our construction, we exploit the structure of a companion matrix to obtain an...
The Boneh-Katz transformation (CT-RSA 2005) converts a selectively-secure identity/tag-based encryption scheme into a public-key encryption scheme secure against chosen-ciphertext attacks. We show that if the underlying primitives are pseudorandom, then the public-key encryption scheme obtained by the Boneh-Katz transformation is also pseudorandom. A similar result holds for oblivious sampleability (Canetti and Fischlin (CRYPTO 2001)). As applications, we can construct * pseudorandom and...
Homomorphic encryption (HE) is a useful variant of public key encryption (PKE), but it has a drawback that HE cannot fully achieve IND-CCA2 security, which is a standard security notion for PKE. Beyond existing HE schemes achieving weaker IND-CCA1 security, Emura et al.\ (PKC 2013) proposed the notion of \lq\lq keyed\rq\rq{} version of HE, called KH-PKE, which introduces an evaluation key controlling the functionality of homomorphic operations and achieves security stronger than IND-CCA1...
Abstract—CARiMoL is a novel run-time Configurable Hardware Accelerator for Ring and Module Lattice-based postquantum cryptography. It’s flexible design can be configured to key-pair generation, encapsulation, and decapsulation for NewHope and CRYSTALS-Kyber schemes using same hardware. CARiMoL offers run-time configurability for multiple security levels of NewHope and CRYSTALS-Kyber schemes, supporting both Chosen-Plaintext Attack (CPA) and Chosen-Ciphertext Attack (CCA) secure...
COFB is a lightweight Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) mode based on block ciphers. It was proposed in CHES 2017 and is the basis for GIFT-COFB, a finalist in the NIST lightweight standardization project. It comes with provable security results that guarantee its security up to the birthday bound in the nonce-respecting model. However, the designers offer multiple versions of the analysis with different details and the implications of attacks against the scheme are not...
We consider threshold public-key encryption, where the decryption servers distributively hold the private key shares, and we need a threshold of these servers to decrypt the message (while the system remains secure when less than the threshold is corrupt). We investigate the notion of chosen-ciphertext secure threshold systems which has been historically hard to achieve. We further require the systems to be, both, adaptively secure (i.e., secure against a strong adversary making corruption...
In this paper, we propose the first generic framework for attribute-based encryptions (ABE) with master-secret-key-dependent-message security (mKDM security) for affine functions via predicate encodings by Chen, Gay and Wee [Eurocrypt 2015]. The construction is adaptively secure under standard $k$-Lin assumption in prime-order bilinear groups. By this, we obtain a set of new mKDM-secure ABE schemes with high expressiveness that have never been reached before: we get the first hierarchical...
In this paper, we show that OAEP transform is indistinguishable under chosen ciphertext attack in the quantum random oracle model if the underlying trapdoor permutation is quantum partial-domain one-way. The existing post-quantum security of OAEP (TCC 2016-B ) requires a modification to the OAEP transform using an extra hash function. We prove the security of the OAEP transform without any modification and this answers an open question in one of the finalists of NIST competition, NTRU...
Xagawa and Yamakawa (PQCrypto 2019) proved the transformation SXY can tightly turn DS secure PKEs into IND-qCCA secure KEMs in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). But transformations such as KC, TPunc that turn PKEs with standard security (OW-CPA or IND-CPA) into DS secure PKEs still suffer from quadratic security loss in the QROM. In this paper, we give a tighter security reduction for the transformation KC that turns OW-CPA secure deterministic PKEs into modified DS secure PKEs in the...
Credit and debit-card payments are typically authenticated with PINs. Once entered into a terminal, the PIN is sent as an encrypted \emph{PIN block} across a payments network to the destination bank, which decrypts and verifies the PIN block. Each node in the payments network routes the PIN block to the next node by decrypting the block with its own key, and then re-encrypting the PIN block with the next node's key; nodes establish shared secret keys with their neighbors to do so. This...
Chosen ciphertext security for lattice based encryption schemes is generally achieved through a generic transformation such as the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation. This method requires full re-encryption of the plaintext during decapsulation, which typically dominates the cost of the latter procedure. In this work we show that it is possible to develop alternative transformations specifically designed for lattice based encryption schemes. We propose two novel chosen ciphertext...
We discuss the setting of information-theoretically secure channel protocols where confidentiality of transmitted data should hold against unbounded adversaries. We argue that there are two possible scenarios: One is that the adversary is currently bounded, but stores today's communication and tries to break confidentiality later when obtaining more computational power or time. We call channel protocols protecting against such attacks future-secure. The other scenario is that the adversary...
A multi-identity pure fully homomorphic encryption (MIFHE) enables a server to perform arbitrary computation on the ciphertexts that are encrypted under different identities. In case of multi-attribute pure FHE (MAFHE), the ciphertexts are associated with different attributes. Clear and McGoldrick (CANS 2014) gave the first chosen-plaintext attack secure MIFHE and MAFHE based on indistinguishability obfuscation. In this study, we focus on building MIFHE and MAFHE which are se- cure under...
Program watermarking enables users to embed an arbitrary string called a mark into a program while preserving the functionality of the program. Adversaries cannot remove the mark without destroying the functionality. Although there exist generic constructions of watermarking schemes for public-key cryptographic (PKC) primitives, those schemes are constructed from scratch and not efficient. In this work, we present a general framework to equip a broad class of PKC primitives with an...
Non-zero inner product encryption (NIPE) allows a user to encrypt a message with an attribute vector and a receiver holding a secret-key associated to a predicate vector can recover the message from the ciphertext if the inner product between the attribute and predicate vectors is non-zero. The main focus is to hide messages in most of the existing NIPEs and the associated attribute is trivially included in the ciphertext. In this work, we investigate the design of NIPEs that are capable of...
Circular security is the most elementary form of key-dependent message (KDM) security, which allows us to securely encrypt only a copy of secret key bits. In this work, we show that circular security is complete for KDM security in the sense that an encryption scheme satisfying this security notion can be transformed into one satisfying KDM security with respect to all functions computable by a-priori bounded-size circuits (bounded-KDM security). This result holds in the presence of any...
We show two new results about instantiability of the classical random-oracle-model encryption transforms for upgrading ``weak'' trapdoor permutations and encryption to ``strong'' chosen-ciphertext (CCA) secure encryption, namely the OAEP trapdoor permutation based (Bellare and Rogaway, EUROCRYPT 1994) and Fujasaki Okamoto (FO) hybrid-encryption (EUROCRYPT 1998) transforms: - First, we propose a slight tweak to FO so that achieves the same goal in the RO model, but it is not ``admissible'' in...
The Hamming Quasi-Cyclic (HQC) proposal is a promising candidate in the second round of the NIST Post-Quantum cryptography Standardization project. It features small public key sizes, precise estimation of its decryption failure rates and contrary to most of the code-based systems, its security does not rely on hiding the structure of an error-correcting code. In this paper, we propose the first power side-channel attack on the Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) version of HQC. Our attack...
We provide a construction of chosen ciphertext secure public-key encryption from (injective) trapdoor functions. Our construction is black box and assumes no special properties (e.g. ``lossy'', ``correlated product secure'') of the trapdoor function.
Recently, Huang et al. proposed a concept of public key encryption with filtered equality test (PKE-FET) that allows a tester who has a warrant for the selected message set to check equality of messages in ciphertexts that belong to that set (Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2017). They also presented an instantiation of the PKE-FET that was asserted to achieve the indistinguishability against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA2) in the standard model. In this note, we show...
The common approach in secure communication channel protocols is to rely on ciphertexts arriving in-order and to close the connection upon any rogue ciphertext. Cryptographic security models for channels generally reflect such design. This is reasonable when running atop lower-level transport protocols like TCP ensuring in-order delivery, as for example is the case with TLS or SSH. However, protocols like QUIC or DTLS which run over a non-reliable transport such as UDP, do not---and in fact...
Using a novel class of single bit one-way trapdoor functions we construct a theoretical probabilistic public key encryption scheme that has many interesting properties. These functions are constructed from binary quadratic forms and rational quartic reciprocity laws. They are not based on class group operations nor on universal one-way hash functions. Inverting these functions appears to be as difficult as factoring, and other than factoring, we know of no reductions between this new...
Indistinguishability against adaptive chosen-ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA2) is usually considered the most desirable security notion for classical encryption. In this work, we investigate its adaptation in the quantum world, when an adversary can perform superposition queries. The security of quantum-secure classical encryption has first been studied by Boneh and Zhandry (CRYPTO'13), but they restricted the adversary to classical challenge queries, which makes the indistinguishability only...
Algebraically simple PRFs, ciphers, or cryptographic hash functions are becoming increasingly popular, for example due to their attractive properties for MPC and new proof systems (SNARKs, STARKs, among many others). In this paper, we focus on the algebraically simple construction MiMC, which became an attractive cryptanalytic target due to its simplicity, but also due to its use as a baseline in a competition for more recent algorithms exploring this design space. For the first time, we...
We construct the first hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE) scheme with tight adaptive security in the multi-challenge setting, where adversaries are allowed to ask for ciphertexts for multiple adaptively chosen identities. Technically, we develop a novel technique that can tightly introduce randomness into user secret keys for hierarchical identities in the multi-challenge setting, which cannot be easily achieved by the existing techniques for tightly multi-challenge secure...
We give the first public-key functional encryption that supports the generation of functional decryption keys for degree-2 polynomials, with succinct ciphertexts, whose semi-adaptive simulation-based security is proven under standard assumptions. At the heart of our new paradigm lies a so-called partially function-hiding functional encryption scheme for inner products, which admits public-key instances, and that is sufficient to build functional encryption for degree-2 polynomials. Doing so,...
Proxy re-encryption(PRE) is a primitive that is used to facilitate secure access delegation in the cloud. Proxy re-encryption allows a proxy server to transform ciphertexts encrypted under one user's public key to that under another user's public key without learning anything about the underlying message or the secret key. Over the years proxy re-encryption schemes have been proposed in different settings. In this paper we restrict our analysis to certificate based proxy re-encryption. The...
Attribute-based proxy re-encryption (ABPRE) allows a semi-trusted proxy to transform an encryption under an access-policy into an encryption under a new access policy, without revealing any information about the underlying message. Such a primitive facilitates fine-grained secure sharing of encrypted data in the cloud. In its key-policy flavor, the re-encryption key is associated with an access structure that specifies which type of ciphertexts can be re-encrypted. Only two attempts have...
\textsf{HCTR}, proposed by Wang et al., is one of the most efficient candidates of tweakable enciphering schemes that turns an $n$-bit block cipher into a variable input length tweakable block cipher. Wang et al. have shown that \textsf{HCTR} offers a cubic security bound against all adaptive chosen plaintext and chosen ciphertext adversaries. Later in FSE 2008, Chakraborty and Nandi have improved its bound to $O(\sigma^2 / 2^n)$, where $\sigma$ is the total number of blocks queried and $n$...
Cryptosystems based on Learning with Errors or related problems are central topics in recent cryptographic research. One main witness to this is the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization effort. Many submitted proposals rely on problems related to Learning with Errors. Such schemes often include the possibility of decryption errors with some very small probability. Some of them have a somewhat larger error probability in each coordinate, but use an error correcting code to get rid...
Blaze, Bleumer and Strauss introduced the notion of proxy re-encryption (PRE), which enables a semi-trusted proxy to transform ciphertexts under Alice's public key into ciphertexts under Bob's public key. The important property to note here is, the proxy should not learn anything about the plaintext encrypted. In 2009, Weng et al. introduced the concept of conditional proxy re-encryption (CPRE), which permits the proxy to re-encrypt only ciphertexts satisfying a condition specified by Alice...
ISO/IEC standardizes several chosen ciphertext-secure key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) schemes in ISO/IEC 18033-2. However, all ISO/IEC KEM schemes are not quantum resilient. In this paper, we introduce new isogeny-based KEM schemes (i.e., CSIDH-ECIES-KEM and CSIDH-PSEC-KEM) by modifying Diffie-Hellman-based KEM schemes in ISO/IEC standards. The main advantage of our schemes are compactness. The key size and the ciphertext overhead of our schemes are smaller than these of SIKE, which is...
We propose two efficient public key encryption (PKE) schemes satisfying key dependent message security against chosen ciphertext attacks (KDM-CCA security). The first one is KDM-CCA secure with respect to affine functions. The other one is KDM-CCA secure with respect to polynomial functions. Both of our schemes are based on the KDM-CPA secure PKE schemes proposed by Malkin, Teranishi, and Yung (EUROCRYPT 2011). Although our schemes satisfy KDM-CCA security, their efficiency overheads...
Highly efficient encryption and authentication of short messages is an essential requirement for enabling security in constrained scenarios such as the CAN FD in automotive systems (max. message size 64 bytes), massive IoT, critical communication domains of 5G, and Narrowband IoT, to mention a few. In addition, one of the NIST lightweight cryptography project requirements is that AEAD schemes shall be “optimized to be efficient for short messages (e.g., as short as 8 bytes)”. In this work...
Over the last few years there has been a surge of new cryptographic results, including laconic oblivious transfer, (anonymous/ hierarchical) identity-based encryption, trapdoor functions, chosen-ciphertext security transformations, designated-verifier zero knowledge proofs, due to a beautiful framework recently introduced in the works of Cho et al. [Crypto 2017], and D{ö}ttling and Garg [Crypto 2017]. The primitive of one-way function with encryption (OWFE) and its relatives (chameleon...
In this work, we demonstrate generic and practical side-channel assisted chosen ciphertext attacks on multiple LWE/LWR-based Public Key Encryption (PKE) and Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) secure in the chosen ciphertext model (IND-CCA security). Firstly, we identified EM-based side-channel vulnerabilities in the error correcting codes (ECC) used in LWE/LWR-based schemes that enable to distinguish the value/validity of the codewords output from the decryption operation. We also identified...