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256 results sorted by ID

2025/415 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-03-04
On the Soundness of Algebraic Attacks against Code-based Assumptions
Miguel Cueto Noval, Simon-Philipp Merz, Patrick Stählin, Akin Ünal
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We study recent algebraic attacks (Briaud-Øygarden EC'23) on the Regular Syndrome Decoding (RSD) problem and the assumptions underlying the correctness of their attacks' complexity estimates. By relating these assumptions to interesting algebraic-combinatorial problems, we prove that they do not hold in full generality. However, we show that they are (asymptotically) true for most parameter sets, supporting the soundness of algebraic attacks on RSD. Further, we prove—without any heuristics...

2025/376 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-27
Another Look at the Quantum Security of the Vectorization Problem with Shifted Inputs
Paul Frixons, Valerie Gilchrist, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Cryptographic group actions provide simple post-quantum generalizations to many cryptographic protocols based on the discrete logarithm problem (DLP). However, many advanced group action-based protocols do not solely rely on the core group action problem (the so-called vectorization problem), but also on variants of this problem, to either improve efficiency or enable new functionalities. In particular, the security of the CSI-SharK threshold signature protocol relies on the Vectorization...

2025/228 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-19
Network agnostic consensus in constant time
Simon Holmgaard Kamp, Julian Loss, Jesper Buus Nielsen
Cryptographic protocols

Network agnostic protocols (Blum, Katz, Loss TCC `19) are consensus or MPC protocols that strike a balance between purely synchronous and asynchronous protocols. Given thresholds $t_a,t_s$ that satisfy $t_a<n/3<t_s<n/2$ and $2t_s+t_a<n$, they have the unique property of remaining secure against an adversary that either (1) corrupts up to $t_s$ parties in a synchronous execution where all messages are delivered within a known bound $\Delta$ or (2) corrupts up to $t_a$ in an asynchronous...

2025/178 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-06
Improved Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis on Round-Reduced SIMON
Chao Niu, Muzhou Li, Jifu Zhang, Meiqin Wang
Secret-key cryptography

SIMON is a lightweight block cipher proposed by the National Security Agency. According to previous cryptanalytic results on SIMON, differential and linear cryptanalysis are the two most effective attacks on it. Usually, there are many trails sharing the same input and output differences (resp. masks). These trails comprise the differential (resp. linear hull) and can be used together when mounting attacks. In ASIACRYPT 2021, Leurent et al. proposed a matrix-based method on...

2025/173 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-07
A Critical Analysis of Deployed Use Cases for Quantum Key Distribution and Comparison with Post-Quantum Cryptography
Nick Aquina, Bruno Cimoli, Soumya Das, Kathrin Hövelmanns, Fiona Johanna Weber, Chigo Okonkwo, Simon Rommel, Boris Škorić, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy, Sebastian Verschoor

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is currently being discussed as a technology to safeguard communication in a future where quantum computers compromise traditional public-key cryptosystems. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive security evaluation of QKD-based solutions, focusing on real-world use cases sourced from academic literature and industry reports. We analyze these use cases, assess their security and identify the possible advantages of deploying QKD-based solutions. We further...

2025/143 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-14
A New Way to Achieve Round-Efficient Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement
Simon Holmgaard Kamp
Cryptographic protocols

We translate the \emph{expand-and-extract} framework by Fitzi, Liu-Zhang, and Loss (PODC 21) to the asynchronous setting. While they use it to obtain a synchronous BA with $2^{-\lambda}$ error probability in $\lambda+1$ rounds, we make it work in asynchrony in $\lambda+3$ rounds. At the heart of their solution is a \emph{proxcensus} primitive, which is used to reach graded agreement with $2^r+1$ grades in $r$ rounds by reducing proxcensus with $2s-1$ grades to proxcensus with $s$ grades...

2025/128 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-14
Asynchronous YOSO a la Paillier
Ivan Bjerre Damgård, Simon Holmgaard Kamp, Julian Loss, Jesper Buus Nielsen
Cryptographic protocols

We present the first complete adaptively secure asynchronous MPC protocol for the YOSO (You Speak Only Once) setting. In contrast to many previous MPC constructions in the YOSO model, we provide a full stack implementation that does MPC, role assignment and total order broadcast. Therefore, our construction is also the first to provide adaptively secure asynchronous total order broadcast and MPC that is sub-quadratic in the number of parties and does not require threshold fully homomorphic...

2024/2090 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-29
Breaking the Shadow: Key Recovery Attack on Full-Round Shadow Block Ciphers with Minimal Data
Anda Che, Shahram Rasoolzadeh
Secret-key cryptography

Shadow is a family of lightweight block ciphers introduced by Guo, Li, and Liu in 2021, with Shadow-32 having a 32-bit block size and a 64-bit key, and Shadow-64 having a 64-bit block size and a 128-bit key. Both variants use a generalized Feistel network with four branches, incorporating the AND-Rotation-XOR operation similar to the Simon family for their bridging function. This paper reveals that the security claims of the Shadow family are not as strong as suggested. We present a key...

2024/2039 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-17
Revisiting Boomerang Attacks on Lightweight ARX and AND-RX Ciphers with Applications to KATAN, SIMON and CHAM
Li Yu, Je Sen Teh
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this paper, we investigate the security of lightweight block ciphers, focusing on those that utilize the ADD-Rotate-XOR (ARX) and AND-Rotate-XOR (AND-RX) design paradigms. More specifically, we examine their resilience against boomerang-style attacks. First, we propose an automated search strategy that leverages the boomerang connectivity table (BCT) for AND operations ($\wedge BCT$) to conduct a complete search for boomerang and rectangle distinguishers for AND-RX ciphers. The proposed...

2024/1992 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-09
Improved Quantum Linear Attacks and Application to CAST
Kaveh Bashiri, Xavier Bonnetain, Akinori Hosoyamada, Nathalie Lang, André Schrottenloher
Attacks and cryptanalysis

This paper studies quantum linear key-recovery attacks on block ciphers. The first such attacks were last-rounds attacks proposed by Kaplan et al. (ToSC 2016), which combine a linear distinguisher with a guess of a partial key. However, the most efficient classical attacks use the framework proposed by Collard et al. (ICISC 2007), which computes experimental correlations using the Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform. Recently, Schrottenloher (CRYPTO 2023) proposed a quantum version of this...

2024/1980 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-06
Sonikku: Gotta Speed, Keed! A Family of Fast and Secure MACs
Amit Singh Bhati, Elena Andreeva, Simon Müller, Damian Vizar
Secret-key cryptography

A message authentication code (MAC) is a symmetric-key cryptographic function used to authenticate a message by assigning it a tag. This tag is a short string that is difficult to reproduce without knowing the key. The tag ensures both the authenticity and integrity of the message, enabling the detection of any modifications. A significant number of existing message authentication codes (MACs) are based on block ciphers (BCs) and tweakable block ciphers (TBCs). These MACs offer various...

2024/1925 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-29
EndGame: Field-Agnostic Succinct Blockchain with Arc
Simon Judd, GPT
Cryptographic protocols

We present EndGame, a novel blockchain architecture that achieves succinctness through Reed-Solomon accumulation schemes. Our construction enables constant-time verification of blockchain state while maintaining strong security properties. We demonstrate how to efficiently encode blockchain state transitions using Reed-Solomon codes and accumulate proofs of state validity using the ARC framework. Our protocol achieves optimal light client verification costs and supports efficient state...

2024/1838 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-11
Pushing the QAM method for finding APN functions further
Nadiia Ichanska, Simon Berg, Nikolay S. Kaleyski, Yuyin Yu

APN functions offer optimal resistance to differential attacks and are instrumental in the design of block ciphers in cryptography. While finding APN functions is very difficult in general, a promising way to construct APN functions is through symmetric matrices called Quadratic APN matrices (QAM). It is known that the search space for the QAM method can be reduced by means of orbit partitions induced by linear equivalences. This paper builds upon and improves these approaches in the case of...

2024/1829 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-03-05
Compiled Nonlocal Games from any Trapdoor Claw-Free Function
Kaniuar Bacho, Alexander Kulpe, Giulio Malavolta, Simon Schmidt, Michael Walter

A recent work of Kalai et al. (STOC 2023) shows how to compile any multi-player nonlocal game into a protocol with a single computationally-bounded prover. Subsequent works have built on this to develop new cryptographic protocols, where a completely classical client can verify the validity of quantum computations done by a quantum server — classical verification of quantum computations, for short. Their compiler relies on the existence of quantum fully homomorphic encryption. In this...

2024/1808 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-05
Breaking BASS
Simon-Philipp Merz, Kenneth G. Paterson, Àlex Rodríguez García
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We provide several attacks on the BASS signature scheme introduced by Grigoriev, Ilmer, Ovchinnikov and Shpilrain in 2023. We lay out a trivial forgery attack which generates signatures passing the scheme's probabilistic signature verification with high probability. Generating these forgeries is faster than generating signatures honestly. Moreover, we describe a key-only attack which allows us to recover an equivalent private key from a signer's public key. The time complexity of this...

2024/1737 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-29
Embedded Curves and Embedded Families for SNARK-Friendly Curves
Aurore Guillevic, Simon Masson
Public-key cryptography

Based on the CM method for primality testing (ECPP) by Atkin and Morain published in 1993, we present two algorithms: one to generate embedded elliptic curves of SNARK-friendly curves, with a variable discriminant D; and another to generate families (parameterized by polynomials) with a fixed discriminant D. When D = 3 mod 4, it is possible to obtain a prime-order curve, and form a cycle. We apply our technique first to generate more embedded curves like Bandersnatch with BLS12-381 and we...

2024/1647 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-15
Curve Forests: Transparent Zero-Knowledge Set Membership with Batching and Strong Security
Matteo Campanelli, Mathias Hall-Andersen, Simon Holmgaard Kamp
Cryptographic protocols

Zero-knowledge for set membership is a building block at the core of several privacy-aware applications, such as anonymous payments, credentials and whitelists. We propose a new efficient construction for the batching variant of the problem, where a user intends to show knowledge of several elements (a batch) in a set without any leakage on the elements. Our construction is transparent—it does not requires a trusted setup—and based on Curve Trees by Campanelli, Hall-Andersen and Kamp...

2024/1530 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-12-11
Folding Schemes with Privacy Preserving Selective Verification
Joan Boyar, Simon Erfurth
Cryptographic protocols

Folding schemes are an exciting new primitive, transforming the task of performing multiple zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge for a relation into performing just one zero-knowledge proof, for the same relation, and a number of cheap inclusion-proofs. Recently, folding schemes have been used to amortize the cost associated with proving different statements to multiple distinct verifiers, which has various applications. We observe that for these uses, leaking information about the statements...

2024/1359 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-20
Finding Complete Impossible Differential Attacks on AndRX Ciphers and Efficient Distinguishers for ARX Designs
Debasmita Chakraborty, Hosein Hadipour, Phuong Hoa Nguyen, Maria Eichlseder
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The impossible differential (ID) attack is one of the most important cryptanalytic techniques for block ciphers. There are two phases to finding an ID attack: searching for the distinguisher and building a key recovery upon it. Previous works only focused on automated distinguisher discovery, leaving key recovery as a manual post-processing task, which may lead to a suboptimal final complexity. At EUROCRYPT~2023, Hadipour et al. introduced a unified constraint programming (CP) approach based...

2024/1310 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-03-04
On the Effects of Neural Network-based Output Prediction Attacks on the Design of Symmetric-key Ciphers
Hayato Watanabe, Ryoma Ito, Toshihiro Ohigashi
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Proving resistance to conventional attacks, e.g., differential, linear, and integral attacks, is essential for designing a secure symmetric-key cipher. Recent advances in automatic search and deep learning-based methods have made this time-consuming task relatively easy, yet concerns persist over expertise requirements and potential oversights. To overcome these concerns, Kimura et al. proposed neural network-based output prediction (NN) attacks, offering simplicity, generality, and reduced...

2024/1307 (PDF) Last updated: 2025-02-19
On Algebraic Homomorphic Encryption and its Applications to Doubly-Efficient PIR
Hiroki Okada, Rachel Player, Simon Pohmann, Christian Weinert

The Doubly-Efficient Private Information Retrieval (DEPIR) protocol of Lin, Mook, and Wichs (STOC'23) relies on a Homomorphic Encryption (HE) scheme that is algebraic, i.e., whose ciphertext space has a ring structure that matches the homomorphic operations. While early HE schemes had this property, modern schemes introduced techniques to manage noise growth. This made the resulting schemes much more efficient, but also destroyed the algebraic property. In this work, we study the...

2024/1276 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-13
A bound on the quantum value of all compiled nonlocal games
Alexander Kulpe, Giulio Malavolta, Connor Paddock, Simon Schmidt, Michael Walter

A compiler introduced by Kalai et al. (STOC'23) converts any nonlocal game into an interactive protocol with a single computationally-bounded prover. Although the compiler is known to be sound in the case of classical provers, as well as complete in the quantum case, quantum soundness has so far only been established for special classes of games. In this work, we establish a quantum soundness result for all compiled two-player nonlocal games. In particular, we prove that the quantum...

2024/1182 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-22
Hyperion: Transparent End-to-End Verifiable Voting with Coercion Mitigation
Aditya Damodaran, Simon Rastikian, Peter B. Rønne, Peter Y A Ryan
Cryptographic protocols

We present Hyperion, an end-to-end verifiable e-voting scheme that allows the voters to identify their votes in cleartext in the final tally. In contrast to schemes like Selene or sElect, identification is not via (private) tracker numbers but via cryptographic commitment terms. After publishing the tally, the Election Authority provides each voter with an individual dual key. Voters identify their votes by raising their dual key to their secret trapdoor key and finding the matching...

2024/1089 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-04
Juliet: A Configurable Processor for Computing on Encrypted Data
Charles Gouert, Dimitris Mouris, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos

Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) has become progressively more viable in the years since its original inception in 2009. At the same time, leveraging state-of-the-art schemes in an efficient way for general computation remains prohibitively difficult for the average programmer. In this work, we introduce a new design for a fully homomorphic processor, dubbed Juliet, to enable faster operations on encrypted data using the state-of-the-art TFHE and cuFHE libraries for both CPU and GPU...

2024/1073 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-01
Message Latency in Waku Relay with Rate Limiting Nullifiers
Alvaro Revuelta, Sergei Tikhomirov, Aaryamann Challani, Hanno Cornelius, Simon Pierre Vivier

Waku is a privacy-preserving, generalized, and decentralized messaging protocol suite. Waku uses GossipSub for message routing and Rate Limiting Nullifiers (RLN) for spam protection. GossipSub ensures fast and reliable peer-to-peer message delivery in a permissionless environment, while RLN enforces a common publishing rate limit using zero-knowledge proofs. This paper presents a practical evaluation of message propagation latency in Waku. First, we estimate latencies analytically,...

2024/722 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-10
Ultrametric integral cryptanalysis
Tim Beyne, Michiel Verbauwhede
Secret-key cryptography

A systematic method to analyze divisibility properties is proposed. In integral cryptanalysis, divisibility properties interpolate between bits that sum to zero (divisibility by two) and saturated bits (divisibility by $2^{n - 1}$ for $2^n$ inputs). From a theoretical point of view, we construct a new cryptanalytic technique that is a non-Archimedean multiplicative analogue of linear cryptanalysis. It lifts integral cryptanalysis to characteristic zero in the sense that, if all quantities...

2024/588 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-16
Digital Signatures for Authenticating Compressed JPEG Images
Simon Erfurth

We construct a digital signature scheme for images that allows the image to be compressed without invalidating the signature. More specifically, given a JPEG image signed with our signature scheme, a third party can compress the image using JPEG compression, and, as long as the quantization tables only include powers of two, derive a valid signature for the compressed image, without access to the secret signing key, and without interaction with the signer. Our scheme is constructed using a...

2024/534 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-05
CryptoVampire: Automated Reasoning for the Complete Symbolic Attacker Cryptographic Model
Simon Jeanteur, Laura Kovács, Matteo Maffei, Michael Rawson
Cryptographic protocols

Cryptographic protocols are hard to design and prove correct, as witnessed by the ever-growing list of attacks even on protocol standards. Symbolic models of cryptography enable automated formal security proofs of such protocols against an idealized cryptographic model, which abstracts away from the algebraic properties of cryptographic schemes and thus misses attacks. Computational models of cryptography yield rigorous guarantees but support at present only interactive proofs and/or...

2024/485 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-11-14
A Variation on Knellwolf and Meier's Attack on the Knapsack Generator
Florette Martinez
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Pseudo-random generators are deterministic algorithms that take in input a random secret seed and output a flow of random-looking numbers. The Knapsack generator, presented by Rueppel and Massey in 1985 is one of the many attempt at designing a pseudo-random generator that is cryptographically secure. It is based on the subset-sum problem, a variant of the Knapsack optimization problem, which is considered computationally hard. In 2011 Simon Knellwolf et Willi Meier found a way to go...

2024/348 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-27
A Computational Tsirelson's Theorem for the Value of Compiled XOR Games
David Cui, Giulio Malavolta, Arthur Mehta, Anand Natarajan, Connor Paddock, Simon Schmidt, Michael Walter, Tina Zhang

Nonlocal games are a foundational tool for understanding entanglement and constructing quantum protocols in settings with multiple spatially separated quantum devices. In this work, we continue the study initiated by Kalai et al. (STOC '23) of compiled nonlocal games, played between a classical verifier and a single cryptographically limited quantum device. Our main result is that the compiler proposed by Kalai et al. is sound for any two-player XOR game. A celebrated theorem of Tsirelson...

2024/247 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-13
Fault-Resistant Partitioning of Secure CPUs for System Co-Verification against Faults
Simon Tollec, Vedad Hadžić, Pascal Nasahl, Mihail Asavoae, Roderick Bloem, Damien Couroussé, Karine Heydemann, Mathieu Jan, Stefan Mangard

Fault injection attacks are a serious threat to system security, enabling attackers to bypass protection mechanisms or access sensitive information. To evaluate the robustness of CPU-based systems against these attacks, it is essential to analyze the consequences of the fault propagation resulting from the complex interplay between the software and the processor. However, current formal methodologies combining hardware and software face scalability issues due to the monolithic approach...

2024/154 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-02-02
Broadcast Encryption using Sum-Product decomposition of Boolean functions
Aurélien Dupin, Simon Abelard
Cryptographic protocols

The problem of Broadcast Encryption (BE) consists in broadcasting an encrypted message to a large number of users or receiving devices in such a way that the emitter of the message can control which of the users can or cannot decrypt it. Since the early 1990's, the design of BE schemes has received significant interest and many different concepts were proposed. A major breakthrough was achieved by Naor, Naor and Lotspiech (CRYPTO 2001) by partitioning cleverly the set of authorized...

2023/1887 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-03
GRandLine: Adaptively Secure DKG and Randomness Beacon with (Log-)Quadratic Communication Complexity
Renas Bacho, Christoph Lenzen, Julian Loss, Simon Ochsenreither, Dimitrios Papachristoudis
Cryptographic protocols

A randomness beacon is a source of continuous and publicly verifiable randomness which is of crucial importance for many applications. Existing works on randomness beacons suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks: (i) security only against static (i.e., non-adaptive) adversaries, (ii) each epoch takes many rounds of communication, or (iii) computationally expensive tools such as proof-of-work (PoW) or verifiable delay functions (VDF). In this work, we introduce GRandLine, the...

2023/1869 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-12-05
Accountable Bulletin Boards: Definition and Provably Secure Implementation
Mike Graf, Ralf Küsters, Daniel Rausch, Simon Egger, Marvin Bechtold, Marcel Flinspach

Bulletin boards (BB) are important cryptographic building blocks that, at their core, provide a broadcast channel with memory. BBs are widely used within many security protocols, including secure multi-party computation protocols, e-voting systems, and electronic auctions. Even though the security of protocols crucially depends on the underlying BB, as also highlighted by recent works, the literature on constructing secure BBs is sparse. The so-far only provably secure BBs require trusted...

2023/1738 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-05
Byzantine Agreement Decomposed: Honest Majority Asynchronous Atomic Broadcast from Reliable Broadcast
Simon Holmgaard Kamp, Jesper Buus Nielsen

It is well-known that Atomic Broadcast (AB) in asynchronous networks requires randomisation and that at most $t < n/3$ out of $n$ players are Byzantine corrupted. This is opposed to synchronous AB which can tolerate $t < n/2$ corruptions and can be deterministic. We show that these requirements can be conceptually separated by constructing an asynchronous AB protocol which tolerates $t < n/2$ corruptions from blackbox use of Common Coin and Reliable Broadcast (RB). We show the power of this...

2023/1701 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-13
Improved Search for Integral, Impossible-Differential and Zero-Correlation Attacks: Application to Ascon, ForkSKINNY, SKINNY, MANTIS, PRESENT and QARMAv2
Hosein Hadipour, Simon Gerhalter, Sadegh Sadeghi, Maria Eichlseder
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Integral, impossible-differential (ID), and zero-correlation (ZC) attacks are three of the most important attacks on block ciphers. However, manually finding these attacks can be a daunting task, which is why automated methods are becoming increasingly important. Most automatic tools regarding integral, ZC, and ID attacks have focused only on finding distinguishers rather than complete attacks. At EUROCRYPT 2023, Hadipour et al. proposed a generic and efficient constraint programming (CP)...

2023/1618 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-01
Improved algorithms for finding fixed-degree isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves
Benjamin Benčina, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Miha Stopar, Charlotte Weitkämper
Public-key cryptography

Finding isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves is a natural algorithmic problem which is known to be equivalent to computing the curves' endomorphism rings. When the isogeny is additionally required to have a specific known degree $d$, the problem appears to be somewhat different in nature, yet its hardness is also required in isogeny-based cryptography. Let $E_1,E_2$ be supersingular elliptic curves over $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$. We present improved classical and quantum...

2023/1510 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-12
Towards Practical Doubly-Efficient Private Information Retrieval
Hiroki Okada, Rachel Player, Simon Pohmann, Christian Weinert
Cryptographic protocols

Private information retrieval (PIR) protocols allow clients to access database entries without revealing the queried indices. They have many real-world applications, including privately querying patent-, compromised credential-, and contact databases. While existing PIR protocols that have been implemented perform reasonably well in practice, they all have suboptimal asymptotic complexities. A line of work has explored so-called doubly-efficient PIR (DEPIR), which refers to single-server...

2023/1493 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-03
Measuring the Concentration of Control in Contemporary Ethereum
Simon Brown

Ethereum is undergoing significant changes to its architecture as it evolves. These changes include its switch to PoS consensus and the introduction of significant infrastructural changes that do not require a change to the core protocol, but that fundamentally affect the way users interact with the network. These changes represent an evolution toward a more modular architecture, in which there exists new exogenous vectors for centralization. This paper builds on previous studies of...

2023/1304 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-10
Homomorphic polynomial evaluation using Galois structure and applications to BFV bootstrapping
Hiroki Okada, Rachel Player, Simon Pohmann

BGV and BFV are among the most widely used fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes. Both schemes have a common plaintext space, with a rich algebraic structure. Our main contribution is to show how this structure can be exploited to more efficiently homomorphically evaluate polynomials. Namely, using Galois automorphisms, we present an algorithm to homomorphically evaluate a polynomial of degree $d$ in only $3\log(d)$ (in some cases only $2\log(d)$) many ciphertext-ciphertext...

2023/1103 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-14
Practical Large-Scale Proof-of-Stake Asynchronous Total-Order Broadcast
Orestis Alpos, Christian Cachin, Simon Holmgaard Kamp, Jesper Buus Nielsen
Cryptographic protocols

We present simple and practical protocols for generating randomness as used by asynchronous total-order broadcast. The protocols are secure in a proof-of-stake setting with dynamically changing stake. They can be plugged into existing protocols for asynchronous total-order broadcast and will turn these into asynchronous total-order broadcast with dynamic stake. Our contribution relies on two important techniques. The paper ``Random Oracles in Constantinople: Practical Asynchronous Byzantine...

2023/945 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-16
One-Way Functions vs. TFNP: Simpler and Improved
Lukáš Folwarczný, Mika Göös, Pavel Hubáček, Gilbert Maystre, Weiqiang Yuan

Simon (1998) proved that it is impossible to construct collision-resistant hash functions from one-way functions using a black-box reduction. It is conjectured more generally that one-way functions do not imply, via a black-box reduction, the hardness of any total NP search problem (collision-resistant hash functions being just one such example). We make progress towards this conjecture by ruling out a large class of “single-query” reductions. In particular, we improve over the prior work...

2023/878 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-12
Introducing two Low-Latency Cipher Families: Sonic and SuperSonic
Yanis Belkheyar, Joan Daemen, Christoph Dobraunig, Santosh Ghosh, Shahram Rasoolzadeh
Secret-key cryptography

For many latency-critical operations in computer systems, like memory reads/writes, adding encryption can have a big impact on the performance. Hence, the existence of cryptographic primitives with good security properties and minimal latency is a key element in the wide-spread implementation of such security measures. In this paper, we introduce two new families of low-latency permutations/block ciphers called Sonic and SuperSonic, inspired by the Simon block ciphers.

2023/776 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-17
Quantum Attacks on Type-1 Generalized Feistel Schemes
Hong-Wei Sun, Bin-Bin Cai, Su-Juan Qin, Qiao-Yan Wen, Fei Gao
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Generalized Feistel schemes (GFSs) are extremely important and extensively researched cryptographic schemes. In this paper, we investigate the security of Type-1 GFS in quantum circumstances. On the one hand, in the qCCA setting, we give a new quantum polynomial-time distinguisher on $(d^2-1)$-round Type-1 GFS with branches $d\geq3$, which extends the previous results by $(d-2)$ rounds. This leads to a more efficient analysis of type-1 GFS, that is, the complexity of some previous...

2023/689 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-26
Abraxas: Throughput-Efficient Hybrid Asynchronous Consensus
Erica Blum, Jonathan Katz, Julian Loss, Kartik Nayak, Simon Ochsenreither
Cryptographic protocols

Protocols for state-machine replication (SMR) often trade off performance for resilience to network delay. In particular, protocols for asynchronous SMR tolerate arbitrary network delay but sacrifice throughput/latency when the network is fast, while partially synchronous protocols have good performance in a fast network but fail to make progress if the network experiences high delay. Existing hybrid protocols are resilient to arbitrary network delay and have good performance when the...

2023/549 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-07
Weak instances of class group action based cryptography via self-pairings
Wouter Castryck, Marc Houben, Simon-Philipp Merz, Marzio Mula, Sam van Buuren, Frederik Vercauteren
Public-key cryptography

In this paper we study non-trivial self-pairings with cyclic domains that are compatible with isogenies between elliptic curves oriented by an imaginary quadratic order $\mathcal{O}$. We prove that the order $m$ of such a self-pairing necessarily satisfies $m \mid \Delta_\mathcal{O}$ (and even $2m \mid \Delta_\mathcal{O} $ if $4 \mid \Delta_\mathcal{O}$ and $4m \mid \Delta_\mathcal{O}$ if $8 \mid \Delta_\mathcal{O}$) and is not a multiple of the field characteristic. Conversely, for each $m$...

2023/547 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-30
Certifying Zero-Knowledge Circuits with Refinement Types
Junrui Liu, Ian Kretz, Hanzhi Liu, Bryan Tan, Jonathan Wang, Yi Sun, Luke Pearson, Anders Miltner, Işıl Dillig, Yu Feng

Zero-knowledge (ZK) proof systems have emerged as a promising solution for building security-sensitive applications. However, bugs in ZK applications are extremely difficult to detect and can allow a malicious party to silently exploit the system without leaving any observable trace. This paper presents Coda, a novel statically-typed language for building zero-knowledge applications. Critically, Coda makes it possible to formally specify and statically check properties of a ZK application...

2023/480 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-03
Practical Homomorphic Evaluation of Block-Cipher-Based Hash Functions with Applications
Adda-Akram Bendoukha, Oana Stan, Renaud Sirdey, Nicolas Quero, Luciano Freitas

Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a powerful cryptographic technique allowing to perform computation directly over encrypted data. Motivated by the overhead induced by the homomorphic ciphertexts during encryption and transmission, the transciphering technique, consisting in switching from a symmetric encryption to FHE encrypted data was investigated in several papers. Different stream and block ciphers were evaluated in terms of their "FHE-friendliness", meaning practical...

2023/272 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-11
A study of KEM generalizations
Bertram Poettering, Simon Rastikian
Public-key cryptography

The NIST, in its recent competition on quantum-resilient confidentiality primitives, requested the submission of exclusively KEMs. The task of KEMs is to establish secure session keys that can drive, amongst others, public key encryption and TLS-like secure channels. In this work we test the KEM abstraction in the context of constructing cryptographic schemes that are not subsumed in the PKE and secure channels categories. We find that, when used to construct a key transport scheme or when...

2023/199 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-03-01
MixFlow: Assessing Mixnets Anonymity with Contrastive Architectures and Semantic Network Information
Reyhane Attarian, Esfandiar Mohammadi, Tao Wang, Emad Heydari Beni
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Traffic correlation attacks have illustrated challenges with protecting communication meta-data, yet short flows as in messaging applications like Signal have been protected by practical Mixnets such as Loopix from prior traffic correlation attacks. This paper introduces a novel traffic correlation attack against short-flow applications like Signal that are tunneled through practical Mixnets like Loopix. We propose the MixFlow model, an approach for analyzing the unlinkability of...

2023/178 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-02-16
Rotational-XOR Differential Rectangle Cryptanalysis on Simon-like Ciphers
Siwei Chen, Mingming Zhu, Zejun Xiang, Runqing Xu, Xiangyong Zeng, Shasha Zhang
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this paper, we propose a rectangle-like method called \textit{rotational-XOR differential rectangle} attack to search for better distinguishers. It is a combination of the rotational-XOR cryptanalysis and differential cryptanalysis in the rectangle-based way. In particular, we put a rotational-XOR characteristic before a differential characteristic to construct a rectangle structure. By choosing some appropriate rotational-XOR and differential characteristics as well as considering...

2023/058 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-23
SCALLOP: scaling the CSI-FiSh
Luca De Feo, Tako Boris Fouotsa, Péter Kutas, Antonin Leroux, Simon-Philipp Merz, Lorenz Panny, Benjamin Wesolowski
Public-key cryptography

We present SCALLOP: SCALable isogeny action based on Oriented supersingular curves with Prime conductor, a new group action based on isogenies of supersingular curves. Similarly to CSIDH and OSIDH, we use the group action of an imaginary quadratic order’s class group on the set of oriented supersingular curves. Compared to CSIDH, the main benefit of our construction is that it is easy to compute the class-group structure; this data is required to uniquely represent — and efficiently act...

2023/025 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-08-17
Quantum Attacks on Beyond-Birthday-Bound MACs
Hong-Wei Sun, Bin-Bin Cai, Su-Juan Qin, Qiao-Yan Wen, Fei Gao
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this paper, we investigate the security of several recent MAC constructions with provable security beyond the birthday bound (called BBB MACs) in the quantum setting. On the one hand, we give periodic functions corresponding to targeted MACs (including PMACX, PMAC with parity, HPxHP, and HPxNP), and we can recover secret states using Simon algorithm, leading to forgery attacks with complexity $O(n)$. This implies our results realize an exponential speedup compared with the classical...

2022/1731 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-16
Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round Simeck Using Super Rounds
Reham Almukhlifi, Poorvi Vora
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Simeck family of lightweight block ciphers was proposed by Yang et al. in 2015, which combines the design features of the NSA-designed block ciphers Simon and Speck. Linear cryptanalysis using super-rounds was proposed by Almukhlifi and Vora to increase the efficiency of implementing Matsui’s second algorithm and achieved good results on all variants of Simon. The improved linear attacks result from the observation that, after four rounds of encryption, one bit of the left half of the...

2022/1707 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-11-02
Private Access Control for Function Secret Sharing
Sacha Servan-Schreiber, Simon Beyzerov, Eli Yablon, Hyojae Park
Cryptographic protocols

Function Secret Sharing (FSS; Eurocrypt 2015) allows a dealer to share a function f with two or more evaluators. Given secret shares of a function f, the evaluators can locally compute secret shares of f(x) on an input x, without learning information about f. In this paper, we initiate the study of access control for FSS. Given the shares of f, the evaluators can ensure that the dealer is authorized to share the provided function. For a function family F and an access control list defined...

2022/1548 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-03-21
Trellis: Robust and Scalable Metadata-private Anonymous Broadcast
Simon Langowski, Sacha Servan-Schreiber, Srinivas Devadas
Cryptographic protocols

Trellis is a mix-net based anonymous broadcast system with cryptographic security guarantees. Trellis can be used to anonymously publish documents or communicate with other users, all while assuming full network surveillance. In Trellis, users send messages through a set of servers in successive rounds. The servers mix and post the messages to a public bulletin board, hiding which users sent which messages. Trellis hides all network metadata, remains robust to changing network conditions,...

2022/1521 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-03
An Assessment of Differential-Neural Distinguishers
Aron Gohr, Gregor Leander, Patrick Neumann
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Since the introduction of differential-neural cryptanalysis, as the machine learning assisted differential cryptanalysis proposed in [Goh19] is coined by now, a lot of followup works have been published, showing the applicability for a wide variety of ciphers. In this work, we set out to vet a multitude of differential-neural distinguishers presented so far, and additionally provide general insights. Firstly, we show for a selection of different ciphers how differential-neural...

2022/1444 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-23
Finding Three-Subset Division Property for Ciphers with Complex Linear Layers (Full Version)
Debasmita Chakraborty
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Conventional bit-based division property (CBDP) and bit- based division property using three subsets (BDPT) introduced by Todo et al. at FSE 2016 are the most effective techniques for finding integral characteristics of symmetric ciphers. At ASIACRYPT 2019, Wang et al. proposed the idea of modeling the propagation of BDPT, and recently Liu et al. described a model set method that characterized the BDPT propagation. However, the linear layers of the block ciphers which are analyzed...

2022/1384 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-13
Non-uniformity and Quantum Advice in the Random Oracle Model
Qipeng Liu

QROM (quantum random oracle model), introduced by Boneh et al. (Asiacrypt 2011), captures all generic algorithms. However, it fails to describe non-uniform quantum algorithms with preprocessing power, which receives a piece of bounded classical or quantum advice. As non-uniform algorithms are largely believed to be the right model for attackers, starting from the work by Nayebi, Aaronson, Belovs, and Trevisan (QIC 2015), a line of works investigates non-uniform security in the random oracle...

2022/1279 Last updated: 2023-04-17
Improved Neural Distinguishers with Multi-Round and Multi-Splicing Construction
Jiashuo Liu, Jiongjiong Ren, Shaozhen Chen, ManMan Li
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In CRYPTO 2019, Gohr successfully applied deep learning to differential cryptanalysis against the NSA block cipher Speck32/64, achieving higher accuracy than traditional differential distinguishers. Until now, the improvement of neural differential distinguishers is a mainstream research direction in neuralaided cryptanalysis. But the current development of training data formats for neural distinguishers forms barriers: (1) The source of data features is limited to linear combinations of...

2022/995 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-02
Sequential Digital Signatures for Cryptographic Software-Update Authentication
Bertram Poettering, Simon Rastikian
Public-key cryptography

Consider a computer user who needs to update a piece of software installed on their computing device. To do so securely, a commonly accepted ad-hoc method stipulates that the old software version first retrieves the update information from the vendor's public repository, then checks that a cryptographic signature embedded into it verifies with the vendor's public key, and finally replaces itself with the new version. This updating method seems to be robust and lightweight, and to reliably...

2022/879 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-07-05
Modular Polynomial Multiplication Using RSA/ECC coprocessor
Aurélien Greuet, Simon Montoya, Clémence Vermeersch

Modular polynomial multiplication is a core and costly operation of ideal lattice-based schemes. In the context of embedded devices, previous works transform the polynomial multiplication to an integer one using Kronecker substitution. Then thanks to this transformation, existing coprocessors which handle large-integer operations can be re-purposed to speed-up lattice-based cryptography. In a nutshell, the Kronecker substitution transforms by evaluation the polynomials to integers,...

2022/837 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-26
Differential Cryptanalysis in the Fixed-Key Model
Tim Beyne, Vincent Rijmen
Secret-key cryptography

A systematic approach to the fixed-key analysis of differential probabilities is proposed. It is based on the propagation of 'quasidifferential trails', which keep track of probabilistic linear relations on the values satisfying a differential characteristic in a theoretically sound way. It is shown that the fixed-key probability of a differential can be expressed as the sum of the correlations of its quasidifferential trails. The theoretical foundations of the method are based on an...

2022/756 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-29
Curve Trees: Practical and Transparent Zero-Knowledge Accumulators
Matteo Campanelli, Mathias Hall-Andersen, Simon Holmgaard Kamp
Cryptographic protocols

In this work we improve upon the state of the art for practical zero-knowledge for set membership, a building block at the core of several privacy-aware applications, such as anonymous payments, credentials and whitelists. This primitive allows a user to show knowledge of an element in a large set without leaking the specific element. One of the obstacles to its deployment is efficiency. Concretely efficient solutions exist, e.g., those deployed in Zcash Sapling, but they often work at the...

2022/752 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-22
Provably Minimum Data Complexity Integral Distinguisher Based on Conventional Division Property
Akram Khalesi, Zahra Ahmadian
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Division property is an effective method for finding integral distinguishers for block ciphers, performing cube attacks on stream ciphers, and studying the algebraic degree of boolean functions. One of the main problems in this field is how to provably find the smallest input multiset leading to a balanced output. In this paper, we propose a new method based on division property for finding integral distinguishers with a provably minimum data complexity on permutation functions and block...

2022/602 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-01-24
Combined Fault Injection and Real-Time Side-Channel Analysis for Android Secure-Boot Bypassing
Clément Fanjas, Clément Gaine, Driss Aboulkassimi, Simon Pontié, Olivier Potin

The Secure-Boot is a critical security feature in modern devices based on System-on-Chips (SoC). It ensures the authenticity and integrity of the code before its execution, avoiding the SoC to run malicious code. To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the first bypass of an Android Secure-Boot by using an Electromagnetic Fault Injection (EMFI). Two hardware characterization methods are combined to conduct this experiment. A real-time Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) is used to...

2022/518 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-19
Failing to hash into supersingular isogeny graphs
Jeremy Booher, Ross Bowden, Javad Doliskani, Tako Boris Fouotsa, Steven D. Galbraith, Sabrina Kunzweiler, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Benjamin Smith, Katherine E. Stange, Yan Bo Ti, Christelle Vincent, José Felipe Voloch, Charlotte Weitkämper, Lukas Zobernig
Public-key cryptography

An important open problem in supersingular isogeny-based cryptography is to produce, without a trusted authority, concrete examples of "hard supersingular curves" that is, equations for supersingular curves for which computing the endomorphism ring is as difficult as it is for random supersingular curves. A related open problem is to produce a hash function to the vertices of the supersingular ℓ-isogeny graph which does not reveal the endomorphism ring, or a path to a curve of known...

2022/464 Last updated: 2022-08-27
Superposition Attacks on Pseudorandom Schemes based on Two or Less Permutations
Shaoxuan Zhang, Chun Guo, Qingju Wang
Secret-key cryptography

We study quantum superposition attacks against permutation-based pseudorandom cryptographic schemes. We first extend Kuwakado and Morii's attack against the Even-Mansour cipher (ISITA 2012), and exhibit key recovery attacks against a large class of pseudorandom schemes based on a single call to an $n$-bit permutation, with polynomial $O(n)$ quantum steps. We also show how to overcome restrictions on available quantum data in certain relevant settings. We then consider TPPR schemes, namely,...

2022/411 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-04-08
Quotient Approximation Modular Reduction
Aurélien Greuet, Simon Montoya, Clémence Vermeersch

Modular reduction is a core operation in public-key cryptography. While a standard modular reduction is often required, a partial reduction limiting the growth of the coefficients is enough for several usecases. Knowing the quotient of the Euclidean division of an integer by the modulus allows to easily recover the remainder. We propose a way to compute efficiently, without divisions, an approximation of this quotient. From this approximation, both full and partial reductions are deduced....

2022/402 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-03-31
Improved Rotational-XOR Cryptanalysis of Simon-like Block Ciphers
Jinyu Lu, Yunwen Liu, Tomer Ashur, Bing Sun, Chao Li

Rotational-XOR (RX) cryptanalysis is a cryptanalytic method aimed at finding distinguishable statistical properties in ARX-C ciphers, i.e., ciphers that can be described only by using modular addition, cyclic rotation, XOR, and the injection of constants. In this paper we extend RX-cryptanalysis to AND-RX ciphers, a similar design paradigm where the modular addition is replaced by vectorial bitwise AND; such ciphers include the block cipher families Simon and Simeck. We analyze the...

2022/201 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-02-23
Enig: Player Replaceable Finality Layers with Optimal Validity
Simon Holmgaard Kamp, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Søren Eller Thomsen, Daniel Tschudi
Cryptographic protocols

We present two new provably secure finality layers for Nakamoto style blockchains. One is for partially synchronous networks and the other is for networks with periods of synchrony. Both protocols are player replaceable and therefore enjoy protection against denial of service attacks when run with a proof-of-stake lottery to elect the parties. The finality layers are proven secure to run on top of any Nakamoto style blockchain which has a property called \emph{finality friendliness}. Both...

2022/183 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-28
Improving Differential-Neural Cryptanalysis
Liu Zhang, Zilong Wang, Baocang wang
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In CRYPTO'19, Gohr introduced a novel cryptanalysis method by developing a differential-neural distinguisher using neural networks as the underlying distinguisher. He effectively integrated this distinguisher with classical differentials, facilitating a 12-round key recovery attack on Speck32/64 (from a total of 22 rounds). Bao et al. refined the concept of neutral bits, enabling key recovery attacks up to 13 rounds for Speck32/64 and 16 rounds (from a total of 32) for Simon32/64. Our...

2022/054 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-01-18
SIKE Channels
Luca De Feo, Nadia El Mrabet, Aymeric Genêt, Novak Kaluđerović, Natacha Linard de Guertechin, Simon Pontié, Élise Tasso
Public-key cryptography

We present new side-channel attacks on SIKE, the isogeny-based candidate in the NIST PQC competition. Previous works had shown that SIKE is vulnerable to differential power analysis and pointed to coordinate randomization as an effective countermeasure. We show that coordinate randomization alone is not sufficient, as SIKE is vulnerable to a class of attacks similar to refined power analysis in elliptic curve cryptography, named zero-value attacks. We describe and confirm in the lab two such...

2022/030 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-30
Improved (Related-key) Differential-based Neural Distinguishers for SIMON and SIMECK Block Ciphers
Jinyu Lu, Guoqiang Liu, Bing Sun, Chao Li, Li Liu
Secret-key cryptography

In CRYPTO 2019, Gohr made a pioneering attempt and successfully applied deep learning to the differential cryptanalysis against NSA block cipher Speck32/64, achieving higher accuracy than the pure differential distinguishers. By its very nature, mining effective features in data plays a crucial role in data-driven deep learning. In this paper, in addition to considering the integrity of the information from the training data of the ciphertext pair, domain knowledge about the structure of...

2021/1703 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-01-29
The Maiorana-McFarland structure based cryptanalysis of Simon
Hao Chen
Secret-key cryptography

In this paper we propose the linear hull construction for block ciphers with quadratic Maiorana-McFarland structure round functions. The search for linear trails with high squared correlations from our Maiorana-McFarland structure based constructive linear cryptanalysis is linear algebraic. Hence from this linear algebraic essence, the space of all linear trails has the structure such that good linear hulls can be constructed. Then for the Simon2n and its variants, we prove the lower bound...

2021/1615 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-20
High-order Polynomial Comparison and Masking Lattice-based Encryption
Jean-Sébastien Coron, François Gérard, Simon Montoya, Rina Zeitoun

The main protection against side-channel attacks consists in computing every function with multiple shares via the masking countermeasure. For IND-CCA secure lattice-based encryption schemes, the masking of the decryption algorithm requires the high-order computation of a polynomial comparison. In this paper, we describe and evaluate a number of different techniques for such high-order comparison, always with a security proof in the ISW probing model. As an application, we describe the full...

2021/1588 Last updated: 2022-04-01
IRShield: A Countermeasure Against Adversarial Physical-Layer Wireless Sensing
Paul Staat, Simon Mulzer, Stefan Roth, Veelasha Moonsamy, Aydin Sezgin, Christof Paar

Wireless radio channels are known to contain information about the surrounding propagation environment, which can be extracted using established wireless sensing methods. Thus, today's ubiquitous wireless devices are attractive targets for passive eavesdroppers to launch reconnaissance attacks. In particular, by overhearing standard communication signals, eavesdroppers obtain estimations of wireless channels which can give away sensitive information about indoor environments. For instance,...

2021/1560 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-11-29
SAND: an AND-RX Feistel lightweight block cipher supporting S-box-based security evaluations
Shiyao Chen, Yanhong Fan, Ling Sun, Yong Fu, Haibo Zhou, Yongqing Li, Meiqin Wang, Weijia Wang, Chun Guo
Secret-key cryptography

We revisit designing AND-RX block ciphers, that is, the designs assembled with the most fundamental binary operations---AND, Rotation and XOR operations and do not rely on existing units. Likely, the most popular representative is the NSA cipher \texttt{SIMON}, which remains one of the most efficient designs, but suffers from difficulty in security evaluation. As our main contribution, we propose \texttt{SAND}, a new family of lightweight AND-RX block ciphers. To overcome the difficulty...

2021/1348 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-16
Beyond quadratic speedups in quantum attacks on symmetric schemes
Xavier Bonnetain, André Schrottenloher, Ferdinand Sibleyras
Secret-key cryptography

In this paper, we report the first quantum key-recovery attack on a symmetric block cipher design, using classical queries only, with a more than quadratic time speedup compared to the best classical attack. We study the 2XOR-Cascade construction of Ga{\v{z}}i and Tessaro (EUROCRYPT~2012). It is a key length extension technique which provides an n-bit block cipher with 5n/2 bits of security out of an n-bit block cipher with 2n bits of key, with a security proof in the ideal model. We show...

2021/1339 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-10-05
Safe-Error Analysis of Post-Quantum Cryptography Mechanisms
Luk Bettale, Simon Montoya, Guénaël Renault

The NIST selection process for standardizing Post-Quantum Cryptography Mechanisms is currently running. Many papers already studied their theoretical security, but the resistance in deployed device has not been much investigated so far. In particular, fault attack is a serious threat for algorithms implemented in embedded devices. One particularly powerful technique is to use safe-error attacks. Such attacks exploit the fact that a specific fault may or may not lead to a faulty output...

2021/1314 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-20
High-order Table-based Conversion Algorithms and Masking Lattice-based Encryption
Jean-Sébastien Coron, François Gérard, Simon Montoya, Rina Zeitoun

Masking is the main countermeasure against side-channel attacks on embedded devices. For cryptographic algorithms that combine Boolean and arithmetic masking, one must therefore convert between the two types of masking, without leaking additional information to the attacker. In this paper we describe a new high-order conversion algorithm between Boolean and arithmetic masking, based on table recomputation, and provably secure in the ISW probing model. We show that our technique is...

2021/1277 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-24
LifeLine for FPGA Protection: Obfuscated Cryptography for Real-World Security
Florian Stolz, Nils Albartus, Julian Speith, Simon Klix, Clemens Nasenberg, Aiden Gula, Marc Fyrbiak, Christof Paar, Tim Güneysu, Russell Tessier

Over the last decade attacks have repetitively demonstrated that bitstream protection for SRAM-based FPGAs is a persistent problem without a satisfying solution in practice. Hence, real-world hardware designs are prone to intellectual property infringement and malicious manipulation as they are not adequately protected against reverse-engineering. In this work, we first review state-of-the-art solutions from industry and academia and demonstrate their ineffectiveness with respect to...

2021/1198 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-11
Clustering Effect in Simon and Simeck
Gaëtan Leurent, Clara Pernot, André Schrottenloher
Secret-key cryptography

Simon and Simeck are two lightweight block ciphers with a simple round function using only word rotations and a bit-wise AND operation. Previous work has shown a strong clustering effect for differential and linear cryptanalysis, due to the existence of many trails with the same inputs and outputs. In this paper, we explore this clustering effect by exhibiting a class of high probability differential and linear trails where the active bits stay in a fixed window of $w$ bits. Instead of...

2021/1157 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-24
Private Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Sublinear Communication
Sacha Servan-Schreiber, Simon Langowski, Srinivas Devadas

Nearest neighbor search is a fundamental building-block for a wide range of applications. A privacy-preserving protocol for nearest neighbor search involves a set of clients who send queries to a remote database. Each client retrieves the nearest neighbor(s) to its query in the database without revealing any information about the query. To ensure database privacy, clients must learn as little as possible beyond the query answer, even if behaving maliciously by deviating from...

2021/1152 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-20
Bandersnatch: a fast elliptic curve built over the BLS12-381 scalar field
Simon Masson, Antonio Sanso, Zhenfei Zhang
Public-key cryptography

In this short note, we introduce Bandersnatch, a new elliptic curve built over the BLS12-381 scalar field. The curve is equipped with an efficient endomorphism, allowing a fast scalar multiplication algorithm. Our benchmark shows that the multiplication is 42% faster, compared to another curve, called Jubjub, having similar properties. Nonetheless, Bandersnatch does not provide any performance improvement for either rank 1 constraint systems (R1CS) or multi scalar multiplications, compared...

2021/1017 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-08-06
Improve Neural Distinguisher for Cryptanalysis
Zezhou Hou, Jiongjiong Ren, Shaozhen Chen

At CRYPTO'19, Gohr built a bridge between deep learning and cryptanalysis. Based on deep neural networks, he trained neural distinguishers of Speck32/64 using a plaintext difference and single ciphertext pair. Compared with purely differential distinguishers, neural distinguishers successfully use features of the ciphertext pairs. Besides, with the help of neural distinguishers, he attacked 11-round Speck32/64 using Bayesian optimization. At EUROCRYPTO'21, Benamira proposed a detailed...

2021/982 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-02-24
Quantum Implementation and Resource Estimates for RECTANGLE and KNOT
Anubhab Baksi, Kyungbae Jang, Gyeongju Song, Hwajeong Seo, Zejun Xiang
Secret-key cryptography

With the advancement of the quantum computing technologies, a large body of research work is dedicated to revisit the security claims for ciphers being used. An adversary with access to a quantum computer can employ certain new attacks which would not be possible in the current pre-quantum era. In particular, the Grover's search algorithm is a generic attack against symmetric key cryptographic primitives, that can reduce the search complexity to square root. To apply the Grover's search...

2021/850 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-06-22
Resistance of Isogeny-Based Cryptographic Implementations to a Fault Attack
Élise Tasso, Luca De Feo, Nadia El Mrabet, Simon Pontié
Public-key cryptography

The threat of quantum computers has sparked the development of a new kind of cryptography to resist their attacks. Isogenies between elliptic curves are one of the tools used for such cryptosystems. They are championed by SIKE (Supersingular isogeny key encapsulation), an "alternate candidate" of the third round of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process. While all candidates are believed to be mathematically secure, their implementations may be vulnerable to hardware...

2021/725 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-05-16
KEMTLS with Delayed Forward Identity Protection in (Almost) a Single Round Trip
Felix Günther, Simon Rastikian, Patrick Towa, Thom Wiggers
Cryptographic protocols

The recent KEMTLS protocol (Schwabe, Stebila and Wiggers,CCS’20) is a promising design for a quantum-safe TLS handshake protocol. Focused on the web setting, wherein clients learn server public-key certificates only during connection establishment, a drawback of KEMTLS compared to TLS 1.3 is that it introduces an additional round trip before the server can send data, and an extra one for the client as well in the case of mutual authentication. In many scenarios, including IoT and embedded...

2021/719 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-21
Enhancing Differential-Neural Cryptanalysis
Zhenzhen Bao, Jian Guo, Meicheng Liu, Li Ma, Yi Tu
Secret-key cryptography

In CRYPTO 2019, Gohr shows that well-trained neural networks can perform cryptanalytic distinguishing tasks superior to traditional differential distinguishers. Moreover, applying an unorthodox key guessing strategy, an 11-round key-recovery attack on a modern block cipher Speck32/64 improves upon the published state-of-the-art result. This calls into the next questions. To what extent is the advantage of machine learning (ML) over traditional methods, and whether the advantage generally...

2021/706 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-12-11
Cryptanalysis of an oblivious PRF from supersingular isogenies
Andrea Basso, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Antonio Sanso
Cryptographic protocols

We cryptanalyse the SIDH-based oblivious pseudorandom function from supersingular isogenies proposed at Asiacrypt'20 by Boneh, Kogan and Woo. To this end, we give an attack on an assumption, the auxiliary one-more assumption, that was introduced by Boneh et al. and we show that this leads to an attack on the oblivious PRF itself. The attack breaks the pseudorandomness as it allows adversaries to evaluate the OPRF without further interactions with the server after some initial OPRF...

2021/674 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-05-25
On the Effect of the Key-expansion Algorithm in Simon-like Ciphers
Jinyu Lu, Yunwen Liu, Tomer Ashur, Chao Li
Secret-key cryptography

In this work we investigate how the choice of the key-expansion algorithm and its interaction with the round function affect the resistance of Simon-like ciphers against rotational-XOR (RX) cryptanalysis. We observe that among the key-expansion algorithms we consider, Simon is most resistant, while Simeck is much less so. Implications on lightweight ciphers design are discussed and open questions are proposed.

2021/452 Last updated: 2021-08-02
SAT-based Method to Improve Neural Distinguisher and Applications to SIMON
Zezhou Hou, Jiongjiong Ren, Shaozhen Chen

Cryptanalysis based on deep learning has become a hotspot in the international cryptography community since it was proposed. The key point of differential cryptanalysis based on deep learning is to find a neural differential distinguisher with longer rounds or higher probability. Therefore it is important to research how to improve the accuracy and the rounds of neural differential distinguisher. In this paper, we design SAT-based algorithms to find a good input difference so that the...

2021/436 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-04-06
Algebraic Differential Fault Analysis on SIMON block cipher
Duc-Phong Le, Sze Ling Yeo, Khoongming Khoo
Secret-key cryptography

An algebraic differential fault attack (ADFA) is an attack in which an attacker combines a differential fault attack and an algebraic technique to break a targeted cipher. In this paper, we present three attacks using three different algebraic techniques combined with a differential fault attack in the bit-flip fault model to break the SIMON block cipher. First, we introduce a new analytic method that is based on a differential trail between the correct and faulty ciphertexts. This method is...

2021/430 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-07-30
Lattice Enumeration on GPUs for fplll
Simon Pohmann, Marc Stevens, Jens Zumbrägel
Public-key cryptography

The Kannan-Fincke-Pohst lattice enumeration algorithm is the classical method for solving the shortest vector problem in lattices. It is also a fundamental tool for most lattice reduction algorithms that provide speed-length tradeoffs. As this algorithm allows efficient parallel implementations, it is likely that implementing it on modern graphics processing units (GPUs) can significantly improve performance. We provide such an implementation that is compatible with the fplll lattice...

2021/282 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-03-07
One-way functions and malleability oracles: Hidden shift attacks on isogeny-based protocols
Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Charlotte Weitkämper
Public-key cryptography

Supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman key exchange (SIDH) is a post-quantum protocol based on the presumed hardness of computing an isogeny between two supersingular elliptic curves given some additional torsion point information. Unlike other isogeny-based protocols, SIDH has been widely believed to be immune to subexponential quantum attacks because of the non-commutative structure of the endomorphism rings of supersingular curves. We contradict this commonly believed misconception in this...

2021/213 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-03-02
Accelerating the Search of Differential and Linear Characteristics with the SAT Method
Ling Sun, Wei Wang, Meiqin Wang
Secret-key cryptography

The introduction of the automatic search boosts the cryptanalysis of symmetric-key primitives to some degree. However, the performance of the automatic search is not always satisfactory for the search of long trails or ciphers with large state sizes. Compared with the extensive attention on the enhancement for the search with the mixed integer linear programming (MILP) method, few works care for the acceleration of the automatic search with the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) or...

2021/153 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-23
On the Isogeny Problem with Torsion Point Information
Tako Boris Fouotsa, Péter Kutas, Simon-Philipp Merz, Yan Bo Ti
Public-key cryptography

It has recently been rigorously proven (and was previously known under certain heuristics) that the general supersingular isogeny problem reduces to the supersingular endomorphism ring computation problem. However, in order to attack SIDH-type schemes, one requires a particular isogeny which is usually not returned by the general reduction. At Asiacrypt 2016, Galbraith, Petit, Shani and Ti presented a polynomial-time reduction of the problem of finding the secret isogeny in SIDH to the...

2021/016 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-01-06
Black-Box Uselessness: Composing Separations in Cryptography
Geoffroy Couteau, Pooya Farshim, Mohammad Mahmoody

Black-box separations have been successfully used to identify the limits of a powerful set of tools in cryptography, namely those of black-box reductions. They allow proving that a large set of techniques are not capable of basing one primitive $\mathcal{P}$ on another $\mathcal{Q}$. Such separations, however, do not say anything about the power of the combination of primitives $\mathcal{Q}_1,\mathcal{Q}_2$ for constructing $\mathcal{P}$, even if $\mathcal{P}$ cannot be based on...

2020/1602 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-12-27
Speeding-up Ideal Lattice-Based Key Exchange Using a RSA/ECC Coprocessor
Aurélien Greuet, Simon Montoya, Guénaël Renault

Polynomial multiplication is one of the most costly operations of ideal lattice-based cryptosystems. In this work, we study its optimization when one of the operand has coefficients close to 0. We focus on this structure since it is at the core of lattice-based Key Exchange Mechanisms submitted to the NIST call for post-quantum cryptography. In particular, we propose optimization of this operation for embedded devices by using a RSA/ECC coprocessor that provides efficient large-integer...

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