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Paper 2025/001

Attribute Based Encryption for Turing Machines from Lattices

Shweta Agrawal, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Simran Kumari, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Shota Yamada, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

We provide the first attribute based encryption (ABE) scheme for Turing machines supporting unbounded collusions from lattice assumptions. In more detail, the encryptor encodes an attribute $\mathbf{x}$ together with a bound $t$ on the machine running time and a message $m$ into the ciphertext, the key generator embeds a Turing machine $M$ into the secret key and decryption returns $m$ if and only if $M(\mathbf{x})=1$. Crucially, the input $\mathbf{x}$ and machine $M$ can be of unbounded size, the time bound $t$ can be chosen dynamically for each input and decryption runs in input specific time. Previously the best known ABE for uniform computation supported only non-deterministic log space Turing machines (${\sf NL})$ from pairings (Lin and Luo, Eurocrypt 2020). In the post-quantum regime, the state of the art supports non-deterministic finite automata from LWE in the $\textit{ symmetric}$ key setting (Agrawal, Maitra and Yamada, Crypto 2019). In more detail, our results are: 1. We construct the first ABE for ${\sf NL}$ from the LWE, evasive LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022 and Tsabary, Crypto 2022) and Tensor LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022) assumptions. This yields the first (conjectured) post-quantum ABE for ${\sf NL}$. 2. Relying on LWE, evasive LWE and a new assumption called $\textit{circular tensor}$ LWE, we construct ABE for all Turing machines. At a high level, the circular tensor LWE assumption incorporates circularity into the tensor LWE (Wee, Eurocrypt 2022) assumption. Towards our ABE for Turing machines, we obtain the first CP-ABE for circuits of unbounded depth and size from the same assumptions -- this may be of independent interest.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
A major revision of an IACR publication in CRYPTO 2024
latticesevasive LWEattribute-based encryptionCP-ABETuring MachinesCircular Assumption
Contact author(s)
shweta @ cse iitm ac in
sim78608 @ gmail com
yamada-shota @ aist go jp
2025-01-01: approved
2025-01-01: received
See all versions
Short URL
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      author = {Shweta Agrawal and Simran Kumari and Shota Yamada},
      title = {Attribute Based Encryption for Turing Machines from Lattices},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2025/001},
      year = {2025},
      doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-68382-4_11},
      url = {https://eprint.iacr.org/2025/001}
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