ID DE beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase I. AN 3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase. AN 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase. AN acyl-malonyl(acyl-carrier-protein)-condensing enzyme. AN acyl-malonyl acyl carrier protein-condensing enzyme. AN beta-ketoacyl-[acyl carrier protein] synthase. AN beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase I. AN beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthetase. AN beta-ketoacyl acyl carrier protein synthase. AN beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthetase. AN beta-ketoacylsynthase. AN beta-ketoacyl synthetase. AN condensing enzyme. AN fatty acid condensing enzyme. AN KAS I. CA a fatty acyl-[ACP] + malonyl-[ACP] + H(+) = a 3-oxoacyl-[ACP] + holo- CA [ACP] + CO2. CC -!- Responsible for the chain-elongation step of dissociated (type II) CC fatty-acid biosynthesis, i.e. the addition of two C atoms to the CC fatty-acid chain. CC -!- Escherichia coli mutants that lack this enzyme are deficient in CC unsaturated fatty acids. CC -!- Can use fatty acyl thioesters of ACP (C2 to C16) as substrates, CC as well as fatty acyl thioesters of Co-A (C4 to C16). CC -!- The substrate specificity is very similar to that of EC CC with the exception that the latter enzyme is far more active with CC palmitoleoyl-ACP (C16Delta(9)) as substrate, allowing the organism to CC regulate its fatty-acid composition with changes in temperature. DR Q8TGA2, AFLA_ASPPU ; S0DL59, APF5_GIBF5 ; Q5AV00, ATNF_EMENI ; DR P39525, CEM1_YEAST ; P57193, FABB_BUCAI ; Q8KA28, FABB_BUCAP ; DR Q89AY4, FABB_BUCBP ; P0A954, FABB_ECOL6 ; P0A953, FABB_ECOLI ; DR P43710, FABB_HAEIN ; Q02K94, FABB_PSEAB ; P43098, FAS2_CANAX ; DR G8BAW7, FAS2_CANPC ; P78615, FAS2_EMEND ; Q765N2, FAS2_LACKL ; DR P15368, FAS2_PENPA ; Q10289, FAS2_SCHPO ; P19097, FAS2_YEAST ; DR Q71SP7, FAS_BOVIN ; P12276, FAS_CHICK ; P49327, FAS_HUMAN ; DR P19096, FAS_MOUSE ; P12785, FAS_RAT ; I1R9A6, GRA9_GIBZE ; DR A7TUG9, HEXA_DOTSE ; M2YJJ3, HEXA_DOTSN ; P52410, KASC1_ARATH; DR P23902, KASC1_HORVU; Q9C9P4, KASC2_ARATH; Q8L3X9, KASM_ARATH ; DR Q7TXK8, MSL7_MYCBO ; B2HIL7, MSL7_MYCMM ; Q2TXF0, ORYA_ASPOR ; DR Q0VCA7, OXSM_BOVIN ; Q9NWU1, OXSM_HUMAN ; Q9D404, OXSM_MOUSE ; DR O94297, OXSM_SCHPO ; A0A1D5AG16, PIGJ_MONRU ; Q5B7V0, PKIB_EMENI ; DR Q00681, STCJ_EMENI ; S5NIA2, TOXH_COCCA ; //