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1. any of various colours, such as those of wood or earth, produced by low intensity light in the wavelength range 620--585 nanometres
2. brown cloth or clothing
3. any of numerous mostly reddish-brown butterflies of the genera Maniola, Lasiommata, etc., such as M. jurtina (meadow brown): family Satyridae
4. of the colour brown


1. Sir Arthur Whitten . 1886--1948, British aviator who with J W Alcock made the first flight across the Atlantic (1919)
2. Ford Madox. 1821--93, British painter, associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. His paintings include The Last of England (1865) and Work (1865)
3. George (Alfred), Lord George-Brown. 1914--85, British Labour politician; vice-chairman and deputy leader of the Labour party (1960--70); foreign secretary 1966--68
4. George Mackay. 1921--96, Scottish poet, novelist, and short-story writer. His works, which include the novels Greenvoe (1972) and Magnus (1973), reflect the history and culture of Orkney
5. (James) Gordon. born 1951, British Labour politician; Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1997
6. Herbert Charles. born 1912, US chemist, who worked on the compounds of boron. Nobel prize for chemistry 1979
7. James. born 1933, US soul singer and songwriter, noted for his dynamic stage performances and for his commitment to Black rights
8. John. 1800--59, US abolitionist leader, hanged after leading an unsuccessful rebellion of slaves at Harper's Ferry, Virginia
9. Lancelot, called Capability Brown. 1716--83, British landscape gardener
10. Michael (Stuart). born 1941, US physician: shared the Nobel prize for physiology or medicine (1985) for work on cholesterol
11. Robert. 1773--1858, Scottish botanist who was the first to observe the Brownian movement in fluids
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


symbol of unfruitfulness. [Color Symbolism: Jobes, 357]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Brown is not the most cheerful color in the spectrum. It is a very serious color that is associated with the earth, dirt, or soil. Autumn is generally brown and it represents a season of dormancy and conservatism. The brown in your dream may be symbolic of physical reality and earthiness. It may represent things in their “barest” form, and its interpretation may encourage you to add some light and depth into your daily life.
Bedside Dream Dictionary by Silvana Amar Copyright © 2007 by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.