سمتهای علمی و اجرایی در دانشگاهها و مراکز علمی کشور
سمتهای علمی و اجرایی در مجلات و ژورنالهای معتبر ایران
ISI Papers
- "Three-dimensional optical coherence tomography image denoising through multi-input fully-convolutional networks", Elsevier BV, (2019), Vol 108, No : 1-8
- "Automatic classification of retinal three-dimensional optical coherence tomography images using principal component analysis network with composite kernels", SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, (2017), Vol 22, No 11: 1
- "Automatic detection and recognition of multiple macular lesions in retinal optical coherence tomography images with multi-instance multilabel learning", SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, (2017), Vol 22, No 6: 066014
- "Fully-automated segmentation of fluid regions in exudative age-related macular degeneration subjects: Kernel graph cut in neutrosophic domain", Public Library of Science (PLoS), (2017), Vol 12, No 10: e0186949
- "Computer-aided diagnosis software for vulvovaginal candidiasis detection from Pap smear images", Wiley, (2017), Vol 81, No 1: 13-21
- "Assessment of TGF-β3 on production of aggrecan by human articular chondrocytes in pellet culture system", Medknow, (2014), Vol 3, No 1: 54
- "A comparative study of new and current methods for dental micro-CT image denoising", British Institute of Radiology, (2016), Vol 45, No 3: 20150302
- "Fully Automatic Segmentation of Fluorescein Leakage in Subjects With Diabetic Macular Edema", Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), (2015), Vol 56, No 3: 1482-1492
- "Wavelet-Domain Medical Image Denoising Using Bivariate Laplacian Mixture Model", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2009), Vol 56, No 12: 2826-2837
- "Speckle Noise Reduction of Medical Ultrasound Images in Complex Wavelet Domain Using Mixture Priors", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2008), Vol 55, No 9: 2152-2160
- "Statistical Modeling of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2016), Vol 35, No 6: 1544-1554
- "A level set based method for lung segmentation in CT images", IEEE, (2014), Vol , No :
- "Exact localization of breakpoints of Retinal pigment epithelium in Optical Coherence Tomography of Optic Nerve Head", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "Statistical modeling of Optical Coherence Tomography images by asymmetric Normal Laplace mixture model", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "Classification of Medical Image Modeling Methods: A Review", Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., (2016), Vol 12, No 2: 130-148
- "Fully-Automated Segmentation of Fluid/Cyst Regions in Optical Coherence Tomography Images with Diabetic Macular Edema using Neutrosophic Sets and Graph Algorithms", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2017), Vol , No : 1-1
- "Automatic detection of Hyperreflective Foci in optical coherence tomography B-scans using Morphological Component Analysis", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "Non-rigid registration of Fluorescein Angiography and Optical Coherence Tomography via scanning laser ophthalmoscope imaging", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "Analysis of fundus fluorescein angiogram based on the hessian matrix of directional curvelet sub-bands and distance regularized level set evolution", Medknow, (2015), Vol 5, No 3: 141
- "Segmentation of Choroidal Boundary in Enhanced Depth Imaging OCTs Using a Multiresolution Texture Based Modeling in Graph Cuts", Hindawi Limited, (2014), Vol 2014, No : 1-9
- "Optical Coherence Tomography Noise Reduction Using Anisotropic Local Bivariate Gaussian Mixture Prior in 3D Complex Wavelet Domain", Hindawi Limited, (2013), Vol 2013, No : 1-23
- "A Quantitative Approach to Predict Differential Effects of Anti-VEGF Treatment on Diffuse and Focal Leakage in Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema: A Pilot Study", Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), (2017), Vol 6, No 2: 7
- "Obtaining Thickness Maps of Corneal Layers Using the Optimal Algorithm for Intracorneal Layer Segmentation", Hindawi Limited, (2016), Vol 2016, No : 1-11
- "Thickness Mapping of Eleven Retinal Layers Segmented Using the Diffusion Maps Method in Normal Eyes", Hindawi Limited, (2015), Vol 2015, No : 1-14
- "Detection and classification of breast cancer in wavelet sub-bands of fractal segmented cancerous zones", Medknow, (2015), Vol 5, No 3: 162
- "Mobile Cardiac Health-care Monitoring and Notification with Real Time Tachycardia and Bradycardia Arrhythmia Detection", Medknow, (2017), Vol 7, No 4: 193
- "Mobile Cardiac Health-care Monitoring and Notification with Real Time Tachycardia and Bradycardia Arrhythmia Detection", Medknow, (2017), Vol 7, No 4: 193
- "Image interpolation using Gaussian Mixture Models with spatially constrained patch clustering", IEEE, (2015), Vol , No :
- "Hybrid registration of retinal fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography images of patients with diabetic retinopathy", The Optical Society, (2021), Vol 12, No 3: 1707
- "Evaluation of asymmetry in right and left eyes of normal individuals using extracted features from optical coherence tomography and fundus images", Medknow, (2021), Vol 11, No 1: 12
- "Red-lesion extraction in retinal fundus images by directional intensity changes’ analysis", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2021), Vol 11, No 1:
- "Asymmetry evaluation of fundus images in right and left eyes using radon transform and fractal analysis", IEEE, (2015), Vol , No :
- "Circlet based framework for red blood cells segmentation and counting", IEEE, (2015), Vol , No :
- "A simple and accurate method for white blood cells segmentation using K-means algorithm", IEEE, (2015), Vol , No :
- "A fast and accurate dental micro-CT image denoising based on total variation modeling", IEEE, (2015), Vol , No :
- "Automatic diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis from Pap smear images", Wiley, (2017), Vol 267, No 3: 299-308
- "Three Dimensional Data-Driven Multi Scale Atomic Representation of Optical Coherence Tomography", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2015), Vol 34, No 5: 1042-1062
- "Macular OCT Classification Using a Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2018), Vol 37, No 4: 1024-1034
- "Image Denoising Based on a Mixture of Laplace Distributions with Local Parameters in Complex Wavelet Domain", IEEE, (2006), Vol , No :
- "Wavelet Based Image Denoising with A Mixture of Gaussian Distributions with Local Parameters", IEEE, (2006), Vol , No :
- "Automatic optic disk detection by the use of curvelet transform", IEEE, (2009), Vol , No :
- "Removing Power Line Interference and ECG signal from EMG signal using Matching Pursuit", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
- "Optical coherence tomography image denoising using Gaussianization transform", SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, (2017), Vol 22, No 08: 1
- "Missing Surface Estimation Based on Modified Tikhonov Regularization: Application for Destructed Dental Tissue", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2018), Vol 27, No 5: 2433-2446
- "Image/video denoising based on a mixture of Laplace distributions with local parameters in multidimensional complex wavelet domain", Elsevier BV, (2008), Vol 88, No 1: 158-173
- "Intra-retinal layer segmentation of 3D optical coherence tomography using coarse grained diffusion map", Elsevier BV, (2013), Vol 17, No 8: 907-928
- "Automatic diagnosis of malaria based on complete circle-ellipse fitting search algorithm", Wiley, (2013), Vol 252, No 3: 189-203
- "A hybrid method for 3D mosaicing of OCT images of macula and Optic Nerve Head", Elsevier BV, (2017), Vol 91, No : 277-290
- "Local comparison of cup to disc ratio in right and left eyes based on fusion of color fundus images and OCT B-scans", Elsevier BV, (2019), Vol 51, No : 30-41
- "Supervised dictionary learning of EEG signals for mild cognitive impairment diagnosis", Elsevier BV, (2019), Vol 53, No : 101559
- "Circlet based framework for optic disk detection", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "Alignment of optic nerve head optical coherence tomography B-scans in right and left eyes", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "A dictionary learning based method for detection of diabetic retinopathy in color fundus images", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "Optical coherence tomography retinal image reconstruction via nonlocal weighted sparse representation", SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, (2018), Vol 23, No 03: 1
- "Automatic diagnosis of abnormal macula in retinal optical coherence tomography images using wavelet-based convolutional neural network features and random forests classifier", SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, (2018), Vol 23, No 03: 1
- "Wavelet-based Convolutional Mixture of Experts model: An application to automatic diagnosis of abnormal macula in retinal optical coherence tomography images", IEEE, (2017), Vol , No :
- "A novel feature selection method for microarray data classification based on hidden Markov model", Elsevier BV, (2019), Vol 95, No : 103213
- "Intra-Retinal Layer Segmentation of Optical Coherence Tomography Using 3D Fully Convolutional Networks", IEEE, (2018), Vol , No :
- "Automatic detection of exudates and optic disk in retinal images using curvelet transform", Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), (2012), Vol 6, No 7: 1005
- "Analysis of foveal avascular zone for grading of diabetic retinopathy severity based on curvelet transform", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2012), Vol 250, No 11: 1607-1614
- "Automatic Classification of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images With Layer Guided Convolutional Neural Network", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2019), Vol 26, No 7: 1026-1030
- "A dual adaptive watermarking scheme in contourlet domain for DICOM images", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2011), Vol 10, No 1: 53
- "Convolutional mixture of experts model: A comparative study on automatic macular diagnosis in retinal optical coherence tomography imaging", Medknow, (2019), Vol 9, No 1: 1
- "3D Curvelet-Based Segmentation and Quantification of Drusen in Optical Coherence Tomography Images", Hindawi Limited, (2017), Vol 2017, No : 1-12
- "Stable Gene Signature Selection for Prediction of Breast Cancer Recurrence Using Joint Mutual Information", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2015), Vol 12, No 6: 1440-1448
- "Detecting different sub-types of acute myelogenous leukemia using dictionary learning and sparse representation", IEEE, (2015), Vol , No :
- "Automatic Brain Aneurysm Extraction in Angiography Videos Using Circlet Transform and a Modified Level Set Model", Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., (2018), Vol 14, No 6: 923-932
- "Video deblurring in complex wavelet domain using local Laplace prior for enhancement and anisotropic spatially adaptive denoising for PSF detection", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
- "Image denoising in complex wavelet domain using a mixture of bivariate laplacian distributions with local parameters", SPIE, (2007), Vol , No :
- "Image Restoration Using Gaussian Mixture Models With Spatially Constrained Patch Clustering", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2015), Vol 24, No 11: 3624-3636
- "Local probability distribution of natural signals in sparse domains", IEEE, (2011), Vol , No :
- "Partial linear transformation of vectorcardiogram to 12 lead electrocardiogram signals", IEEE, (2012), Vol , No :
- "Vessel segmentation in images of optical coherence tomography using shadow information and thickening of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer", IEEE, (2013), Vol , No :
- "Intra-retinal layer segmentation of optical coherence tomography using diffusion map", IEEE, (2013), Vol , No :
- "Vessel centerlines extraction from Fundus Fluorescein Angiogram based on Hessian analysis of directional curvelet subbands", IEEE, (2013), Vol , No :
Conference Papers
- درونیابی تصاویر OCT شبکیه چشم با استفاده از میانگین های غیرمحلی و نمایش تنک ارائه شده در 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Information Technology (1396)
- ارتباط وویژگیهای تعلیم وتربیت اسلامی ارائه شده در The first international conference on modern research in the field of educational sciences and psychology and social studies in Iran (1395)
- اسیب شناسی عدم بازدارندگی رسیدگی کیفری مربوط به جرایم علیه محیط زیست با نگرش به لایحه قضازدایی (تطبیقی با حقوق بین الملل محیط زیست) ارائه شده در The First National Conference on Geography, Tourism, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development (1393)
- Automatic Segmentation of the Lungs for CAD System in CT Images based on Active Contour Method ارائه شده در 5th iranian conference on electrical and electronic engineering (1392)
- تشخیص بیماری دیابت با استفاده از الگوریتم SVM ارائه شده در 14th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering (1390)
- ارائه روشی برای محاسبه نرخ ضربان قلب بصورت آنلاین درمیکروکنترلرهای 8 بیتی به منظور استفاده درسیستم های مراقبتی همراه ارائه شده در 19th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1390)
- بررسی وکتورکاردیوگرام 1حقیقی و وکتورکاردیوگرام های بدست آمده از سیگنال الکتروکاردیوگرام 2و انتخاب وکتور بهینه ارائه شده در 17th Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (1389)
- استفاده از الگوریتم آنالیز اجزاء اصلی جهت تشخیص نرم افزاری حروف در متون فارسی ارائه شده در 17th Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (1389)
- نهان نگاری دوگانه اطلاعات محرمانه بیمار در تصاویر پزشکی با استفاده از تبدیل کانتورلت ارائه شده در 17th Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (1389)
- Detection of Cancerous Zones in Mammograms using Fractal Modeling and classification by Probabilistic Neural Network ارائه شده در 17th Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (1389)
- ارائه یک روش موثر برای حذف ایمپالس نویزهای با مقادیر مثبت و تصادفی در تصاویر با استفاده از شبکههای عصبی مصنوعی و فیلترهای گوسی بازگشتی ارائه شده در 5th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (1387)
- Image Denoising with a Mixture of Gaussian Distributions with Local Parameters in Wavelet Domain ارائه شده در 04th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (1385)
- کاهش نویز تصویر در حوزه تبدیل ویولت مختلط با استفاده از توزیع لاپلاس با واریانس محلی ارائه شده در 04th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (1385)
- VIDEO DENOISING BASED ON A LOCAL GAUSSIAN DISTRIBUTION IN 3-D COMPLEX WAVELET DOMAIN ارائه شده در 12th Annual Conference of Computer Society of Iran (1385)
- Image Denoising Based on a Mixture of Laplace Distributions in Complex Wavelet Domain ارائه شده در 14th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1385)
- کاهش نویز تصویر در حوزه ویولت با استفاده از توزیع لاپلاس با واریانس محلی ارائه شده در 14th Iranian Conference on Electric Engineering (1385)
- حذف خراشهای خطی تصاویر متحرک با استفاده از تبدیل ویولت مختلط ارائه شده در 11th Annual Conference of Computer Society of Iran (1384)
- حذف خراشهای خطی تصاویر متحرک با استفاده از تبدیل ویولت سه بعدی ارائه شده در 11th Annual Conference of Computer Society of Iran (1384)
- Wavelet Based Image Denoising with Mixed Laplace Model ارائه شده در 11th Annual Conference of Computer Society of Iran (1384)
- حذف تداخل خط تغذیه از سیگنالهای ECG توسط یک روش تطبیقی غیر خطی ارائه شده در 12th Iranian conference on Biomedical Engineering (1384)
Journal Papers
- Use of the Shearlet Transform and Transfer Learning in Offline Handwritten Signature Verification and Recognition منتشر شده در Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis (1399)
- تشخیص لبه با استفاده از تبدیل ویولت مختلط گسسته منتشر شده در Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering (1388)
- Statistical Inference of COVID‑۱۹ Outbreak: Delay Distribution Effect in EQIR Modeling of Epidemic منتشر شده در مجله سیگنالها و سنسورهای پزشکی (1401)
- Low‑dose Cone‑Beam Computed Tomography Reconstruction through a fast Three‑Dimensional Compressed Sensing Method Based on the Three‑Dimensional Pseudo‑polar Fourier Transform منتشر شده در مجله سیگنالها و سنسورهای پزشکی (1401)
- Erratum: Evaluation of asymmetry in right and left eyes of normal individuals using extracted features from optical coherence tomography and fundus images منتشر شده در مجله سیگنالها و سنسورهای پزشکی (1400)
- Evaluation of Asymmetry in Right and Left Eyes of Normal Individuals Using Extracted Features from Optical Coherence Tomography and Fundus Images منتشر شده در مجله سیگنالها و سنسورهای پزشکی (1400)
- Online Handwritten Signature Verification and Recognition Based on Dual‑Tree Complex Wavelet Packet Transform منتشر شده در مجله سیگنالها و سنسورهای پزشکی (1399)
- Forming Optimal Projection Images from Intra‑Retinal Layers Using Curvelet‑Based Image Fusion Method منتشر شده در مجله سیگنالها و سنسورهای پزشکی (1399)
- آنالیز کیفیت رمزنگاری تصاویر پزشکی مبتنی بر الگوریتم راین دال با کلید رمزنگاری یکسان و آشوب گونه منتشر شده در مجله انفورماتیک سلامت و زیست پزشکی (1393)
- مقایسه اثربخشی محلول موضعی کافئین ۵/۲ درصد و مینوکسیدیل ۵/۲ درصد با محلول موضعی مینوکسیدیل ۵/۲ در درمان آلوپسی آندروژنیک منتشر شده در مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مازندران (1392)