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- 1007/s12111-012-9220-7#citeas. Woodson, C. G. “The Negro Washerwoman, a Vanishing Figure.” The Negro Washerwoman, A Vanishing Figure, July 1930. https://www.journals...7 KB (1,106 words) - 02:20, 27 November 2023
- Eliza Hall was an African American washerwoman interviewed for the Federal Writers Project in 1939. Eliza Hall was born around 1869 into a home in Walnut...6 KB (903 words) - 13:50, 14 July 2020
- life she was married four times and had six children. Bates worked as a washerwoman for most of her life and supported generations of her family for most...6 KB (884 words) - 06:37, 6 July 2023
- - Octogenarian Life History of Fernando Lemos Life story of a Negro Washerwoman Lucy and Delie Ivory Mary and Augustus DeRoy (Mary Worked in the Mines...550 bytes (108 words) - 13:22, 4 October 2023
- in 1939, Matt Wall was an older African American woman working as a washerwoman in Walnut Cove, North Carolina where she lived with her sister and several...3 KB (458 words) - 01:22, 20 April 2020
- anyhow." Wall only stayed in school until she was old enough to work as a washerwoman. As an adult, Wall lived with her sister, grandchildren, and niece Edna...9 KB (1,389 words) - 07:48, 6 July 2023
- around 1840 in Savannah, Georgia, and lived past age 99. She worked as a washerwoman for most of her life, working in various hotels around Georgia. She married...7 KB (1,079 words) - 01:23, 20 April 2020
- was very young, leaving Bates’ mother to provide for the family as a washerwoman. Bates dropped out of school in the fourth grade to help her mother wash...7 KB (1,109 words) - 23:01, 1 March 2021
- Eliza Hall was an African American washerwoman who was interviewed by Louise L. Abbitt in February 1939. Hall was born to a family of former slaves in...7 KB (1,185 words) - 07:04, 6 July 2023
- of her life, but after contracting influenza she began to work as a washerwoman in her late age. Laura Summey was born on a cotton plantation to a slave...16 KB (2,136 words) - 20:45, 20 July 2021