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- the Exalibur and he gives her the head of either Sir Ballin/the young noblewoman who gave Sir Ballin in the sword. Merlin’s advice about the bastard Modred—how...39 KB (6,745 words) - 18:49, 20 December 2021
- different purpose. It was a toe, a large toe belonging to an Egyptian noblewoman who lived roughly 3,000 years ago, that was the first prosthetic body...9 KB (970 words) - 21:25, 10 March 2022
- the product of a visiting marriage between his father, Hāshim, and a noblewoman in Yathrib, which took place while Hāshim was on a business trip to Palestine...67 KB (7,530 words) - 09:21, 19 October 2024