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From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
See also: В [U+0412 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE], ϐ [U+03D0 GREEK BETA SYMBOL], 𞀲 [U+1E032 MODIFIER LETTER CYRILLIC SMALL VE], , в-, в., В., and Appendix:Variations of "b"

в U+0432, в
Cyrillic г
A distinctive glyph is used for Bulgarian. It resembles the handwritten form in Russian.


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в (upper case В)

  1. A letter of the Cyrillic script, called ve.



в (upper case В)

  1. A letter of the Old Cyrillic script, called vede or vedi.





в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Abaza alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Abkhaz alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Adyghe alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Aghul alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Alutor alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (w) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The seventh letter of the Archi alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (w) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Avar alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also





  • (phoneme): IPA(key): /w/, (in Russian borrowings) /v/



в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Bashkir alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also








в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Belarusian alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also




Etymology 1



  • (phoneme) IPA(key): [v]
  • (letter name) IPA(key): [vɤ]
  • (in acronyms) IPA(key): [vɛ]
  • Audio (letter name):(file)



в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Bulgarian alphabet, called въ (v), and written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Etymology 2


From Proto-Slavic *vъ(n).

Alternative forms



  • IPA(key): (before vowels and voiceless consonants) /f/, (before voiced consonants) /v/



в (v)

  1. going inside (of) or within the limits of, into, in, at, to
    влизам в стаята
    vlizam v stajata
    to go into the room
    качвам се в колата
    kačvam se v kolata
    to get in the car
    пристигам в хотела
    pristigam v hotela
    to arrive at the hotel
  2. against, especially with force or violence, into
    Колата се блъсна в дървото.
    Kolata se blǎsna v dǎrvoto.
    The car crashed into the tree.
    Не внимавах и се блъснах в стена.
    Ne vnimavah i se blǎsnah v stena.
    I wasn't careful, and walked into a wall.
  3. used to indicate where something is or where something happens, in, at, on
    в стаята съм
    v stajata sǎm
    to be in the room
    Срещнахме се в училище.
    Sreštnahme se v učilište.
    We met at school.
    пътувам в автобуса/метрото
    pǎtuvam v avtobusa/metroto
    to travel on the bus/tube
  4. used with certain time expressions to say when something happens, at, in, on, during
    в 8 часа
    v 8 časa
    in 8 hours
    в петък
    v petǎk
    on Friday
    в 1988
    v 1988
    in 1988
    в деветнадесетия век
    v devetnadesetija vek
    in/during the nineteenth century
    в това/същото време
    v tova/sǎštoto vreme
    at that/the same time
    в момента
    v momenta
    at the moment
    в един миг
    v edin mig
    momentarily/in a moment
    в началото
    v načaloto
    in the beginning
    в началото на годината
    v načaloto na godinata
    at the beginning of the year
  5. used to indicate a change in state, to, into
    превръщам в камък
    prevrǎštam v kamǎk
    to turn into stone
    превръщам в пепел/прах/развалини
    prevrǎštam v pepel/prah/razvalini
    to reduce to ashes/powder/ruins
    превръщам километри в мили
    prevrǎštam kilometri v mili
    to convert kilometres into miles
  6. used to indicate a state or condition, in, on
    в безсъзнание съм
    v bezsǎznanie sǎm
    to be in a dead faint/to be unconscious
    в движение
    v dviženie
    in motion/on the move
    в добро здравословно състояние
    v dobro zdravoslovno sǎstojanie
    in good health
    в покой
    v pokoj
    in repose/at rest/motionless
    в кома
    v koma
    in a coma
  7. used to show how or in what way something is done, in, at
    плащам в долари/брой
    plaštam v dolari/broj
    to pay in dollars/cash
    меря в километри
    merja v kilometri
    to measure in kilometres
    марширувам в строй
    marširuvam v stroj
    to march in formation
    вървя в крак
    vǎrvja v krak
    to keep in step
    слушам в захлас
    slušam v zahlas
    to listen in a daze
    в галоп/тръс
    v galop/trǎs
    at a gallop/trot
  8. used to indicate the parts forming something, in
    роман в три части
    roman v tri časti
    a novel in three volumes
    филм в два епизода
    film v dva epizoda
    a film in two episodes
  9. used to describe the clothes or the colour of something, in
    облечен в черно/черна риза
    oblečen v černo/černa riza
    dressed in black/a black shirt
    стени, боядисани в синьо
    steni, bojadisani v sinjo
    walls painted blue
  10. used to indicate a sphere where a certain quality is present, at
    Той е много добър в професията си.
    Toj e mnogo dobǎr v profesijata si.
    He is very good at his job.
Usage notes

In writing, във is used in front of words starting with в or ф and в is used elsewhere. In speech, в and във are used interchangeably. In writing and in speech, във is also used as a stressed form of в, even before words not beginning with в or ф, as in

Тя е във къщата, а не отвън.
Tja e vǎv kǎštata, a ne otvǎn.
She is in the house, not outside.

In verse, във can also be used in front of words not starting with в or ф in order to maintain the syllable structure of the line.








в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Buryat alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Chechen alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Chukchi alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Chuvash alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Crimean Tatar




в (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Crimean Tatar alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Dargwa alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Dungan alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Eastern Mari




в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Eastern Mari alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (w) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Even alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (w) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Evenki alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Ingush alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Itelmen alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Kabardian alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Kalmyk alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also



Alternative scripts
Arabic ۆ
Cyrillic в
Latin v





в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Kazakh alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Khakas alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (w) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Kumyk alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also








в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Kyrgyz alphabet, called ве (ve), and written in the Cyrillic script.

Usage notes


Only used in words of foreign origin.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Lezgi alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also




Etymology 1






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Macedonian alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Etymology 2




в (v)

  1. Alternative form of во (vo)







в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Mongolian alphabet, called вэ (ve), and written in the Cyrillic script.

See also








в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Nivkh alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Northern Mansi




в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Northern Mansi alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Old Church Slavonic




в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. A letter of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, called вѣдѣ (vědě), and written in the Old Cyrillic script.

See also


Old Novgorodian




в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. A letter of the Old Novgorodian alphabet, written in the Old Cyrillic script.
    • c. 1025‒1050, Берестяная грамота № 591 [Birchbark letter no. 591]‎[1], Novgorod:
      а б в г д е ж ꙃ ꙁ [м] л н о п р с т оу ф х ц ч ш ъ ѣ ѫ ѭ у ѧ
      a b v g d je ž dz z [m] l n o p r s t u f x ć ć š ŭ jě ǫ jǫ u ję
    • c. 1160‒1180, Берестяная грамота № Свинц. 2 [Birchbark letter no. Lead 2]‎[2], Novgorod:
      а б в г д е ж ѕ ꙁ и і к
      a b v g d je ž dz z i i k
    • c. 1180‒1200, Берестяная грамота № 460 [Birchbark letter no. 460]‎[3], Novgorod:
      а б в г д е ж ꙅ ꙁ и ї к л м н о п р с т уо ѳ х ѡ ц ч ш щ ъ ѣ ѫ ю у ѧ
      a b v g d je ž dz z i i k l m n o p r s t u θ x o ć ć š ść ŭ jě ǫ ju u ję
    • c. 1200‒1220, Берестяная грамота № 778 [Birchbark letter no. 778]‎[4], Novgorod:
      а б в г д е ж ꙃ ꙁ и ї к л м н о п р с т оу ф х ѿ ц ч ш ъ ѣ ѫ ѫ ю ѧ
      a b v g d je ž dz z i i k l m n o p r s t u f x otŭ ć ć š ŭ jě ǫ ǫ ju ję
    • c. 1220‒1240, Берестяная грамота № 783 [Birchbark letter no. 783]‎[5], Novgorod:
      а б в г д е ж ѕ ꙁ
      a b v g d je ž dz z
    • c. 1240‒1260, Onfim, Берестяная грамота № 199 [Birchbark letter no. 199]‎[6], Novgorod:
      а б в г д ¦ е ж ꙅ ꙁ и и к л м н о п р с т у ѳ х ѿ ц ч ш щ ъ ꙑ [ь] ѣ ꙋ ю ѫ ѧ …
      a b v g d ¦ je ž dz z i i k l m n o p r s t u θ x otŭ ć ć š ść ŭ y [ĭ] jě u ju ǫ ję …
    • c. 1240‒1260, Onfim, Берестяная грамота № 201 [Birchbark letter no. 201]‎[7], Novgorod:
      а б : в г : д е : ж ꙅ : ꙁ и : і к : л м : н о : п р : с т : у ѳ х ѿ : ц ч : ш щ : ъ ꙑ : ь ѣ : ꙋ ю : ѫ ѧ : …
      a b : v g : d je : ž dz : z i : i k : l m : n o : p r : s t : u θ x otŭ : ć ć : š ść : ŭ y : ĭ jě : u ju : ǫ ję : …
    • c. 1240‒1260, Onfim, Берестяная грамота № 205 [Birchbark letter no. 205]‎[8], Novgorod:
      а б в г д е ж ꙅ ꙁ и і к л м н о п р с т у ѳ х отъ ц ч ш щ ъ ꙑ ь ѣ ꙋ ю ѫ ѧ
      a b v g d je ž dz z i i k l m n o p r s t u θ x otŭ ć ć š ść ŭ y ĭ jě u ju ǫ ję
    • c. 1340‒1360, Берестяная грамота № Ст. Р. 25 [Birchbark letter no. St. R. 25]‎[9], Staraya Russa:
      а б в г … н о - - - т у ѳ х [ѿ] … [ъ] - [ь] ѣ ѫ - …
      a b v g … n o - - - t u θ x [otŭ] … [ŭ] - [ĭ] jě ǫ - …
    • c. 1360‒1380, Берестяная грамота № 576 [Birchbark letter no. 576]‎[10], Novgorod:
      + а б в г д е ж ꙅ ꙁ и і к л м н о п р с т у ф х
      + a b v g d je ž dz z i i k l m n o p r s t u f x
    • c. 1380‒1400, Берестяная грамота № Ст. Р. 24 [Birchbark letter no. St. R. 24]‎[11], Staraya Russa:
      а б в г д е ж [ꙅ] ꙁ и і к л м н о п р с т у ф х [ѿ] ѡ ц ч ш щ ъ ꙑ ь ѣ ѧ
      a b v g d je ž [dz] z i i k l m n o p r s t u f x [otŭ] o ć ć š ść ŭ y ĭ jě ję





в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Orok alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also








в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Ossetian alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Pannonian Rusyn




Etymology 1




в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Pannonian Rusyn alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Etymology 2


Inherited from Old Slovak v, from Proto-Slavic *vъ(n).



в (v) (rare)

  1. to, into [with accusative]
    Synonyms: ґу (gu), до (do)
    пошол в далєки шветpošol v daljeki švethe went to a distant world
  2. in, at, on [with locative]
    Synonym: у (u)
    в родзеним краюv rodzenim krajuin the native region
Usage notes
  • Use of в (v) is now rare, and chiefly only used as an artistic choice to preserve rhythmicity.
  • Largely displaced by у (u) especially in speech, except in compounds such as всоботу (vsobotu) or вєшенї (vješenji).







в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Moldovan alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also




Etymology 1






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Russian alphabet, called вэ (), and written in the Cyrillic script.
    Alternative form: (archaic) ѵ (v)
See also



Etymology 2

PIE word

Inherited from Old East Slavic въ (), from Proto-Slavic *vъ(n), from Proto-Indo-European *h₁n̥, zero-grade form of *h₁én.

Alternative forms



  • IPA(key): [v] (before vowels and voiced consonants)
  • IPA(key): [f] (before voiceless consonants)
  • IPA(key): [və] (when pausing to think)
  • Audio:(file)



в (v)

  1. [with prepositional]
    1. (location) in, at, on
      Он в теа́треOn v teátreHe’s at (in) the theater.
  2. [with accusative]
    1. (direction) to, into
      Он идёт в теа́трOn idjót v teátrHe’s going to (into) the theater.
    2. (time) at, in, on
      в три часа́v tri časáat three o’clock
      в часа́ триv časá triat about three o'clock
      в пя́тницуv pjátnicuon Friday
    3. per
      три ра́за в деньtri ráza v denʹthree times per day
      ра́за три в деньráza tri v denʹabout three times per day
    4. (indicating aim or purpose) for, as
      сказа́ть в шу́ткуskazátʹ v šútkusay as a joke
    5. (indicating exact correspondence, equivalence) for
      оди́н в оди́нodín v odínone for one
      копе́йка в копе́йкуkopéjka v kopéjkudollar for dollar (literally, “kopeck for kopeck”)
      душа́ в ду́шуdušá v dúšuin perfect harmony (literally, “soul for soul”)
  3. [with nominative]
    1. (indicating becoming, joining) as
      идти́ в го́стиidtí v góstito visit (literally, “to go as guests”)
      идти́ в банди́тыidtí v bandítyto become a bandit/bandits (literally, “to go as bandits”)
      пойти́ в поли́тикиpojtí v polítikito enter politics (literally, “to go as politicians”)
      выйти́ в рабо́чиеvyjtí v rabóčijeto join the workforce (literally, “to exit as workers”)
      выйти́ в лю́диvyjtí v ljúdito go out (literally, “to leave as people”)
      про́чить кого-то в нача́льники (насле́дники)próčitʹ kovo-to v načálʹniki (naslédniki)to expect someone to become the boss (the heir) (literally, “to expect as bosses (heirs)”)
      уйти́ в профессиона́лыujtí v professionályto go pro/professional (literally, “to leave as professionals”)
      переквалифици́роваться в управдо́мыperekvalificírovatʹsja v upravdómyto retrain as a building superintendent
      оста́вить себя́ в зало́жникиostávitʹ sebjá v zalóžnikito become a hostage (literally, “to leave oneself as hostages”)
      вы́брать (себе́) в мужья́/жёны/супру́гиvýbratʹ (sebé) v mužʹjá/žóny/suprúgito choose a husband/wife/spouse (for oneself) (literally, “to choose (for oneself) as husbands/wives/spouses”)
      взять в жёныvzjatʹ v žónyto take as a wife
      бежа́ть в мона́хиниbežátʹ v monáxinito run away to become a nun (literally, “to flee as nuns”)
      пода́ться в бе́сыpodátʹsja v bésyto become a demon/demons (literally, “to give in as demons”)
Usage notes

Etymology 3


Abbreviation of вольт (volʹt).


  • IPA(key): [volʲt] (phonetic respelling: вольт)



в (vm inan (indeclinable)

  1. V, volt







в (lower case, upper case В, Latin spelling v)

  1. The third letter of the Serbo-Croatian alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Southern Altai




в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Southern Altai alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Tabasaran alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Tajik alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (w) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Tatar alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Tundra Nenets




в () (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Tundra Nenets alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Tuvan alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Udmurt alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






Etymology 1




в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Ukrainian alphabet, called ве (ve), and written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Etymology 2


Inherited from Old East Slavic въ (), from Proto-Slavic *vъ(n), from Proto-Indo-European *h₁n̥, zero-grade form of *h₁én.



в (v)

  1. in, at [with locative] (used to express static position/location; followed by a vowel)
  2. in, into, to [with accusative] (movement to reach a place and go inside it; followed by a vowel)
Alternative forms
  • у (followed by a consonant)





в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Uzbek alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Western Mari




в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The fourth letter of the Western Mari alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






в (v) (lower case, upper case В)

  1. The third letter of the Yakut alphabet, called вэ (ve), and written in the Cyrillic script.

See also
