The 3rd
EmpathiCH Workshop
11 May 2024 | Hawaiʻi | Hybrid
With the rapid evolution of HCI, our understanding of the human within the loop is expanding beyond traditional boundaries. The modern technological ecosystem presents opportunities to empathize not just with other humans, but also with externalized representations of self (digital avatars), sociopolitical causes via a digital landscape, collective groups identified with (or in solidarity) with an identity or cause, as well as digital and artificial interactive agents.
Empathy towards externalized representations of self and other
Empathy towards a collective experience
Empathy-centric design places empathy at the forefront of the design process. However, as the HCI community places increased emphasis on empathy-centric design, the role of the researcher in facilitating and studying these designs becomes pivotal, multifaceted and deserves scrutiny.
How can research be approached in an empathetic way?
Who guides the empathy exercise?
In HCI, empathy is often linked to perspective-taking, but it’s vital to move beyond this limited view. Empathy is a complex concept with various layers. Ethical issues arise, such as whose needs are considered and whether it’s fair. These concerns become more significant in complex situations influenced by biases. By addressing these ethical intricacies, HCI can progress towards a more inclusive and just design approach.