The GABA input switching from excitatory to inhibitory during maturation of adult-born dentate granule cells is crucial for their integration into the preexisting circuit.
Stephen Johnston, Sarah L Parylak ... Matthew Shtrahman
Future work using recombinant AAV as an experimental tool in the dentate gyrus or as a gene therapy for diseases of the central nervous system should be carefully evaluated.
Ronen Reshef, Elena Kudryavitskaya ... Raz Yirmiya
During adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb, microglia regulate the elimination (pruning), formation, and maintenance of synapses on newborn neurons, contributing to the functional integrity of the olfactory bulb circuitry.
Elizabeth D Kirby, Sandra E Muroy ... Daniela Kaufer
Exposing rats to acute stress increased the generation of new neurons in a subregion of the hippocampus, and improved the animals' performance in a memory task two weeks later.
Adult neural stem cells differ in the types of neurons they generate according to their location and new territories and genes associated with dorsal and ventral neurogenic lineages in the adult mouse brain are revealed.
Corentin Bernou, Marc-André Mouthon ... François Dominique Boussin
Characterization of an abundant clonogenic and multipotent population of immature neuroblasts, at the transition between transient-amplifying progenitor (TAP) neuroblasts and migratory neuroblasts, reversibly engaged in neuronal differentiation.
Adult neurogenesis, although happening at a slow rate in the adult brain, plays an important role in learning and memory and has the ability to powerfully modulate large scale neural networks.