(a) Workflow depicting collection and processing of LUAD samples for scRNA-seq analysis. (b) Consensus clustering based on the correlations among the 20 clusters identified through the t-distributed random neighborhood embedding (TSNE) algorithm. (c) tSNE of the 83,622 cells enrolled here, with each cell color indicating: its sample type of origin, the corresponding patient, predicted cell type, and the transcript counts. (d) Expression of marker genes for the cell types defined above each panel. (e) The proportion of each cell type in different groups and samples. (f) For each of the 8 epithelial subclusters and 43 non-epithelial clusters (left to right): the fraction of cells originating from the three groups, the fraction of cells originating from each of the nine patients, the number of cells and box plots of the number of transcripts (with plot center, box, and whiskers corresponding to the median, IQR and 1.5× IQR, respectively).