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該当件数 : 38件
In a system screen display state 105, a transmission system which is currently selected between a base station 20 and a headquarter 30, and a stand-by system are displayed. - 特許庁
The system for monitoring the electric power system has a computer equipped with a system display information output means 13 outputting system display information indicating states of devices to the outside, a system monitoring board, and a backup display device displaying the system display information when the system monitoring board is failed. - 特許庁
A determining means 16 for starting a reserved system determines, when an accident detecting means 11 detects occurrence of an accident in the service electronic system, whether electric power can be supplied from a reserve electronic system to the service electronic system, and if the supplying of electricity is determined as being possible, electric power is supplied instantaneously from the reserve electronic system to the service electronic system. - 特許庁
A mixing changeover device 17 mixes and switches to output signals of each operating system and the standby system and provides an output to a CATV network 20. - 特許庁
To use only one auxiliary heat source unit to handle failures in heat source units of an arbitrary system. - 特許庁
来月、当ビルの電気系統の点検があるので予備電源を確保したいと考えています。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加
I'd like to have an emergency power supply because there will be an electrical maintenance for this building next month.発音を聞く - Weblio Email例文集
The controller 18 monitors the operating state of the devices of each operating system and instructs the mixing changeover device 17 to replace a faulty operating system with the standby system when a fault takes place in any device. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 38件
Subsequently, a priority channel configuring section 36 updates the priority of the spare channel (S20), replaces the main system and the subsystem (S22), and begins reception and decoding of the spare channel (S24). - 特許庁
The head end device comprises; #1 to #8 operating systems each comprising a front end unit 14, a multiplexer 15, and a QAM modulator 16; a #B.U standby system of the similar configuration to that of the operating systems; and a controller 18 for applying supervisory control to an operating state of devices of each system. - 特許庁
In a case that abnormalities occur in any of the signal transmission devices in the main transmission route and any of the signal transmission devices in the preliminary transmission route, the central supervisory controllers 10-1 and 10-2 bring the emergency transmission medium 71 into a connected state between any of normal signal transmission devices in the main transmission route and any of normal signal transmission devices in the preliminary transmission route. - 特許庁
fire on objectives not in the immediate vicinity of your forces but with the objective of destroying enemy reserves and weapons and interfering with the enemy command and supply and communications発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
To allow maintenance of a cooling system without stopping an underground substation even if the underground substation has no auxiliary cooling system. - 特許庁
To provide a head end device capable of instantaneously selecting a standby system in the unit of QAM channels on the occurrence of abnormity/ fault. - 特許庁
Duplication means 11 in a power consumption-side device 10 comprises two systems, an active system device and a standby system device. - 特許庁
A clock signal CLK1 or CLK2 is selected without discontinuity by verifying phases of clock selection enable signals EN1, EN2 of two systems supplied from two systems of clock signal sources with an active/standby system configuration. - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (38件) |
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