意味 | 例文 (13件) |
英訳・英語 take a vote on
該当件数 : 13件
take a vote on the motion - Eゲイト英和辞典
They voted that the publication of the journal (should) be continued.発音を聞く - 研究社 新英和中辞典
The Nullity Division shall deliberate and vote in camera.発音を聞く - 特許庁
He shall take part in the vote like any other member of the board.発音を聞く - 特許庁
The chairman shall determine the questions and the order in which they are put to a vote.発音を聞く - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
該当件数 : 13件
Otherwise an entry regarding the vote signed by all members of the board shall be sufficient.発音を聞く - 特許庁
The electronic slip settlement system settles a slip to be made into electronic data. - 特許庁
(5) 関係する決定を下す際,審判部の構成員は独立の存在であり,命令又はその他の影響力に服することがあってはならない。決定は,単純過半数の票決により下すものとする。事件の審理に参加した審判部の構成員は,票決を棄権する権利を有さない。例文帳に追加
(5) Upon taking the relevant decision, the members of the Board of Appeal shall be independent and shall not be subject to orders or any other influence. The decisions shall be taken by a simple majority vote. The member of the Board of Appeal, which has participated in the review of the case, does not have the right to abstain from voting. - 特許庁
To provide an electronic slip settlement system with excellent usability and capable of enhancing work efficiency even when an electronic slip is issued and when the electronic slip is settled. - 特許庁
(8) (1)から(3)までにいう権利は,特別規則によって守秘されている出願及び特許,票決に関する記録,並びに補足的注記又は決定,評価若しくは見解の草案を含むファイルの部分については主張することができない。例文帳に追加
(8) Rights pursuant to Subsections (1) to (3) shall not be claimed in relation to the applications and patents kept confidential according to the special regulation to the record on voting and to those parts of the file containing ancillary notes or draft versions of decisions or other correspondence. - 特許庁
(1) 部の決定は,審議及び投票に基づいて行われる。これに関しては,法によって規定された数の部構成員のみが参加することができる。審議及び票決の間は,前記の部構成員の他には,連邦特許裁判所の研修生のみが出席することができるが,これについては,裁判長がそれらの者の出席を許可することを条件とする。例文帳に追加
(1) Decisions in the boards shall be made on the basis of deliberation and the taking of votes. In this respect, only the number of members of the boards prescribed by law may participate. During the deliberation and voting there may be present, in addition to the members of the boards, only persons occupied at the Patent Court for training purposes, provided that the presiding judge permits them to be present.発音を聞く - 特許庁
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