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英訳・英語 Supreme Court of Korea
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In 1193, he prayed for the safe delivery of Gishumon-in, and was appointed Dento Daihosshii.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
At that time, the station was available only to group passengers attending "Daihoe," the great Buddhist memorial service at either Nishi Hongan-ji Temple or Chion-in Temple.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
5人のインディアンの少年が 法律に夢中になった ひとりが大法院に入り 4人になった例文帳に追加
Five little indian boys going in for law now one got in chancery and then there were four. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Ennen is a Japanese art which was performed by monks and chigo (child in a Buddhist possession) at temples after Daihoe (great Buddhist memorial service).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
伊藤真乗(修行時代の僧名「天晴(てんせい)」=上醍醐の行場では『あっぱれさん』とよばれていたらしい)は、醍醐修験部(当山派正統法脈)に伝承の在家法流の行を修めた後(昭和14年秋1939)、さらに本宗部の大法受法に臨み、醍醐寺伝承の出家法流「三宝院流」を履修し畢えて、昭和18年春(1943)、「伝燈大阿闍梨 金剛院真乗」となった。例文帳に追加
Shinjo ITO whose monk name when he was learning was Tensei, but he seemed to be called "Apparesan" in the gyoba of Kami-Daigo (the upper part of Daigo) after he finished learning the traditional Buddhist teachings of lay believers at the Daigo training place (orthodox dharma lineage of the Tozan school) in 1939; furthermore, he tried to learn 大法受法 of the Honshu department, and he became 伝燈大阿闍梨 金剛院真乗 in 1943 after finishing traditional system of teaching when entering into priesthood of Daigo-ji Temple, 'Sanpoin-ryu.'発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In May, 1889 before the publication, the British Law Hogakushi-kai Association consisting of graduates from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law presented "Hoten Hensan ni Kansuru Ikensho (written opinions on Compiling Legal Codes" in its spring assembly and decided that they should appeal to the Cabinet and the Sumitsu-in (Privy Council) to correct rapid compilation of legal codes.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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Weblio例文辞書での「大法院」に類似した例文 |
a government's legislative house called 'rippo-in'
a law called the {Court Organization Act}
該当件数 : 10件
The guidelines in the KIPO are made based on the leading case of the Supreme Court of Korea, and clearly state that the product itself manufactured by the process described in the claims has to be compared with the prior art in assessing its inventive step.発音を聞く - 特許庁
ここで、発明が先行技術と比べて実質的に同一である場合とは、新たな効果が生じず、課題解決のための具体的手段が周知・慣用技術の単なる付加、転換、削除等であって、発明間の相違が発明の技術的概念に実質的な影響を及ぼさない場合をいう(大法院2 00 3 . 2 . 2 6言渡2 00 1 フ1624判決)。例文帳に追加
“The substantially identical invention compared with prior arts” means that there is no newly produced effect, since the difference in the concrete means for solving problems is caused by mere addition, conversion or deletion of well-known or commonly used arts and the difference between the claimed invention and the cited invention does not practically affect the technical idea of the claimed invention (Case No. 2001Hu1624 (Supreme Court, 26 Feb. 2003)).発音を聞く - 特許庁
主題が先行技術又は開示された発明の上位概念として記載されていて、先行技術が特許発明に構成される下位概念を開示していない場合、当業者が開示された発明から特許発明を容易に導き出せるとしても、上記の上位概念を有する下位概念のみから構成される特許発明が発明の予期しない効果を含むと認めるのは困難なため、出願前に開示された発明と特許発明が同一であるとすることがでず、発明は新規性を有すると判断される(大法院、2002 12.26言渡2001フ2375判決)。例文帳に追加
Where the subject matter is described as a generic concept in a prior art or disclosed invention and the prior art does not specifically disclose the specific concepts which the patented invention comprises, even though a person skilled in the art can easily derive the patented invention from the disclosed invention, since it is hard to recognize that a patented invention consisting only of specific concepts including the above-mentioned generic concept contains unexpected effects of the invention, the invention shall be considered to involve novelty since the patented invention cannot be deemed to be the same with the disclosed invention before filing the application (Case No. 2001Hu2375 (Supreme Court, 26 Dec. 2002)).発音を聞く - 特許庁
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