英訳・英語 disobedience、noncompliance
該当件数 : 6件
the devices by which unenlightened men preserved the unjust social order発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
(2) 当該申請は,期限の不順守の理由がなくなってから2月以内に書面によって提出しなければならない。懈怠した行為は,この期間内に実行しなければならない。当該申請書は,不順守期限の満了の翌年中に限り,受理される。例文帳に追加
2. The application must be filed in writing within two months from the removal of the cause of non-compliance with the time limit. The omitted act must be completed within this period. The application shall only be admissible within the year immediately following the expiry of the unobserved time limit. - 特許庁
Provided that this sub-section shall not apply when the Registrar is satisfied that compliance therewith would involve undue complexity and that the addition or antedating, as the case may be, would not affect any substantial quantity of goods or services and would not substantially prejudice the rights of any person.発音を聞く - 特許庁
The invention relates to methods, kits, and compositions of delivering a therapeutically effective amount of drug over a long time period for treating patients with nervous system disorders (especially, psychotic disorders) who are uncertain of adhering to medication regimens. - 特許庁
(1) 状況が必要とする相応な注意をすべて払ったにも拘らず庁に対して期限を順守できなかった特許出願人又は特許権者は,当該不順守が,法律により,特許出願若しくは請求の拒絶,特許出願のみなし取下,又は当該特許の取消,又は他の救済の権利若しくは手段の喪失を引き起こした直接の結果である場合は,申請によって,その者の権利を回復させるものとする。例文帳に追加
1. The owner of a patent application or of a patent who, in spite of all due care required by the circumstances having been taken, was unable to observe a time limit vis-a-vis the Service shall, upon application, have his rights re-established if the non-observance in question has the direct consequence, by virtue of the law, of causing the refusal of the patent application or of a request or the deeming of the patent application to have been withdrawn or the revocation of the patent or the loss of any other right or means of redress. - 特許庁
The provisions of the Act on Inventions, Industrial Designs and Rationalisation Proposals shall apply mutatis mutandis to right in utility models, joint ownership relations, registration of utility model licence agreements, assignment of utility models, relations with foreign countries, representation in proceedings before the Office, stay of proceedings, excusing failure to comply with deadline, inspection of documents, declaratory judgements, registration of utility models kept secret under special regulations, appeal proceedings, infringement of rights and the right of the information and for granting of compulsory licences.発音を聞く - 特許庁
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