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regional allowanceとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 地域給
「regional allowance」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 1件
To finance these costs related to the Great East Japan Earthquake, we plan to reduce other expenditures by just over 3,700 billion yen, consisting of a 208.3 billion yen reduction in child allowance, a reduction of 100.0 billion yen in the cost of promoting smoother road traffic accompanying a temporary freeze on the pilot program to eliminate expressway tolls, a reduction of 2,489.7 billion yen in government financial contributions to basic pensions transferred to the Pension Special Account and others, a reduction of 50.0 billion yen in amounts carried forward to the Measures for Energy Special Account accompanying the use of capital for development of adjacent areas, a reduction of 50.1 billion yen in Official Development Assistance, etc., a reduction of 2.2 billion yen in Dietmembers’ salaries, and a reduction of 810.0 billion yen in the Contingency Reserve for Economic Crisis Response and Regional Revitalization.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
これらの東日本大震災関係の歳出を賄うため、三兆七千億円余の歳出の減額を行うこととしており、その内訳は、子ども手当の減額二千八十三億円、高速道路の原則無料化社会実験の一時凍結に伴う道路交通円滑化推進費の減額千億円、基礎年金国庫負担の年金特別会計への繰入の減額等二兆四千八百九十七億円、周辺地域整備資金の活用に伴うエネルギー対策特別会計への繰入の減額五百億円、政府開発援助等の減額五百一億円、議員歳費の減額二十二億円、経済危機対応・地域活性化予備費の減額八千百億円となっております。 - 財務省
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