意味 |
rebinding stateとは 意味・読み方・使い方
マイクロソフト用語集での「rebinding state」の意味 |
rebinding state
対訳 再バインド状態
A state used by DHCP clients to extend and renew their address lease when the current lease is close to expiring. In this state, the client broadcasts to the network to locate any DHCP server that can either renew or replace its currently leased configuration. The rebinding state begins when 87.5 percent of the client`s lease time has elapsed.
意味 |
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Weblio会員(無料)になると 検索履歴を保存できる! 語彙力診断の実施回数増加! |
rebinding state
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Weblio会員(無料)になると 検索履歴を保存できる! 語彙力診断の実施回数増加! |