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labor supply-demand systemとは 意味・読み方・使い方
「labor supply-demand system」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 3件
Macroeconomic stabilization and liberalization of the economy are no doubt necessary but not sufficient to achieve economic development. It is imperative to build the environment that helps strengthen competitiveness. In fact, without going through institutional reforms, no country can make progress in economic development. These institutional reforms include building a financial system that allows for efficient use of private capital, and establishing a flexible labor market that efficiently links demand and supply of the labor force, fostering innovative entrepreneurship and creating more credible and transparent government.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
このことは、アルゼンティンのみならず、域内の多くの国にあてはまることです。 - 財務省
According to the system in Canada, skilled human resources are evaluated as “professional or skilled” workers, and for other areas, foreign workers are accepted in accordance with demand and supply on the labor market to prevent any mismatch, and this system is considered generally reputable.例文帳に追加
同国の制度においては、高度人材については、「専門的・技術的」な人材を絞り込むための審査を行い、その他の分野では、労働需給の状況に対応した受入れを行うことで、ミスマッチを防いでおり、おおむね評価の高い制度とされている。 - 経済産業省
It is also accepting the medium and low-skilled workers it currently needs to fill the labor force supply and demand gap through a quota system (quantitative allocation with a time limit) after asking major employers, employer’s associations, and the like what quality and quantity of human resources they require.例文帳に追加
当面の労働力需給ギャップを埋める中度・低熟練労働者については、大手雇用主や経営者団体等から必要な人材の質と量を聴取した上で、クォーター・システム(期限付きの数量割当)による受入れを行っている。 - 経済産業省
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