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Wiktionary英語版での「lackless」の意味 |
語源 1
From Middle English lackles, lakles, lacles, equivalent to lack + -less.
lackless (not comparable)
- (rare) Devoid of lack.
- 2012, Alessia Ricciardi, After La Dolce Vita: A Cultural Prehistory of Berlusconi's Italy:
- Fellini argues in Ginger and Fred that the rise of Italian commercial TV promotes an unself-conscious culture of narcissism, a space that is all image and no interiority and that corresponds to a mode of desire at once subjectless and lackless. The cinema, even in the form of Hollywood productions such as, say, the musicals of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, encourages a positive desire that originates in loss and lack; television, according to Fellini's view, represents a realm saturated by advertising and the ambient noise of mass culture, a lackless universe in which the subject does not desire so much as renounce any principle ofidentity per se in a crescendo of nihilism.
語源 2
Probably a special development of the above, influenced by luckless.
lackless (comparative more lackless, superlative most lackless)
- hapless; unfortunate
- 1913, Albert J. Roof, Past and Present of Livingston County, Missouri:
- Courts martial convened at the courthouse quite frequently for the trial of offenders against the militia law, and many a lackless delinquent was fined for his non-attendance at drills or musters, or for other offenses.
- 1915, The Reformatory Press, volume 17, page 51:
- John Doe with gifts was richly blessed; he might have distanced all the rest, had fortune kindly been; but fortune put the kibosh on the efforts of the lackless John, and never won a grin. I wonder why an Edgar Poe found life a wilderness of woe, and starved in garrets bare, while bards who cannot sing for prunes eat costly grub from golden spoons, and purple raiment wear.
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