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infant formulæの英語
Wiktionary英語版での「infant formulæ」の英訳 |
infant formulæ
infant formulæ
- plural of infant formula
- 1962, Indian Dairyman: Journal of the Indian Dairy Science Association, page 199:
- “The use of so-called ‘filled milk’ (skimmed cow’s milk with vegetable fats または oils added) is increasing, particularly in economically underdeveloped countries. It is, however, important that infant formulæ based on this milk be made in the proper way,” said Dr. Gyorgy.
- 1965, Journal Mondial de Pharmacie, page 225:
- For milk, milk products and infant formulæ there will be a limitation of 400 U.S.P. units per quart.
- 1971, The Medical Journal of Australia, page 707:
- In these are details of sedation of infants, and methods of sterilization of bottles and infant formulæ.
- 1988, James William Walters, editor, Bioethics Today: A New Ethical Vision, Loma Linda University Press, page 96:
- The spray can and the word processor have effectively challenged the world’s Wall Streets and Madison Avenues to regulate the international marketing of pharmaceuticals and infant formulæ.
- 1989, New Home Economics, page 3:
- Most of the soya based infant formulæ on the market include products that are unacceptable to vegans. […] Processed foods are to be avoided, therefore if the infant cannot be breast fed, soya based infant formulæ (which come in cans) will be taboo.
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