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Wiktionary英語版での「hooker-in」の意味 |
hooker-in (複数形 hookers-in)
- (archaic) A person hired to bring customers into a store.
- 1843, “Commercial Solicitors”, in The North of England Magazine, volume II, number XVI, page 419:
- These gentlemen are Hookers-in; or, as they more euphoniously style themselves, Commercial Solicitors. Their employers are the country trade merchants of Manchester; their duty is to stand at the door of their respective warehouses "from morn till dewy eve," there to take forcible possession of each and every passenger who may have the outward semblance of a country draper, or other consumer of Manchester goods, and to drag him into the establishment whose interest they have the honour to represent. […] Let it not be imagined that a hooker-in is a disreputable character—generally speaking he is quite the reverse.
- 1854, Charles Dickens, “A Manchester Warehouse”, in Household Words, volume XXV, page 399:
- […] let us observe that the method of business at some of the second-rate houses is not always so straightforward. Many descend to the petty expedient of employing touters (hookers in, they are called), who frequent the railway stations and the coffee-rooms of inns, and hook in the unwary draper to their employers' dens. […] When the honest country draper meets with a hooker-in, when he is hooked by the button-hole on the railway platform, he had better beware.
- 1938, George Burton Hotchkiss, Milestones of Marketing: A Brief History of the Evolution of Market Distribution, page 156:
- Then arose, early in the nineteenth century, a curious class of independent salesmen known as "hookers-in." These were employed by the textile warehouses of manufacturers and merchants to bring in new customers
該当件数 : 17件
I'm lost in the woods with a grumpy hooker. let's go.例文帳に追加
不機嫌な娼婦と森で迷子になるなんて 行きましょう - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
And here he's gonna get killed in the name of a dead hooker.例文帳に追加
死んだ娼婦の名のために 奴は殺されるのだ - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
A hooker called in some gunshots, but didn't actually see the shooter.例文帳に追加
売春婦が銃声を聞いたらしい だけど撃った奴は見ていないって - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
I'm the person who's not telling your wife that you're in a hotel room waiting for a hooker.例文帳に追加
あなたがホテルに女を呼んでるって 奥さんに話そうか迷ってる者よ - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Lori and I just need a little space right now plus, a hooker took a shit in out apartment oh god what?例文帳に追加
ローリと僕は ちょっと場所が要るんだ それに 娼婦共が アパートで糞をした ひどい - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
You smell like a dead hooker that washed up on the beach... then roasted in the sun for a week before anybody found her body.例文帳に追加
ビーチに流れ着いた 死んだ売春婦の匂いがするわ そして死体発見前に 一週間日干しにされた - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
該当件数 : 17件
To provide a convenient hooker type headrest for automobile, wherein a hanger is hooked by using the headrest and does get in the way in use of a seat.例文帳に追加
自動車のヘッドレストを利用してハンガーを掛けることができ、座席の使用時には邪魔にならず、使い勝手の良いフック掛け可能な自動車のヘッドレスト装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
in the American Civil War (1863) the Union armies of Hooker, Thomas, and Sherman under the command of Ulysses S. Grant won a decisive victory over the Confederate Army under Braxton Bragg発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
南北戦争中(1863年)にユリシーズ・グラント指揮下でフッカー、トーマス、シャーマンが率いる北軍がブラグストン・ブラッグ率いる南軍を破り決定的勝利を得た - 日本語WordNet
The hot plug script 'hotplug' calls a hook program 'hooker' after executing prescribed processing described in the hot plug script 'hotplug' itself, when the call is executed.例文帳に追加
ホットプラグスクリプトhotplugは、呼び出しが行われたとき、そのホットプラグスクリプトhotplug自身に記述されている所定の処理を実行したのち、フックプログラムhookerを呼び出す。 - 特許庁
When an argument showing a reception request is received from an application B, information related with the data DT is transmitted to a hooker 320 in a space B, and a completion code indicating the completion of transfer is communicated to the application A.例文帳に追加
アプリケーションBから受信要求を表す引数を受信した場合は、データDTに関する情報を空間Bのフッカ320に送信するとともにアプリケーションAに引き渡し完了を表す完了コードを通知する。 - 特許庁
When a face plate 4 is arranged in a perpendicular posture and other illumination enters an indication body 6 to make the ambiguity of indication, a hooker 15 is depressed against the urging force of an urging mechanism 17 by an adequate tool.例文帳に追加
表板4を鉛直姿勢に配置した場合に他の照明が表示体6に映り込んで表示が不明瞭になるときに、適宜な工具によって付勢機構17の付勢力に抗して掛止子15を押し下げる。 - 特許庁
An argument showing the transmission request of data DT is received from a space A where an application A is operated through a hooker 120, and the data DT are preserved in a real data preserving area 213.例文帳に追加
アプリケーションAが稼働する空間Aからフッカ120を介してデータDTの送信要求を表す引数を受信し、そのデータDTを実データ保存領域213に保存しておく。 - 特許庁
There is a current formed, which draws the flame out—for the flame which you see is really drawn out by the current, and drawn upward to a great height—just as Hooker has here shewn you by that prolongation of the current in the diagram.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
気流ができて、それが炎を外側に引き出します――みんなの見ている炎は、実はその気流のおかげで引き出されて、さらにはかなりの高さまで引き上げられているわけです――まさにフッカーが、この図で気流がのびている様子を描いていますが、この通りです。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』
Here is a candle: I am about to put the end of this glass tube into the middle of the flame—into that part which old Hooker has represented in the diagram as being rather dark, and which you can see at any time, if you will look at a candle carefully, without blowing it about.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
ここにロウソクがあります。このガラス管のはしっこを、炎の真ん中につっこみます――老フッカーの図で、かなり暗く書かれているところですね。あまり息をかけたりしないで、注意深くロウソクを観察すれば、いつでも見える部分です。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』
意味 | 例文 (17件) |
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